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Kaftan Barlast

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Everything posted by Kaftan Barlast

  1. As I could tell, there were no specialized roles for anything except artillery. Big tanks are faster, better armoured and pack more punch than small ones. There is no point in using any other type of tank. Tank destroyers doesnt take as long to level up, but are severely limited with their low armour and lack of turret. The whole MMO thing just looks like an attempt to hide a substandard game that lacks the gameplay variety to keep people interested, if they didnt have the "I bet the game will be fun once I unlock a big tank!" carrot to sucker you with. If it was just a multiplayer game like Battlefield or Red Orchestra, no one would play it.
  2. I played it a couple of weeks ago and what bothered me wasnt so much my teammates, but the fact that the game continously puts you with high-level players in tanks you have no chance of defeating. I made it to tier 4 before I got so pissed off that I uninstalled the beta, and even then I was matched against heavy tanks that were invulnerable against even a fully upgraded gun. Oh, and also its more fun to do tank combat in battlefield than this game, which is kind of a big failiure gameplaywise. The only reason youd play the game is to get a big ****off tank that you can utterly rapegrief lower-level players with, the game itself is about as stimulating as watching paint dry.
  3. Its the amazing gamebryo engine. The same engine which will spawn deathclaws beneath the ground and sometimes kill you when the collision detection fails
  4. Unkillable enemies are poopie. I wanted to walk around and look at the scenery but there I was being chassed by a twelve-eyed freak all the way through the level.
  5. You tried a nudeskin mod and ****ed up the install, didnt you?
  6. It's really slow to start, with the story not beginning until Chapter 6. But I actually enjoyed DS2, something I cant say about the first game, which I abandoned after two hours.
  7. The car analogy is correct if you do it: They put together a complete car at the factory. Then when they ship it off, they take the stereo out and offer to put it back if you pay extra.
  8. The trailer probably cost more and took longer to make than the actual game.
  9. DLC is only ok if it really is something extra. In most cases its just stuff taken out of the original game, and that's pure shennanigans.
  10. I hear it's so bad not even MMO fans like it.
  11. DoW2 went overboard with the micromanagement. Me and my friends tried it mutliplayer for hours and it was just unplayable except for hardcore RTS players who can keep track of all the millions of special abilities every unit has and when to activate them. Also, Magicka is piss evene in ,ultiplayer
  12. I think the Kindle is still far too limited to compete with slates/tablets. It's a pager in a world of cellphones.
  13. The kindle is useless, IMO. The pc-like tablets you can use both reading books and stuff like browsing teh interwebbs, watching TV shows and films, chat, talk with people through skype with full video and so on are really interesting. Hideously expensive, but really useful.
  14. The third film was very entertaining and informative, the second one was a tad towards the conspiratorial(claiming al-qaida was invented by the CIA etc.). It doesnt seem like its the same people who worked on the third film
  15. It was made by a bunch of Swedish college guys, so it's a miracle if you can even get it to start. ..Im on Chapter 8 of 15 in Dead Space 2. I like it alot more than the first game, which I lost interest in after two hours, but I cant explain why. Maybe because they cut down on the "horror" (it was way more annoying than scary) aspects and just made it a regular game.
  16. They are right about alot of things, though. Like how our economy relies on constant, ever-increasing growth. Which is impossible.
  17. Im on chapter 5 or maybe 6 and NOTHING has happened yet. Its just and endless row of "go to A and Ill tell you all about everything... oh wait, youll have to go through B first.."
  18. They might say its all bull**** and so on, but it sounded exactly like the kind of bitter complaining you get from low-level guys working on a game that fails. And given how the game failed spectacularly to live up to the expectations, I believe the anonymous employee more than the OE brass.
  19. Consoles: + hardware and firmware is the same for the entire install base - that hardware is usually utter **** Which is why I will always get the PC version and only use my crappy 360 for 'console exclusive' games.
  20. I will ignore all four pages of thread here and just ask if Chris Parker got ****canned for mucking up Alpha Protocol?
  21. In Sweden, we're so awesome that we have a law that prevents the goverment or the police to call on the military to supress protests etc. This because of the events in
  22. Among the confused reporting from the region, this revolt doesnt seem to have anything to do with any Islamists. It just appears that most people got sick and tired of being poor and miserable under a corrupt and repressive regime.
  23. OR... the people could take the civilised route and form a socialist democratic goverment.
  24. Anyone who played FNV on anything else than a PC really missed out on something. Its prettier, runs smoother and there is a ton of really cool mods.
  25. My friend says its alot worse than Divinity 2
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