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Everything posted by Lephys

  1. For what it's worth, people have mentioned, aplenty, that Divinity's Kickstarter campaign only raised a million, and that "look how great it looks with just a mil! I'm disappointed in PoE!". Then, other people have jumped in to clarify that that wasn't their entire budget for the game, but was only a supplement to what they had already spent on the game. I don't think anyone posted anything about exactly how much their budget really was, but the same general idea has been mentioned before, in various threads. 8P
  2. I'm really a fan of all types, in moderation. Often, though, in these games, it's either far too forced or overly done. Serious business, serious business, serious business... SUPER SILLY SOMETHING... serious business... serious business... It feels really unnatural like that. It needs to be stitched into the rest of the fabric, not just hot-glued on in random spots (or in EVERY spot so long as a certain character is around).
  3. Understandable. But, as I said, I could've sworn they addressed this shortly after the backer portal launched. People pointed it out quickly, I know that, and I think they said "Yeah, some things are missing in that list. Oops. We'll get that fixed." I'm fairly certain that "retail" is basically just taking the place of "physical" here, since physical-and-not-digital versions of things are the versions typically associated with retail distribution (you don't need trucks to distribute digital game codes). I'm sure they'll clear it up in their email response, and I'm not saying "just don't even wonder about it anymore." But, I encourage you not to overly worry that you're getting some Bizarro tier or something.
  4. You know what would be kind of great? If a Druid got a plant-hybrid form. Just like a big briar-golem or something.
  5. So you are ko-bold... but are you also... ko-daring? *eyebrow raise* 6_u There will be skeletons in PoE, right? Somewhere? If so, I'd imagine that lopping off their arms would be pretty... humerus? 6_u *resumes hammering away at his forge*
  6. I'm pretty sure the retail collector's edition IS the boxed version. Is it not? They're just using a different term, but I don't think there are multiple physical versions of the collector's edition. I could be mistaken.
  7. Well, it's not as if they just spent 100% effort on getting Windows going, and now that that's at beta, they're cracking their knuckles to get started on the other platforms. Didn't the update say it should be ready within a couple of weeks, if not sooner? I don't see what good it does to delay one version JUST so they both come out at the same time. And yeah, they probably do Windows first, because the majority of users are still using it. That's not personal bias. That's just objectivity. Unfortunately, we are all subject to time, and cannot do several things simultaneously. Thus, things happen in chronological order. Such is life. Because it's a beta, and not a demo. A demo is just a segment of a game, so that you can try part of it. a Beta is specifically a not-yet-complete version of the game distributed for the purposes of collecting useful data towards the completion and polishing of that game. No one ever said a beta has to be the whole game, just early and with bugs. Just because most "betas" tend to be "early access" or demos doesn't mean that's what a beta is. Besides, with a game like this, there are parts that don't really need as much testing as others. You don't really need thousands of people to play-test a narrative. You need them to playtest the mechanics. The "If you say this, then this happens" switches and such are relatively passive. There's not a lot of dynamic stuff going on with "if this, then this" dialogue responses and "cinematic" story events, etc. They need testing, sure, but not as much.
  8. I still think it would be awesome to have stages of visibility tied into stuff like darkness and infra/low-light vision. I mean, if it was really dark, but you could see a little, you'd be able to see a shadowy form moving and attacking you, and you could fight it, but you wouldn't be able to make out all the details. So, on-screen, this could amount to basically a shadowy humanoid/creature-oid figure (whatever general form the foe has) fighting you, with unspecified armor/health/etc. ratings (where such things are known/visible/presented to the player). Thus, having night-vision and all that would actually affect more than simply whether or not the player can visually detect a foe. It's not as if things go from practically invisible (darkness) to fully-detailed.
  9. In the Elder Scrolls, this also affected their magical capabilities. It could very well be that they just wanted Redguards to be less magically inclined. So, yeah, it is awkward... that in that stat system, you can't have a lot of intelligence and willpower and be magically disinclined. I dunno, maybe the people at Bethesda are huge racists. I'm not going to assume that, though, because I have no idea what their intentions were there. I can only consider the possibilities, instead of just one of them.
  10. See, if we can find a similarity between those orcs and a real-life group, then clearly the Elder Scrolls lore is purposely equating that real-life group with puke, u_u...
