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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. I liked tons of those games! Twisted metal, Carmageddon, Micro Machines, Re-Volt, and most importantly Dead Rally: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Rally#/media/File:Death_Rally_cover.jpg ironically never played I76
  2. Of course that is true, not sure about USA, I don't think there is many state controled companies. Nazis just put that nationalism to another whole level, they didn't put national interest above global in their own country, they also thought that every other nation is inferior and have to be "corrected', that is why they put shame on that word. Today healthy nationalism have to be called patriotism otherwise you get associated with nazis in seconds. But its a word play reallyperhaps so. But if (close to) every nation can be called socialist, then the word does loose its usefulness a bit, doesn’t it? Same with nationalist, for that matter. And I might perhaps add something: I believe the Nazis were more focused on race than nationality in the stricter sense. Important part is 'to some degree'. I am ok with some socialistic policies but I don't want socialistic state. Its about balance and prefer more free market than socialistic engineering.
  3. Of course that is true, not sure about USA, I don't think there is many state controled companies. Nazis just put that nationalism to another whole level, they didn't put national interest above global in their own country, they also thought that every other nation is inferior and have to be "corrected', that is why they put shame on that word. Today healthy nationalism have to be called patriotism otherwise you get associated with nazis in seconds. But its a word play really
  4. very short and dumbed down answear could be something like that: socialism - state ownership of means of production nationalism - putting forward national interest above global
  5. Yeah, and people actually think the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is actually a dictatorship. How can it be, having democratic and republic in the name? ''People's'' is the key word in it Do you disagree that Nazi's were socialistic or that they were nationalistic???
  6. everyone who is not hardcore communist is far right, don't you know? Well people still thinks that National Socialists are right wing so who can tell huh? :/
  7. well I seen that its still their awefull engine due to that character animation so I already know it will be unbearable for me
  8. It will be anything backed by any real stuff in big amounts, since FED USA pretty much manage to get dollar as global currency thanks Saudi trade with oil and OPEC. Without it its pretty much unstable currency hindered by quite a big dept
  9. not nato, USA Petrodolar, but really if something can erode dolar, it will be yen, not some Libyan worthless cash
  10. I would honestly felt filthy and I don't care if she even earns more
  11. No idea, show some stats/polls about far right (whatever it means) race war blablabla, I am actually quite interested, I am quite sure that you will not find many people (even really racist ones) who would actually tell that into media
  12. I highly suggest Oscar Wild in that regard
  13. you already know the answear, but by your logic none poll ever worked, and it was not only poll I just linked... anyway this is going grossly off topic, back to jailing of Tommy if you want, I am out
  14. cca 700K people in UK thinks its ok to use violence if I draw picture of Mohammad, translate it as you wish
  15. I know, its breitbart, but I can't read arabic http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/05/25/shock-poll-81-of-al-jazeera-arabic-poll-respondents-support-isis/ or some of BBC perhaps?: http://www.comresglobal.com/polls/bbc-radio-4-today-muslim-poll/ those two links present extremely different pictures though. I’m more inclined to believe the BBC one, as the AJ is literally just an internet multiple choice; which can’t exactly be considered representative... even I could vote on that. so maybe from Jew? even that one from BBC paint nice picture I must say: One in four (27%) British Muslims say they have some sympathy for the motives behind the attacks on Charlie Hebdo in Paris. However, two thirds (68%) say acts of violence against those who publish images of the Prophet can never be justified while a quarter (24%) disagree. Muslim women are more likely than men to feel unsafe in Britain. One in nine (11%) British Muslims feel sympathetic towards people who want to fight against western interests while 85% do not. Half (49%) believe Muslim clerics preaching that violence against the west can be justified are out of touch with mainstream Muslim opinion, while 45% disagree.
  16. I know, its breitbart, but I can't read arabic http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/05/25/shock-poll-81-of-al-jazeera-arabic-poll-respondents-support-isis/ or some of BBC perhaps?: http://www.comresglobal.com/polls/bbc-radio-4-today-muslim-poll/
  17. what are you talking about, where did I stated anything like that? Are you putting something into my mouth? You are completelly of the rail. We were talking about state jailing man for reporting on rape gang trial outside of courthouse. Can you for once adress topic directly before you wander into your makebelieve world?
  18. For me everyone who believes in superstision is little bit odd, but those ones who believes they need to kill those who don't believe in their version of magic are probably the worst, and I know not all muslims but lets be real, quite a lot of them
  19. What? mass immigration, rape gangs and getting jailed for reporting outside of court house are same as antisemitism? Are you shooting heroin?
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