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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Seems that we have derailed this thread in an unfriendly way ... off to use the PM system now ...
  2. :drama:
  3. Yeah - I noticed that too - too large do you feel or just an observation?
  4. the problem is that ... well there have been misuses of that time frame to bait others. As I said, I have a mod in mind that will allow that feature to reintroduced, but allow the Squad to track if someone has intentionally missed that feature.
  5. Though apparently not in IE!!! Note: They too have now been removed :?
  6. They are? They look fine to me ...
  7. Emoticons: Thanks to Deraldin -I have uploaded some new emoticons. So ... thanks! Until the next Top Eight - this is the set we are playing with y'all
  8. I think it is better to get rid of dropdown menu altogether and put a link into full edit into quick edit view for example. PS "Use full editor" link is already there. There is no option to disable the pull down menu in the AdminCP - to what are you referring Diamond?
  9. I guess its: Unread post marker/function does not update properly. Works for me - thanks Added ...
  10. This is currently under consideration ... not that anyone would ever misuse this feature, but I am looking into a win-win mod at the moment ...
  11. Yep - I just saw the meself Added to the list - Off to check it out ...
  12. :sleep: :ph34r2: :ohmy: :ninja2: :mad: :laugh: :glare: :dry: :closedeyes: :ermm: :p) (!) FYI: All of these are designed for a light coloured fora ... so that means we need to disable these and see if we cannot find replacements to match the fora. So I will leave that for the industrious or until the next Top 8 smiley. For now I am going to disable them as an option.
  13. Patches & Utilities Strategy (Turn Based) Heroes of Might & Magic Franchise V: (1.41) V: Hammer of Fate: (2.01)
  14. So is it possible to have a succinct/pithy description of the problem that I can c&p into our list?
  15. I have not experienced this - is your page refreshed after viewing or are just using the 'back' button?
  16. Thanks LostStrqaw - I have identified the setting for this, I just need to work on making those changes. It's on the list!
  17. Okay thanks LostStraw - we will leave it to see if it can debugged. there was no other error other than than the image you posted, correct?
  18. Happy to have figured it out - makes it easier to figure out what's what
  19. Loststraw: your post preview issue - have you confirmed it is cross-browser? Can anyone else recreate this problem as well?
  20. Thanks Surreptishus - I see it in IE 7 too, but not FF 2.0.1!
  21. In what window - in the post window? Such as, 'Insert Special Item?'
  22. This is the first time I have heard this one Role Player - could you empty your temp cache and see if it continues?
  23. LostStraw this should now be fixed - can you confirm?
  24. I have looked for a setting for this Diamond - and cannot seem to find one! I will add it to the 'to do' list, as I too would like this
  25. Deraldin - what happen when you click 'Show Al' So the issues has to do with the 'Next button - that is helpful thank you for taking the time to walk me through this!
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