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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. can't believe someone actually pay to see 24 hours of ads for such trash as mobile games, master level of PR
  2. I'd say every self-respecting article writing person (not necessarily a 'journalist', whatever that means nowadays) will write his/her name beneath every single article he/she writes, often even with a short blurb about their preferences. All you really have to do is to take note of these to be able to tell their biases. You don't know either the youtubers or the journalists, so neither's going to be particularly transparent. That's not to say journalists are somewhat better than Youtubers, it's actually saying they're mostly on par in my eyes - I've got a set of people I trust and find consistent and I follow those. Yup, pretty much. Doesn't really matter whether you type words or say them out loud. Sorry but I always don't want to make detective story before I know who wrote that particular article. Its just easy for me to stick to individual I know he shares kinda similiar view on games. To each its own I say
  3. Its surprising to me that people believe Youtubers are more "credible" than game "journalists". The Youtubers are subject to the same faults as the journalists, if they don't provide favourable coverage then they don't get coverage at all, and even then they are still subject to heavy demonitization and censorship from Google and the Game company. I guess its because at least for me you tubers are much more transparend and you actually know their biases.
  4. Uh, outside of open world events I soloed pretty much everything. Is not last 'event' in story basically highest level dungeon with full party?
  5. Metro 2033 is for free for 24 hours on steam. Everyone should grab it
  6. yeah but Gary was strangely concrete with that one night bid, maybe he only knows some history behind it
  7. I have feeling they spend one night togather and she is projecting it into that 'novel'
  8. There is powerarmor with added str and there are perks to add str and there are operations to add str, I mean you can start with 3 str and end up with 10, i dont understand this point at all
  9. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/witches-ritual-hex-brett-kavanaugh_us_5bc0efaae4b0bd9ed559feff Dakota Bracciale: https://scontent.fprg2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/38775463_10160467314075411_6011550017792245760_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&oh=974726b63ae07beb0a8f429e8cabc55e&oe=5C5ED349 this is what you get from gender studies
  10. anything is possible in Easter Europe
  11. Keyrock can help, he was uploading lets plays
  12. You sure that all the poor are like that ? Did see one article that gave an example of a guy whose birth certificate was in paper but got lost in the county office and that'd cost money and time to resolve - which wasn't practical for him. So is ancillary costs to consider as well. I guess moving forward it shouldn't be too bothersome to find supporting documentation, etc. for kids born in 80's, 90s' (even with the US' backward ways ). Should institute national service - then you get a free ID card that way Whole Europe managed to do it, I am sure US will once too
  13. Conservatives: Voter ID is needed because voter fraud. That is literally their reason, I haven't heard any reason given (other than outright admissions of voter supprression) besides that. On the surface, voter ID sounds reasonable, but the problem is that it tends to disadvantage the poor and minorities and on top of that, voter suppression has been used in the past. So, really, the problem is a lack of trust on the part of activists, liberals, and minorities due to the past history and the fact that studies haven't proven the 'widespread fraud in the thousands or hundreds of thousands' that Republicans claim but have yet to provide concrete proof of. Remember the voting fraud commission that Trump made and disbanded? They couldn't even find the proof they were looking for and were actually planning on cherrypicking or possibly even manufacturing their own data to back Trumps claims. yeah yeah, poor and minorities walking around in newest Jordans with Iponds in their pockets for sure can't afford 20 bucks once in 8 years for ID.
  14. I got my kindom destroyed, problem was just unlucky dice rolls. Latesr I was facing with problems with DC20 and advisor got bonus of +3, and as I was not save scumming problems just got worse and my advisors were unnable to succed on rolls
  15. If you are like, you just pretend that something takes you 8 hours even if I can do it in 4 because they would just give me twice amount of work next time, yeah I know its not something to be proud about but to be honest, I am not doctor or scientist changing world for better so who cares
  16. Well for US outsider its very hard to imagine doing any business without ID. How do you operate in Bank for example without ID? Or at doctors? Or how you can vote without it? I am not hugh fan of IDs but I can't understand how you can operate without it either
  17. that lady got some balls to call herself Native American xD
  18. true that , i want to see original of that gentleman with vault door behinde him opening, I can't erase him from my mind btw i found it!
  19. best geme reviewer I found on youtube xD
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