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Everything posted by Felithvian

  1. All reactors are in the open spaces of earth, air is everywhere, even in an empty shoe box, furthermore, reactors use Uranium for fuel, where does the Sun get its Uranium? I ask because you base the Sun's theory of fusion on the principles of Nuclear fusion from a reactor. Bull! I can't believe you actually believe that crap.
  2. But you said: "Here is how it works: fusion increases -> temperature rises -> radiative pressure increases -> sun expands -> temperature decreases -> fusion decreases -> sun shrinks" 1. So how does the temperature rise without the mass? If there is no gain in mass. 2. How does the temperature decrease without loss in mass? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_year We depend on statements of intellectuals we've never met & digitilized pictures given to us by strangers, it becomes a matter of trust. How well do you actually know your sources?
  3. Waterworld is more than just another MMORPG.
  4. If the Sun shrank from the time before time, the Sun would have lost mass, it would have lost gravity pull, earth would take longer to rotate around the Sun. But the truth is the opposite, days are getting shorter! Also, we still can't prove fusion right here on earth, you want to prove that which is unprovable somewhere in space. Fascinating. Just listen to this, 100 degrees Celsius. No materials on Earth could withstand direct contact with such heat. But yea, we must all accept this bull**** because we askers of questions are devourers of truth.
  5. Hah! Never on earth has fusion been proven without oxygen!! Heat is needed for fusion, oxygen is essential both in transmitting energy and catalysing certain chemical reactions. No oxygen = No heat = No Fusion.
  6. The same way like tides: You can't explain that. - Bill O'Reilly Satellite Television -Transmitters. Satellite Internet - Cell towers. Satellite Imagery - Cell towers/transmitters. The Global Positioning System (GPS) - Cell towers/transmitters. We had fusion without oxygen since it's discovery. What are you talking about?
  7. You wouldn't expect 3000 soldiers to easily defeat 10 old veterans? Are we living in the same world?
  8. I used to love the game back in the day but calling it a simulator is too much.It has not aged gracefully and is imbalanced as hell. I still can't believe that a normal person could finish the game with dwarf or knight. Has not "aged gracefully" ?! FFS, tell me a game which makes use of Fluid Dynamics! In all these years, I've still haven't seen any game with such physics, including blood spurting & water dynamics. The lighting effects of real-time shadows are still way better than most games out there. Let's not forget water reflections, smoke, particle system, etc... The combat keeps you always focused, even against common foes. Unbalanced? My ass! You should weigh your options, stay aware of your surroundings and choose how to react. A simple orc can easily behead you. This alone makes the game worthy of being one of the most balanced games ever. Add various directional attacks, evasive maneuvers, combos, unique weapon-related attacks, EVERYTHING is controlled by the player with the unique combat system. Still the best sword simulator to date. Your lack of respect is insulting!
  9. That's pathetic Keyrock. The vast majority of favourable arguments are of course mundane and thus of little significance to people who have paid nearly 600-1200 euros for hardware components. If the future of computer gaming lies in a few mini-games with super nintendo music, we might as well dust off the ol' Super Nintendo. I know that you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Since Stardock's developers announced a spiritual successor to Steve Barcia's Master of Magic, a 4x turn based game, you "would" assume that a 3GB game could easily own (In almost every single aspect) a 19 year old 10MB dos game. Time to leave that hammer of yours, and start doing some math. ¿Podries provar de parlar un poc el Valencià? Jo puc parlar el Castellà, pero no en tinc gana ara mateixa. Així que ja ho saps, en valencià o res de res. You knowm cause you're so smart.
  10. YES YES & YES!! Spanish software for the win pal! Graphics, particularly the lighting effects of real-time shadows, character animation, texturing, the soundtrack, the physics, gigantic landscapes, fluid dynamics... All this done by a Spanish Company called Rebel Act Studios in the year 2001 !! It's a shame that some people came up with Mount & Blade or Dark Souls. This game is a MEDIEVAL COMBAT SIMULATOR. Blade simply owns M&B and Dark Souls in every single aspect. A Masterpiece which belongs to the golden era of the computer platform.
  11. Neither of them. In terms of religion, Im kinda tired of "Godlike" figues, statue worshippers & other bizarre beliefs. I want crystal clear White vs Black. Grey isn't a colour. It's the absence of color, since it's neither white nor black. In the spectrum of colors, you go from black, which is a false color (Satan's "Free Will"), all the way through to white, which is every color (Father & Son). A paladin should never be forced into a grey situation where nothing seems what it looks like, ala The Witcher series or any other IE game we played in the past. We're either Devils or Saints, no such thing as a middle point. So, technically... not that it really matters - but grey isn't a color.
  12. The edge lies beyond the inhospitable terrain of what is known as antartica. Hundreds of miles would have to be breached before one reaches the edge.
