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Everything posted by HawkSoft

  1. ? As an Old Worlder I'd say she has a very definite accent (very different from Eder) that I'd associate with a big city somewhere in the US North East. I'd prefer her to sound a little less refined and she should definitely speak more slowly.
  2. I guessing Yes because they can blast through wizards' Arcane Veil.
  3. OK, sorry what I meant is that I'd like to see is that however you are able to upgrade DoC is should be supported by explicit law, maybe in a book or dialogue somewhere. I don't consider DoC to be a superior example of Soulbound technology, almost unique amongst the Soulbound objects we encounter her body *decays* over time. I think it was a great achievement of the animancer to get it working at all. I support the idea of being able to upgrade DoC in a lore/story led way rather that is tied to her quest(s) and levelling up rather than it being just another enchantment. Be nice is she had options that led to her losing the tag of *mass murderer* given that her body count is pretty tame compared to what most parties will have achieved by the time they meet her.
  4. I don't like low damage output tanks, they may be a video game staple but they make no sense (to me) in a believable RPG like Pillars. It's good that the devs have nerfed them in PoE. I like the engagement mechanic but hate that the enemy AI can dance pixel-perfect around the edge of your characters' weapon reach
  5. An interesting case. It's not that the armour is bound to DoC but that DoC is bound to the armour, she is a bound soul. I agree with the concept that DoC should be able to upgrade her armour but would like it to be done in keeping with PoE lore rather than against it. Maybe the *missing* attribute points are a result of the armour being imperfect and she could regain them gradually as perks when levelling up?
  6. From a game mechanics point of view you are entirely correct but from a roleplaying perspective I believe you are utterly wrong
  7. I think you can find Durance too quickly for his staff to be Soulbound. I usually give it to Eder as soon as I find more suitable weapons for Durance, in its v3 crush/fire form it's a decent 2-handed weapon early game.
  8. At least in v2 you could cast Beetleshell on a charmed enemy, you can then treat them as a *packed lunch* to be finished off later
  9. If you look at the classic duellers' stance it was meant to give you as much reach as possible whilst minimising the target presented to an opponent. It should certainly have defensive benefits compared to dual weapons which require you to stand (roughly) square on to an opponent. I agree that the style is pretty useless in its current form as apart from it being combat inefficient it also means wasting an enchantable item slot
  10. I know that and think its wrong. In my view the original D&D did it better with fighters and berserkers either of whom could be from a barbarian (non-soap using) background. (Roman) Legionnaires were drilled and issued with uniform equipment but were an attacking force, they did not lurk behind their shield and wait for their opponents to die of boredom Historically *barbarian* was used in a lazy shorthand for people who were different.
  11. My view is that *barbarian* should not be a class but a background. The (few useful) barbarian talents should be rolled into Fighters as an alternative to the mainly defensive talents they have now,
  12. …and continually chugging potions that restore hit points and/or reconnect severed limbs is? The health plus fatigue system is one of the more believable damage mechanisms I've encountered in RPGs yet it's still fun to play. As of v3 the party no longer gets fatigued by travel so we can assume the *camping* supplies are actually the extraordinary stuff that allow rapid health recovery rather than basic food and fire making kit.
  13. Use a Mac or Linux instead, there's a long standing problem with the cloaks library so their display is completely disabled and you don't suffer from misplaced garments Sorry, not a very helpful suggestion but having seen how good some of the cloaks look in screenshots I needed a minor rant
  14. It's a scripted affliction that goes away as you progress the early quests. Seems a bit tough on new players, be interesting to see what their reaction is.
  15. I'd be satisfied with PoE if it had an auto-generate option for the character portrait (from the paper doll) rather than being limited to fixed portraits. Divinity: Original Sin is about at the limits of what I can be bothered with in a party RPG. Two Worlds 2 is just too much like hard work for minimal results.
  16. I can remember: This fight, The bounty at Magran's Fork, the 2 northern outlaws wandered off to molest the wildlife, I'm sure it happened at least one other time, possible with another bounty where I had not previously cleared the map. On the first level of the endless paths my monk left the current fight to attack unseen enemies several times (and on several other maps)
  17. I wonder, will the backers get a rebate every time their NPC gets butchered?
  18. Hi Aarik, Just to be clear this seems to be a general issue wherever there are different groups of enemies *close* to each other (as determined by the AI).
  19. I see a level or experience cap to be two different ways of achieving the same goal, that is limiting character power and I think this is a perfectly valid thing to do in a story-driven cRPG. If the OBS team could implement an experience point throttle without diverting effort from future content or bug fixing I'd be OK with that.
  20. See also: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/83917-v399929-px1-steam-inconsistent-learn-spell-icons/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84078-30-beta-opening-grimoire-doesnt-show-unlearned-spells/
  21. Hi Aarik, I've only had it happen to me once but I know when I tried a web search for a fix there seem to have been several people who have experienced it, usually as a result of fighting druids (Plague of Insects?). The trigger seems to be causing a save (in my case by leaving a cave) whilst a raw damage condition is still active after a fight. There seem to be work-arounds for removing the condition from companions but the only reported *fix* I found for the protagonist was to get them deliberately KO'd in a fight.
  22. Playing on normal the AI is generally useful at keeping the party busy and making use of per encounter abilities. One thing it does mess up is when tries to cast Arcane Assault at a moving target
  23. Detailed advice indeed. That is accurate for v3…
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