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Everything posted by Rocketbean

  1. I think this would be a very interesting option to have, especially in a world where the Gods are known to exist.
  2. The "Triple A" titles with massive budgets probably have most of it going toward marketing and what not. And besides, how many of those titles are even good? Call of Duty isn't, neither was TOR. Money doesn't necessarily mean quality. All I want is a quality game and I think Obsidian can deliver it.
  3. I'd like to be able to form deep and interesting relationships with my party, but I don't want it to devolve into a marriage simulator.
  4. I'd like that too, seems like a nice throwback to the KS campaign.
  5. Well I kinda pictured the Endless Paths to be an optional late game area; you wouldn't be required to explore it but doing so reaps the highest of rewards if you can clear it. If you simply make the area around city two hard to traverse for low leveled players, you can prevent players from easily disrupting game balance. But I'm also a firm believer in adequate reward for high risk, so I think players of all levels should be able to visit the second city so long as they take the risk.
  6. Whenever they have something they feel like sharing. Setting mandatory updates will only take time away from the project and if there is nothing of note, the update would be wasted.
  7. Only if they were rare and didn't completely replace bows once found.
  8. I think they should take as much time as they want, a "it's done when it's done" mentality. If they feel it is complete by 2014 then by all means, release it in 2014. However I wouldn't want it to release in 2014 simply because that's their arbitrary deadline.
  9. I don't think the second big city should be reachable only by means of clearing the Endless Paths, but I do believe that they should be close to one another.
  10. New Game + and beyond. That's all I want for an end-game.
  11. Legendary weapons should be far and few in between, with much difficulty in obtaining them. Simple as that.
  12. Not to me, it doesn't. And I quite frankly don't understand why it would. But, I'm willing to assume that's a fault on my part, and not craziness on others'. I do like your idea. I, myself, urged for three exits; first floor, halfway through (seventh as of now), and at the very end (14th? or is it 15th now?), which is something I've seen a few others want, too. It boils down to a difference of experiential tastes, but I was just providing an argument for the opposition, a devil's advocate. Also, I didn't mean to imply that you were being unreasonable, I meant it as a general statement. Sorry if it came off that way.
  13. Just because it's encouraged, doesn't mean you have to do it. Don't give in to the peer pressure. When you see the next exit, say "Naw, I don't need it, I can handle this." instead of "Oh, an exit, I should use it, because it's there." Yet again, in this thread, I am reading what I have read elsewhere; weak-willed people that want the game to force them to do something, because they can't challenge themselves. Go out into the world, level up, and put points into your willpower, man! Don't use willpower as a dump stat. I mean, c'mon, when you think about it, it's actually the most important stat in RL. So the ones who can handle a massive challenge are the weak willed ones then? No. I'm saying the ones who can't handle any temptation, like a handy dandy exit several floors down, are the weak willed ones. The dungeon can be just as challenging with extra exits as with none; it's just that in one case, you have no control over it, and in the other, you have to tell yourself "No, I won't take advantage of this extra exit". Imagine you want to walk to the store, and it's a two mile round trip. You could leave your cell phone at home, so you're not tempted to call a friend or family member to pick you up. Or, you could take your cell phone with you, but every time you feel the temptation, you stop yourself. One of those requires more willpower than the other to perform. I'm fairly hopeful I will not need to say which. Edited to correct typo. Bringing the cellphone removes that sense of immersion and adventure desired at the beginning of the trip. I think we should go for a compromise between the two camps: a small number of exits in the dungeon at distanced floors. I'm sure one or two extra exits won't ruin the experience, and if you think otherwise you're being unreasonable.
  14. The discussion is too casual, participants have exits on every page!
  15. I think there should be three exits: One at the start (also the entrance). One halfway through (7th level). One at the end (14th level). Hardcore/Expert mode should take out the midway exit. This way once you go into the dungeon you actually have to commit to it instead of leaving every other level to sell loot. And those who are really going for the immersve experience could do it all in one shot.
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