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Everything posted by Gfted1

  1. ^LOL, the faux bookcases crack me up. Was that rig set up in an alley or something?
  2. So Libbly didnt give up the fact Michael shot her and Anna Lucia before dying?
  3. O.M.F-in.G. My TiVo cut off right as Hurley walked in and said "can I talk to her?" What happened next and any good stuff in the preview for the season finale?
  4. What a stupid quiz.
  5. They sure are tight-lipped with this expansion, isnt it due out some time this year? I also find it a little odd that a demonic race would be in the Alliance camp. Oh well, guess Ill have to wait and see.
  6. Eredar, the demon-race of which Archimonde was a member. Cool, thanks for the link. Any info out there on racial traits for them?
  7. What are the new races? IIRC, the Horde gets Blood Elves, what does the Alliance get?
  8. According to the producers, not so.
  9. What did that cost you (approximately) after the various taxes in your country?
  10. Technically, all American Indian tribes have their own nations as the resevations are considered independant countries. A person isnt even protected by the Constitution while on a reservation.
  11. Weed. Copious amounts of weed.
  12. Hehe, yeah, those weaklings. But seriously, American Indians get ridiculously drunk at the drop of a hat. Makes sense really as they are partially asian and they also share that trait. Or at least the Japanese do. Its almost like an allergic reaction.
  13. I wonder why evolution chose to curse American indians with whatever defective gene that makes them go crazy when they drink the "fire water". Also, apparently most NA's have zero fear of heights and were much sought after during the cities building phase of our nation.
  14. I asked him/her what that meant once and he/she said something about I could figure it out if I looked around the forum or something. I promptly lost interest. If you figure it out lemme know too.
  15. Alaska has never been Canadian/French. We bought it off the Russians for a song and a dance. I stand corrected. "The news of the British North America Act, 1867, was nervously received in Washington, DC. It would create, on July 1, 1867, "one dominion under the name of Canada," and this led to expressions of "grave misgivings on the establishment of a monarchial state to the north" in what Canadians then called "the republic to the south." (See McNaughton's excellent Short History of Canada.) U.S. Secretary of State William Seward thus urged, and the United States Senate thus approved, the treaty authorizing the purchase of Alaska from Russia for US$7,200,000 on 9 April 1867. The United States took possession and the American flag was raised over Alaska on 18 October, which is commemorated as Alaska Day." We got screwd out of our arrogance. USA - 1 Canada - 1 000 998 :D SEE! We had to buy it to keep you redcoats in line. Getting a crapload of oil was just a bonus. I wonder what $7,200,000 in 1867 is equivelant to in todays dollars.
  16. Alaska has never been Canadian/French. We bought it off the Russians for a song and a dance.
  17. Do tell me more about this most excellent service. :-"
  18. Hostel: Really, really bad. It was so cheesy I coulndt decide if they were going for that on purpose. I wanted to like it as, IMO, it had a slightly fresh approach but there was zero fear, piss poor acting and "gore" that wouldnt pass muster in a 1960 "B" horror.
  19. Ice Age II: I thought it was better then the first. The end seemed rushed like they werent sure what they wanted to do. Bambi II: Fell asleep. Fun with D!ck & Jane: Crap but I love Tia Leoni.
  20. Final Judgement - Powerbomb to hell. Good one.
  21. I wonder what god's finishing move is.
  22. Haha, yeah. I went out and shot a 112 last weekend. :"> Oh the humanity!
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