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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. We are exactly in same spont Honestly I would not think about new PC if some new games I want to play are not comming in (eg Cyberpung) which will need new HW. Also my old rig is starting to be really slow, those loading times without SSD are getting ridiculous lately
  2. Exactly executing good ambush was so satisfying
  3. hah, windows updates are dead to me, i would rather give my info to hackers than to MS
  4. Hey bois, I know that FT is not too praised here but I really liked its engine/gameplay. Yeah story (if you can even call it like that ) sucked but I really enjoyed combat in that game. It was kinda Jagged Alience in Fallout universe and I digged that quite a lot. Too bad that its engine was probably not enough modular for mods to get hands on it, I would love to see proper fallout story on that engine, anyone else liked it as well? I played it in Real time and liked it a lot, I think it was one of few games which made both systems fun in one game.
  5. i like playing poker too, i just prefer it in casino or with friends rather than on internet...
  6. i don't care about Bungie at all, I just hope Blizzard take their stuff and leave as well, that is only hope for them
  7. Thanks Zoraptor, one more question, lately I got hard time installing win 7 on new disks/motherboards. Do you know if I will still be able to install Win7 without issues? (I am not sure what was the problem, i think some booting sector or something was causing problems and I was fighting with it for few days before I managed to get it working.) I really dont like MS spying software on my PC (read win 10)
  8. isnt white march for PoE generally considered IWD inspired and for NWN2 Pathfinder kingmaker?
  9. Never heard of that before. Looked it up. The HD part I'd like but eh, I don't like total rework mods myself, although it looks good, just not to my taste. I saw posts from 2016 that said it worked fine, no clue tho. I remember playing Hellfire (still have that disc too) but it had zero of the original games appeal - eg I just like the base original game. Except Hellfire's fast walking in town was nice. Although, I've noticed on my current rig that the walking in town doesn't feel all that slow anymore vs. on the ancient pc's. Heh. I force it via gpu to play in 4:3-ish at around 1400x1050 resolution (doesn't change my actual desktop res that way and game fills the screen vertically) so it's not widescreen stretched out (which isn't that awesome w/original disc) when I play. Looks ok that way. i think you can customize it quite a lot, i am also only interested in HD mod and ability to run in town (also there are some UI tweaks)
  10. I have tried to make Belzebub mod working with D1 but failed misserably, if someone know hot to install it let me know, i would love to replay D1
  11. Also about that disc, I heard that QLC have some problem with longevity?
  12. thanks man, now i am getting there, so what do you suggest as a monitor, also how do you see longevity with such setup?
  13. Returned to GW2 for some fun, friend was still pushing me to come bac kto play with him and then was not logged for a week, still I am sucker for this game so I quite enjoying it as it is alone
  14. i just searched for 2080Ti + SSD Intel 660p 2Tb and i am almost at 2200 bucks, there is no way i can get MB, RAM and CPU with it to get into that price range, not to mention monitors. Where do you guys shop for such cheap components? edit, managed to squeeze it to 1850, now i need hints on the rest xD
  15. I already got 800 PSU so i hope i will not need to upgrade from that, going to try your config now on local store to see what price tag I will get, I am honestly not too sure about getting 2 different monitors, getting colors same on both is usually pain in the arse
  16. well i dont want to fork over more that 2500USD and even that is quite a lot right now. any suggestions?
  17. Which one did he talk the US out of ? And who knows if they're actually leaving Syria, Bolton is speaking differently from Trump. And hey, government employees are people, too North Korea
  18. trump bad, we got it, he will take US to war, we got it, no matter that he talked you out of one and taking troops from other, you will probably save chunk of cash of this shut down as well
  19. how expensive those new ones are you expecting to be?
  20. yeah we all remember times of Mali imperioum xD
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