  11. Hmmm... I remember that just after the Portal launched, there were apparently a few missing tidbits on the pledge tier reward descriptions, but I thought they got those ironed out. It's funny, though... I was actually just wondering the exact same thing (about the same pledge level, even); "What exactly comes in my tier?"
  12. I'm sure contacting support would be helpful. I was just trying to see if we couldn't happen to figure out a simple solution before you had to contact them and wait on that to be processed, since it seems like a simple problem is present (even though it might not be as simple as it seems). For what it's worth, my page lists "Previously used" (with a little checkbox in front of it) in the "status" box, beside my pledge, and my "Total Credit Available" at the bottom right shows "$0.00." I think if your total credit available is greater than 0, then your pledge is still just pledge credit, and hasn't been officially applied towards a verified order. You have to go through a confirmation process in order to do all that. (There's some sort of "Confirm" button or something... I can't remember, since mine's already confirmed now and that option doesn't seem to be displayed anymore.) Anywho, hopefully something in that is helpful. But, as I said, I'm sure support can help you out much better than I can,
  13. Not that the world would end if its name were changed, but I think "stamina" does the job just fine. It's basically your immediate reserve of energy, with which to move your muscles, etc. Fatigue is just negative stamina, so changing it to fatigue doesn't really accomplish much. That would be like renaming "Health" to "Death," and having it start at 0, and build up until it hits 100, at which point you're dead. Doesn't really make the functional representation any clearer.
  14. ^ I guess I'm not sure what you expected from a class called "Ranger." 8P Also, I wouldn't really say pigeon-holed. Range is just their forte, is all. I don't think they completely suck at melee. They just aren't as potentially effective with melee as they are with range.
  15. I don't think people are worried about someone else possibly making a choice they wouldn't. I think it's more about making sure that choice isn't lacking in sufficient consequences, as the relationship between consequences and choices is one of the most powerful core concepts of RPGs.
  16. Maybe your character was terrible at conversation?
  17. It sounds as though your pledge hasn't yet been confirmed (even if you've already gone through the steps to confirm it). If you log into the portal, then click "Manage my pledge," is there anything listed there? I would double check that.
  18. @Ark Evensong: In the words of Captain Planet, "The POW-ER (to decide) is YOURS!"
  19. I really apologize. While I'm quite fond of them, myself, I try to administer them in small doses, spread out over time. Early in this thread, though, I seem to have dropped a snowball down the side of a snow-covered mountain. I cannot stop it. Resistance is futile! O_O Also... does this mode result in gigantic lettuce crops? 6_u (Couldn't resist)
  20. *raises glass*... Here's to hoping the beta feedback doesn't too much resemble microphone feedback.
  21. I realize that. That's why I tried to specify that it's not really that we get to decide whether or not what we said is racist. Not in the potential meaning of that, anyway. But, rather, the meaning of what we say is what makes it racist. Not simply what is said or done. People make a lot of assumptions. You're white, and someone who just happens to be black goes to touch you, and you shy away? OBVIOUSLY RACIST! Orrrr, you've just got issues with touching people, no matter their ethnicity. Jumping to conclusions never helps things. That's my only point. Coincidences do exist, aplenty, and pegging every coincidence as definitely racism is silly, and not at all productive. I agree. However, I would still say that something's not racist just because it isn't pleasant to hear. It would still be common courtesy, though, to perhaps avoid specific words or subjects, simply because they're causing someone a lot of pain or emotional stress. Or, to put it another way, just because you're not being racist doesn't mean you're not being inconsiderate. Basically, the two most common misconceptions I notice are the "merely noting unique characteristics of an individual IS racism" notion and the "If you design something that happens to have a trait in common with a real-life culture or ethnicity, then there's automatically an intentional parallel." Well, really, there's a third, most noteworthy on the internet, it would seem (because of how word spreads, etc.): The "lots of people started deciding to use some random word in a derogatory fashion against a particular group, so now if you say that word, you're racist." Stuff like that. I'm not saying there's no way to be racist, or anything of the sort. But, just like it's worth considering that what you're saying/doing might be inadvertently racist, I think it's very much worth considering that what someone's doing might NOT be racist, instead of just jumping to conclusions based on coincidences.
  22. Bryy, there's a decent chance that the Cyborg prestige class will be available before you die, as long as you have enough gold as a pre-requisite.
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