  13. The symbols on flags are not 3 dimensional? Do I win a price? The U.N could have chose an opened globe symbol as all modern maps display with Antarctica included. http://cdn.mapquest.com/mqatlasenglish/world The United Governments (Nations) of the Flat Earth know the Truth, but they collectively pay their local educational systems to program their citizens to learn the lie, and the best place to hide the Truth was right before your eyes. That would be the last place those plugged to the Matrix would ever look, "hiding in plain sight!"
  14. That's right Rosbjerg, keep drinking your aborted fetus cells.
  15. Where do you see 1 hour rotation for every 15 degrees? When N.Y state runs the 60/90 degrees longitude & 30/60 degrees latitude and still maintains the same hour within that geographic well over every 15 degrees. And besides, the striped areas like Brazil & Argentina don't even change their clocks year round and they're both on different latitudes & longitudes but same time zone, joke!!!!
  16. In November 2007 when DST was in progress Brazil didn’t and doesn’t change its time. In Rio during that November month on the 30th Sunrise occurred at 5:57am in New York it was 4:47am. The Sun rose in New York at 6:59am. The Sun crossed the Rio de Janeiro longitude corridor and into the west longitude corridor where N.Y is in alittle more then (2) New York hours. Yet in Colorado in the same November month on that day the Sun rose in Denver at 7:00am in New York it was 9:00am and the Sun crossed over the longitude corridor where New York is and into the further west long/corridor where Denver is in (2) N.Y hours.
  17. "Why is the United Nations Flag symbol a Flat Earth?"
  18. Rio de Janeiro Brazil is 2hrs ahead of New York N.Y. --- New York N.Y is 2hrs ahead of Denver Colorado. Easy so far!! Look to the longitude corridor where Brazil is, its only one long/corridor east of where N.York is and two away from Colorado. The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, so Rio de Janeiro would get the first rays of light followed by N.Y and last Denver. Still easy, huh! June 30th 2013, Rio de Janeiro Sunrise: 6:33am in New York its 4:33am and the Sun will only rise in less then one more hour. N.Y Sunrise: 5:28am this is New York time. The Sun crossed over the longitude corridor where Rio de Janeiro is and into the west long/corridor where N.Y is in just alittle less then (1) New York hour. Denver Colorado Sunrise: 5:35am in New York its 7:35 am. The Sun crossed over the longitude corridor where New York is and into the further west long/corridor where Denver is in (2) N.Y hours. http://www.sunrisesunset.com/calendar.asp QUESTION: “Why does the Sun cross the Rio de Janeiro's long/corridor and into New York's in (1) N.Y hour and then mysteriously slowdown to cross over into Denver Colorado's long/corridor in (2) N.Y hours?” NOTE: All cities selected lay perfectly in the middle of their respective longitude corridors. This is the part where many who have "ears & eyes" go "deaf & blind."
  19. Pressure is friction. No air, no friction. Pressure is force per unit area. P=F/A, and without air, you can't have any heat generating from that pressure. Heat is needed for fusion, the whole principle is based on this to fuse the atoms, to get extreme heat for the fusion, the atoms must collide with extreme force, that collision can only be brought upon by contact, when the atoms touch this is friction, and this friction can only ignite with the presents of oxygen. A nuclear fusion does not necessarily need oxygen. The process combines four hydrogen ions (protons) to a single helium nucleus. However, the actual process that very likely is working in the sun uses carbon, oxygen and nitrogen as intermittent byproducts to finally produce helium. On the one hand, these elements are produced by the sun itself, on the other, a star like the sun does also contain traces of elements other than hydrogen right from the start. That has been measured as well. FFS, You can't even prove fusion without oxygen! Are you basing the Sun's theory of fusion on the principles of Nuclear fusion from a reactor? How does this cause fusion in a zero oxygen environment? What kind of a reactor does the sun use to control and sustain a steady flow of this fusion from not becoming a chain reaction causing an explosion?
  20. Game designers and the industry at large really just suck. Period. Just watching a 10MB Ms-Dos (Master of Magic) game owning a 3GB (Elemental) game is a friggin disgrace. I view myself and the computer community, as brainless losers with no life at all. Because let's face it, if we truly had a life, we would've abandoned this platform a long time ago. There's something called self-respect, a virtue we lost a long time ago. You either die as a Heroe, or live long enough to watch yourself become the villain
  21. Given the narrative format of all events, dialogue, exploration and battles would all be resumed by a new set of words. You know, if you "launch an investigation", you might lose 300 experience points, or you might end up gaining 500 gold coins. That sort of stuff. Not as complex as some sequential events in Dragon Pass or Darklands, but more like an introduction to the world's lore with a "mini-game" attached to it.
  22. Multiple choices through a vast range of events both mundane and fantastical with different possible outcomes, leading to small/large penalties or small/large rewards. Much like a jackpot based on the background lore.
  23. One of the best games I've ever played, but it's friggin IMPOSSIBLE! I will never finish a short game on hard. Plus the Heroquests stories don't help you at all during your quests in the Gods Realm, it's all based on pure randomness.
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