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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. well I believe even 'mythic' stuff can be done with bit of taste (my taste of course ). Frankly most companions and writing is very off putting to me to a point where I am considering full self made party but I am bit scared how much gameplay impact it might have. I can stomach story being not my taste but at least I want to have companions who like to play (mechanically and writing wise)
  2. only texts but characters are still doing their walking animations etc... Edit - never mind, enter actually skip walking animations as well, thanks
  3. whoever say that fights are easy - not that much for me xD also un-skipable ingame cutscenes before fights are BANE of me
  4. I made it to lvl2 and I am already eye rolling about the story - not a good sign
  5. 5 Gig patch just started download. I mean wtf are you patching with 5 gigs? redoing half of the textures?
  6. most important question is which class will give me wings, is it still only sorcerer?
  7. whenever someone use 'uns' I got flashback to Married with childrens
  8. heresy, I liked BG1 portraits this was my fav: edit: yeah I was stoner (and kinda still am)
  9. https://gog-quizzes.app.do/polls/what-is-the-ideal-rpg-class-for-you-en/forms/146561590/thankyou You are a RANGER! Journeying through the woods has left you with extensive knowledge about living in the wild. In fight, you prefer to keep the distance and shower your enemies with deadly arrows sounds about right because I am in real life https://www.verywellmind.com/istj-introversion-sensing-thinking-judgment-2795992 but questions were too railroaded for my taste weird that ISTJs like structure and law and order where I am really not into those things
  10. I tend to agree, I think thats why rouge likes are to my liking. I like grounded low level fantasy. When there is dragon after each corner it kinda feels pointless, it loose all the mystery and feel of danger
  11. phe, we were never fascist, no idea where you get that from
  12. not sure what do you mean, but lets keep this funny and move on
  13. Funny, I usually think about famine and genocides once British left the colony
  14. well, usually Steam or GoG will be handling load after launch as its on their servers to handle it. Owlcat will probably have nothing to do with it
  15. Sounds like capitalism with extra steps
  16. wow, should we not socialize our mods comrade?
  17. My current boss I am working for does not believe in moon landing and thinks NASA is lying about whats going on on space station. Also he believes that our society is manipulated and controlled by illuminates. Yet he is very skilled and educated person. Who knows? BTW he is Canadian
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