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Everything posted by Lephys

  1. ^ I understand what you're saying, but the main issue was that there were actually some tiers that did not have any digital key whatsoever. SO, because we're having to wait on the physical game disc (which goes against their initial plans), they wanted to make sure that people who were waiting on that to play it had at least 1 digital key they could use if they so choose. I'm in your boat, only with less-specific plans. I've got friends who enjoy the type of games I often get to Kickstart, but can't really afford to get them at the time, etc. So, whenever I kickstart a game and it comes with a digital key, I just plan to give it to someone else. So, I can't use my digital key to play the game while I wait on my disc, unless I then give the disc away, I guess. *shrug* Anywho, I understand your frustration, but it wasn't really that anyone was owed an extra key. At the same time, as you say, the DRM-free disc could simply be installed on both computers... IF we had it in our possession today. So... *shrug*. But, at the same time, you're not really supposed to use a single game disc to give 17 friends the game or anything, so just freely giving everyone extra keys is not quite the same thing. BUT, at the same time, it does seem a little strange not to simply count every physical copy as a copy that's not usable for a couple weeks, and say "every instance of the game that cannot be used on day 1 gets a key to make up for that." Even if it was just the base game, and no extras/goodies. Just something to take the place of the disc, until we get it. That does make a lot of sense.
  2. Look at all the options available to you. You may have to use other people in a slightly different fashion, in order to hinder or impede those "adds" from getting all the way to your backline people. As others pointed out, anyone can "engage" anyone else, so if you have more melee folk than just your main Dwarf Paladin, you may want to send them up to help with the blockade, . How big's your party, total? If you have 3 or 4 ranged people, you might want to think about having one or two of them use a melee weapon set (or even a shield or something, even if they're not awesomely accurate/damaging with melee weapons, just to hold targets at bay) and engage some folks in support of your Paladin, just until you drop a few foes. Then, when you've thinned their numbers a bit, just have them whip bows back out and fire away. *shrug*
  3. ^ @Stryker: They gave everyone with a physical-copy reward tier that didn't already come with at least 1 digital key, an "extra" digital key. For each individual tier/package you paid for, you should have at least 1 digital key. So, if it already came with 1, you get no extra ones. If it came with less than 1, you get 1. I'm not quite clear on what the status of your backing/packages is. Are you suggesting that you backed 1 tier/package for a total of 2 keys (the physical box/disc and the 1 digital key)? If so, then you only get those 2. You don't get another key. Now, if you're saying that you backed for one physical copy tier/package, and then, separately, a digital-only tier/package, then yes, the physical-copy should have an accompanying digital key, THEN you'd have the totally-separate digital copy from its own tier/package, bringing your total number of game copies to 1 physical copy and 2 digital copies. Does that make sense? If you're missing something, I'd contact support. I realize it's inconvenient to have to wait on a response from them, but you've got to understand how much stuff they've got going on right now, and they didn't exactly raise enough money to hire 75,000 backers worth of extra support people for like a week. I'm sure they're working as fast as they can to get things like this straightened out. So, just contact them to make sure they're aware of it, if you're actually missing a key.
  4. I'm even more surprised that we don't already have a Warrior of the Obsidian Order, (even more than "Hero"). @JFSOCC, I'm not sure how that stuff was supposed to go down, in terms of in-game/credits references. Did you get a survey in the Backer Portal asking for a name/nickname for such?
  5. ^ Everyone who got a physical copy gets a digital copy at the very least. If your original tier/package listed ONLY a physical copy and no digital copy, then you get an "extra"/free digital copy, bringing your number of digital copies up to 1. If you already got a digital copy in whatever tier/package you paid for, you get no extra digital copies. The whole purpose of the "extra" copy was to make sure people who happened to have physical-copy-tiers also got a digital copy to be able to play on day 1. It was not to arbitrarily give everyone a free extra copy on top of whatever they already got.
