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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. Depends, it got its charm but I can't handle that cartoon graphics and very ''childish/fairytale/funny'' style of story/dialogs
  2. So if Jesus was a Palestinian and was killed by Jews why do we support Israel again? He was Palestinian jew, not many of this kind left last I heard
  3. why? everyone now agress what is better in same way? So Russians are building towards better tomorrows for all of us? Or Chinese? Or Saudies?
  4. Not really. "Modern" nationalism as opposed to, say, the transient panhellenism in antiquity, is something that arose as a result of the birth of modern states under the Westphalian sovereignty model. The globalism you are referring to was a reaction after the two world wars in which nationalism played a central role. That gave us the UN. That's the weak, pie-in-the-sky strand, though. The one that's actually tried and true is economic globalism. That wasn't invented by hippies or left-wing university professors, but by policymakers of different branches of the US government during the mid 20th century. The organization of the whole world under a capitalist regime tailored to keep the US in a position of pre-eminence by removing all barriers to the circulation of goods and capitals while maintaining the dollar as the premier trade and reserve currency. The application of a mix of soft and hard power to create a global network of client states amenable to US interests is how this status quo is enforced. Turns out that economic globalism is just American nationalism in disguise. or it could be jews xD
  5. nationalism is not inhertly bad anyway, its just oppositum to globalism.
  6. There are loot boxes in FIFA?! Its EA, there are lootboxes inside lootboxes
  7. I have seen only first two movies, I guess there is now like 8 of them?
  8. Well in this case "To be legally recognised as a transgender woman, a person must have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria and lived as a woman for two years." So better get started on that in advance. what does it mean 'live as woman for two years'? Are you promoting gender stereotypes? What if I am gender fluid?
  9. Well if I ever have to go to jail, you bet yo ass I will try to convince them that i am transgender and want to end up in whamen jail section
  10. EVE was doing ok under CCP in my opinion, maybe even because their monetasitation scheme, don't see need to change it
  11. some people thinks she looks like Christy Mack, i will leave searching her on your own devices
  12. Adopting a single policy that originated as a left wing idea but has long since moved to mainstream status idea doesn't invalidate the leaning of the entire platform. Not to mention one can easily right-wing benefits for having children in the same way our government is going to do: By replaying universal benefits with tax cuts that only fully affect rich families with children. I don't know if Poland had child benefits of a sort before the new program but it's basically something that (almost) every other party in Western and Central Europe that wasn't part of the soviet bloc adopted decades ago. Such benefits are a matter of fact policy for the entire political spectrum for us, it's not much of a surprise that no one would consider it a reason to claim any party is left-wing. Lol trust me, east Europe have more social state than most western countries, free schools, state health care, unemployment benefits, pensions, we got it all. But of course its left policy on political spectrum, thats so mind blowing that someone thinks it right wing. BTW left wing policies are populistic, who would not want free stuff? Not that i complain I am supporter of some of them myself That's not really what I was going at. Yes, state funded child support isn't a right wing policy - how could it be. But it also don't move a party - especially in Germany these days - todwards the left enough for them to stop being right wing. It's too little a factor due to its widespread acceptance. It's also dishonest*, but that's populists for you, regardless of where they sit on the spectrum. *Sometimes it is even borderline schizophrenic, the Freedom Party in Austra for instance is the self-styled social homeland party and openly demanded higher minimum wages and support for the working poor, while at the same time having their economic programm developed by the Hayek Institute. Now that they are in power they have done absolutely zilch for the working class or the poor. *shrug* what is your point? right wing are only those left wing parties you don't like?
  13. I love it, I can't believe someone can take him so seriously he feels the need to censor him xD
  14. Adopting a single policy that originated as a left wing idea but has long since moved to mainstream status idea doesn't invalidate the leaning of the entire platform. Not to mention one can easily right-wing benefits for having children in the same way our government is going to do: By replaying universal benefits with tax cuts that only fully affect rich families with children. I don't know if Poland had child benefits of a sort before the new program but it's basically something that (almost) every other party in Western and Central Europe that wasn't part of the soviet bloc adopted decades ago. Such benefits are a matter of fact policy for the entire political spectrum for us, it's not much of a surprise that no one would consider it a reason to claim any party is left-wing. Lol trust me, east Europe have more social state than most western countries, free schools, state health care, unemployment benefits, pensions, we got it all. But of course its left policy on political spectrum, thats so mind blowing that someone thinks it right wing. BTW left wing policies are populistic, who would not want free stuff? Not that i complain I am supporter of some of them myself
  15. I am loosing my faith in media, how can they describe party with social policy (in this case kids benefits) as right wing??? In case of Czech republic they would probably call Communist party as right wing because they are against immigrants as well xD https://www.dw.com/en/women-increasingly-drawn-to-right-wing-populist-parties-study-shows/a-45284465
  16. ok dont care about it at all but what is that 3rd picture in thumbnail? xD
  17. Lol, no way at least if they are telling truth about open world
  18. Just buy a big SSD from Samsung. A HDD maybe if you know you have to save lots of data... in that case, anything under 2TB is a waste of money nowadays, though. Cooling isn't that hard either. I think most stats are pretty clear on what you need-- big fan with little noise as possible. It's just a matter of money. Power source, yeah, maybe, but again, not much choice here... in worst case, reviews are pretty clear on this stuff. Did i mentioned I am min/maxer in this kind of things
  19. well, problem is that you can't choose because Google is deciding for you what you want to see. If you got option to check if you want biased results based on your previous searches it would be fine, but noone is asking you what will be displayed. Even if you read only title you will have at least some 'opposite' information
  20. and SSD, and HDD and new display, and cooling, and new power source...
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