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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. To each his own, let me know later how you feel about your choice
  2. and that is the problem. It would work 'fine' in 4 vs 4 and if you spec your whole drop to be lets say 3 lrm boats and spotter but lets be real - that setup sux and you still can have 4 LRMs which are superior, not to mention that that 'spotter' mech gets wrecked. If that lock stay on target lets say for 3 rounds I can see it usefull but in current implementation you just write of 25% of your firepower. I would always take a 35% shot rather than use sensor lock
  3. thats the problem, you can't fire away because it ends your turn!
  4. nice setting, good writing, great music, nice atmosphere, but game mechanics quite sux, which is shame because they got huge potential.
  5. Does not make much sanse, you would take heavy mech with armor and firepower any day over 1 weak abilty. At least while I am limited to 4 mechs for drop. Its 25% of your firepower gone...
  6. If anyone is interested there are some tips: 1. Spec your mech either in long range or in short range, not so much point of having both on same mech 2. Piloting and Guts are good for short range mechs - brawlers/tanks 3. gunnery is good for long range mechs with direct fire 4. tactics is for LRM boats 5. choose mechs with a lot of armor for brawlers (my Centurion is a beast with AC20 and few medium lasers) 6. you can strip some armor from long range mechs 7. basic mech setups are usually garbage 8. at start short range is a king, but I already got few missions where range would be VERY usefull - currently refitting few my mechs Can someone please confirm if sensor lock should/is ending mechs turn? because if so than its utterly useless skill :/
  7. I think there is elevation bonus. I am also starting to notice some weapons are just useless, why would anyone employ SRM2 is beyond me, its less heat effective and have same damage/weight ratio as other SRMs and you still need to carry 1 ton of ammo... All long range ACs are quite useless as well
  8. ok so far I like it but some stuff which is anoying: 1. Optimalisation is non-existing 2. load times are horrible 3. bassilion of needless animations and camera shots - cool for first 10 minutes of gameplay 4. no borderless window setting 5. no setting for animation speed those really bother me so far. otherwise fun game
  9. Longest installation ever! See you tomorrow xD
  10. 2 more gigs.... also Gorgon, its just like, your opinion, man
  11. 13Gigs, yayks, another 2 hours of waiting for me :/
  12. Oh god, there goes my monies again... damn you paradox
  13. Well they are in MW:O so i think they could be in Nope. HG's lawsuit against HBS was recently thrown out, but the one against Piranha Games (some of whose assets were leased to HBS) hasn't been decided yet. Until that is resolved at least, no unseen. edit: but... but... there are unseen in that list... seems like these are only Inner sphere mechs, no clans?
  14. Well they are in MW:O so i think they could be in
  15. what? it suppose to drop on 24th no?
  16. Logical fallacy, if you are good worker you would not loose a job, and if it was really, really not your fault you would get a new one the second you became available on the market. Apparently, in Sharpie's world, no skillset ever becomes obsolete. Man, I'd love to live there. to be fare, hand never becomes obsolete...
  17. done, sorry but do you really would believe that I would say something like that?
  18. what are you talking about, many ancient phylosophers we considering some people as 'lesser' and we still hold them in high regard. Lol ''And concerning the listlessness and cowardice of peoples, the seasons are especially the cause why Asians are less martial than the Europeans and more tame in their character,for making no dramatic shift either to the hot nor to the cold their seasons are temperate. For there are no mental disturbances nor strong change of the body, from which it is more likely that the passion is roused and indulges the senseless and high-spirited rather than when it is in a steady state. For it is change of everything which wake the disposition of men and do not allow it to rest. For these aforesaid reasons it seems to me that that the Asian race is weak and yet further so because of their customs. For much of Asia is ruled by a king. And where men do not rule themselves nor are autonomous, but are ruled by a despot, there is no reason for them to concern themselves over this. So that they do not practice the military disciplines, but they work to seem pacifistic'' (Hippocrates, Airs, Waters, Places, XVI). (1) ''Therefore the poets say, “It is fitting that the Greeks rule barbarians,” on the grounds that the barbarian and slave are the same in nature'' (Politics 1252b7-9). Aristoteles
  19. We should destroy all greek statues, they got slaves back then!
  20. It could be actually interesting to set Fallout game just into Vault and make it proper Vault, like it feels it can actually hold thousand of people for decades. You can have top levels breached and lower level connected to some tunnel networks.... more I think about it more I like it, sounds little bit like Metro tho
  21. I am soo sorry that I don't have more time, I would spend years in EVE if I could, EVE and UO were only MMOs I really loved
  22. I am not sure if there was many revolutions without 'outside' help. nah, its just clear that you need to have educated population for democracy to work - otherwise they will democratically vote for another tyrant
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