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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. https://globalnews.ca/news/7519999/giant-green-snow-dragon-created-in-greenbryre-area-two-dragons-in-saskatoon/ Admiring that someone made a snow dragon of the Big Green
  2. Love this LC!
  3. I am building a glacier in the Roost owing to over 2' of snow ...
  4. Just preparing for the snowpocalypse ...
  5. In the last week I have had to do two fresh W10 OS clean installs. The first was owing to what I thought was a very corrupt driver install that knackered too many subsystems. Then it turns out it was the integrated discreet video card on my Alienware M15. That doesn't happen everyday! Now a new mobo and OS install ... back to game!
  6. I believe that what Gromie means, in all of the text cited, is what a gift it is to welcome @Aarik D back ... It is exciting to know that this rich Obsidian community does and continues to be enriched by such care and presence as people such as our trolls, Squad and Devs! Welcome home, Aarik: we missed you! The Big Green via the Roost
  7. Thanks! I have not heard of Psych - I will look into that too, perhaps, after done with Monk.
  8. One Life to Live ... and marking the anniversary of nuptials with Ms. Green Dragon by hanging at a spa for the weekend!
  9. Watching Monk with my partner. Currently at Season 6. Totally missed this when it first aired as we had cut able ties and were ordering DVDs to watch show prior to Streaming!
  10. Does this mean you have been able to address this?
  11. I began my day with my usual 06:00 waddle (aka run) to the gym on sheer ice ... we'll see what that portends as the day unfolds ...
  12. I have found this recent National Geographic exploration has allowed me to (re)connect to the romanticism of youth and dinosaurs with a sense of joy! https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2020/10/reimagining-dinosaurs-prehistoric-icons-get-a-modern-reboot-interactive-feature/
  13. Thanks for the endurance, laughs and contribution. Building community here is important to me. I hope you and others continue to find that this is a place that offers such space!
  14. Thanks, @majestic - I will check-in once I am further into the show. I usually only am able to watch a few episodes a week. Once I am through Season 1 - I will share some further thoughts.
  15. Can you PM me the right email as you have time, please?
  16. Thanks, Majestic. The first two episodes have me hooked enough to want to watch further. The narrative is sound and the storytelling is very 'Canadian.' That's a literary reference from my context, which may connect with your 'drag on.' This is one of the reason I appreciate Prime's TV over Netflix. Both have merit, but often in the Netflix context narrative or substance seems sacrificed for volume of production: if that makes sense?
  17. I have had I have experienced the race car metaphor in this regard ... getting under the hood helps. Do it, lest when stuff gets gummed up, it's too late. Wasn't all that comforting in my experience, but it was, nonetheless, effective fwiiw!
  18. I'm looking forward to see what they do with season 3 of STD. I have also heard that season 4 has already been greenlit, which is hopeful and interesting. https://trekmovie.com/2020/10/16/breaking-star-trek-discovery-renewed-for-season-4-production-starts-in-november/
  19. Currently awaiting the release of season 5 of The Expanse. Some of the best sci-fi storytelling I have experienced recently via the medium. Other than that, may checkout The Man in the High Castle: anyone else watching it? Thoughts? Reviews? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Expanse_(TV_series) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_in_the_High_Castle_(TV_series)
  20. I've been a Logitech mouse gamer since dinosaurs roamed the land! Current iteration is the G604 Lightspeed. Quite please fwiiw ... https://www.ign.com/articles/logitech-g604-lightspeed-wireless-gaming-mouse-review
  21. Too many and not giving any enough attention. I am digging Grounded and PoE II the most and will likely dive back into Outer Worlds when its released on Steam ...
  22. SPAMbots are definitely more intrusive and smarter than they have been. As @Gorthhas shared, they are the consistent area that requires the Mod Squad's attention. Though we have a few trolls and denizens, we are generally a well behaved mischievous bunch when we are in the sandbox together
  23. Hope you're on the mend @Gorth!
  24. Hope the outing was enjoyable @Guard Dog
  25. Cool down is happening here in the centre of North America. Leaves have mostly fallen and though it's a lazy feeling day, will likely waddle for a 10k and then hunker down with some comfort food and maybe see what's happening on Prime or Netwflix ...
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