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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. I like that prestige classes are not overpowerd actually (except of dragon disciple)
  2. dunno I have Octavia and she seem to be doing just fine as my main nuker/buffer
  3. of course not. I am just jabbing at that double standard he was using, on one hand he is complaining about nerds on internet raving about globalisation and in same sentence he call for their castration. I am rather in that first cathegory then. I will be the first one standing behinde him to call me whatever he likes as long as other side does not censore me? Capisci?
  4. Well if I go out on town square and I say that I hate my neighbor and we should kill him i will be arrestet for hate speech, no mater into what "protected" category you put him
  5. its nice how you skipped second sentence from wiki ''The law of some countries describes hate speech as speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display that incites violence or prejudicial action against a protected group or individual'' Yes, it specifies against a protected group. Such as those listed. So it could safely be ignored, as it added nothing I didn't already say. Or are neckbeards a protected group now too? Eh, protected group OR individual To make it easy for you, its illegal to to incites violence or prejudicial action against ANYONE. You dont have to be asian trans midget, understand?
  6. One feature I am really missing (or I am stupid and missed it) is that I am unnable to inspect enemies to check if my debufs are still on them. Its really anoying to pay so much attention to combat log to check if they make save roll
  7. its nice how you skipped second sentence from wiki ''The law of some countries describes hate speech as speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display that incites violence or prejudicial action against a protected group or individual''
  8. not sure if joke but, are you guys actually commiting hate speech now?
  9. well, this post is new low on this forum but lest get going, you can start with her: https://www.bundeskanzlerin.de/Content/EN/Artikel/2017/06_en/2017-06-16-civil-20-dialogforum_eng.html
  10. KM is basically NWN2 2.0. PE was different beast. I think PE was better story wise, KM is classic PnP adventure. I liked PoE visuals more but I really don't like that renessaince setting of PoE.
  11. crap, i hoped they would stack, so if I have adamantium armor there is no reason to equip adamantium shield as well? I hope it stacks at least with feat :/
  12. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45703700 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45709205 just wow xD
  13. does anyone knows if damage reduction from different equipment stack, also does it stack with feats? I have feelinig that barbarian is tanking much better with two hander than my paladin tank with shield Also are there some transmutation spells which really benefits from higher DC on them?
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4-zQ-JVv1Y
  15. BTW what do you guys so far feel are good builds/classes? I am mostly enjoying my custom merc Barbarian - invulnerable rager. My rouge/fighter is not doing bad either if noone is focusing him
  16. What favored enemies did you choose? Also, what style? Personally, I'm tired of the dual-wielding ranger, I'm thinking of doing an Aragorn-style two-handed ranger. So far most usefull would be whatever trolls are but I don't know how it will look futher in game, you can't go wrong with human or undead (I got undead). I have gone with something not related to bows or dual wield but personally I feel like archery is strongest pick for him
  17. I got lvl 6 ranger and he is a beast, but I dont have many spells yet to tell how good those are
  18. She likes whips, only original companion left in my party About cost of mercs - its not so bad, I managed to buy all of my companions around level 5. If you sell some magic junk you should have enough to get them
  19. no chance for me, troll just 2-3 hit my tank and resist all saving throws
  20. Anyone who already killed that kobolt/troll kombo in dwarven ruins? What lvl? 7 seems to not be enough on challanging difficulty
  21. questions: 1. Do anyone know how to 'upgrade' some buildings? I got message that I have enough of something to upgrade but I dont see anywhere how to do so 2. I have claimed another part of land but I am unnable to put down settlement, how long it takes before I can build it there?
  22. Show me anyone who can be confortable being accused of such horrible crime
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