  6. I hope you redeemed that key already, Voodootissue. 8P 'Cause now everyone has it.
  7. This is copied straight from the Kickstarter page: It's clearly telling you that you get a physical/boxed copy and a digital copy, which add up to 2 total copies. For anyone "expecting" two copies, I'm baffled by this. I can understand thinking "Oh, maybe that means I get two copies?", then asking about that to find out for sure. *shrug*
  8. You should be seeing something at this point. If you have the retail collector's edition tier (from the a Kickstarter pledge, I'm assuming?), then that's the same tier I have, and I see a Royal Edition Key in my products page. Are you certain your order has been finalized in the pledge management section? Is anything listed as "shipped" as far as physical goods go?
  9. I believe it releases at a single point in time throughout the world, yes. The only delayed thing outside the US will be the fulfillment of Kickstarter physical goods.
  10. Just because it's from something else doesn't mean it isn't still also from Dragon Age. Phonetically. And, for what it's worth, I knew the spelling was double-n. I just... I couldn't resist the joke, dammit! T___T My name is Lephys, and I have a problem...
  11. Me too, actually. I've been checking all new title requests against the existing list, and I kinda went "Uh oh..." when I saw "Hero" on that one, heh. Then an astonished "phew..." when it wasn't already taken, @KingsGambit, The survey response goes straight to Obsidian for the purposes of in-game Obsidian Order reference, methinks. Dunno if there's gonna be a memorial stone or what... But, I don't see why you couldn't get a different title for the forum, so long as it isn't currently taken, since it's just a hand-assigned forum title. Note: I am actually an android, though. Tricked you into thinking I was human, MUAHAHAHAHA!
  12. You forgot the most important thing: The plural of "godlike" should be "godlike," not "godlikes." That is all, u_u
  13. He lacked the Mechanics skill rating necessary to pick it, u_u...
  14. So much for that thread pre-emptively assuming Obsidian had abandoned its Kickstarter communications. 8P Obviously, they weren't going to put this update up, until someone said something. Then, at that moment, the whole team said "Oh no! They're right! We SHOULD make another update!!!" Here's to a splendid release in the morning, *tink*
  15. But it's phonetically the same! Someone obviously isn't well-versed in the art of Advanced Wordplay, u_u...
  16. Oh noes! I think I'm suffering medical symptoms from lack of playing PoE! I'm a hype-o-chondriac! 6_u
  17. Are you suggesting we make him a Dragon-Age-lore nobleman?
  18. Hehe. Pssh... I'll do you one better. When I was 5, we had to use NINE 3 1/2" diskettes to install King's Quest 6. And execute it from DOS. And you had to have the manual to get past the first 3rd of the game, u_u... *waits patiently for someone to easily outdo that story with even worse, earlier gaming circumstances*
  19. You voted for my birthday, so you get a free pun! Name your word, and I'll wield it with deadly precision.
  20. So, what you're saying is, "crappy romance is crappy"? I mean, I can point out some action movies and shows in which the only thing holding everything together is explosions. Does that mean action is bad? Or does it mean it needs to be used properly in order to create a quality result?
  21. I'm quite sure, this being their first Kickstarter, that Obsidian is learning a ton from all this. But, what they're not learning is "just put our keys out earlier." It's not like they just said "Hey man... Tuesday night at 9:45 Pacific Time should be PLENTY early enough for the Thursday morning release! Let's just sit around doing nothing until then, then one of us will go click a button that releases all the keys." People keep acting like everything that occurs is the direct result of Obsidian's efforts/actions. I can guarantee that what they're learning is all the crazy stuff that crops up in the process of fulfillment that you wouldn't think of beforehand, and how to maybe account for it in the future. Either it's actually much trickier than you'd think, or all the incompetent people in the industry just happen to have decided to start Kickstarter campaigns, 'cause I haven't really seen a first-time campaign yet that didn't have oodles of unforeseen problems. Not always the exact same problems, mind you. But SOMETHING always goes against what was planned.
  22. ^ Haha. Methinks the 75 million dollars tends to help with Chris Roberts' free time.
  23. Whoa whoa whoa... you're "now telling people not to bother with the game," over some speedbumps in the game's Kickstarter campaign, and not problems with the game itself?! No no, not petty at all.
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