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Mark Havel

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Everything posted by Mark Havel

  1. According to IMDB, Grey DeLisle alos voiced the wonderful Jeanette and Therese Voerman in Vampire Bloodlines.
  2. The game should run quite well with 512 MB RAM. IE : if you can afford it, buy another 256 MB RAM.
  3. I can be wrong. KotOR I was ported to Mac last year and it could be the case for the Sith Lords. Yeah, I'm French, how did you guess it ?
  4. The developpers of a game does not port it to mac usually. There is third party developpers such as Aspyr which are doing this, when the game is good and prone to be well sold. But since LucasArts rushed to game to hit christmas sales, I do not think they will bother to take care anymore with the game nor porting it to Mac.
  5. If hearing low quality music is a frivolous detail in a game where the music helps greatly the immersion...
  6. I received in may a mail in the mailbox where I registered the game with a link to a survey. It was KotOR 2-centric and asked a lot of very interesting questions about what I though of many points of the game. Obviously, I did not miss this wonderful occasion to tell them all the bad I think of rushed and non finished games.
  7. You did not read all my post. I said this could work if the developper is big enough which is not yet the case for Obsidian...
  8. As far as I know, Bioware did this to Interplay during the developpement of NeverWinter Nights without being harmed, Valve did this recently to VUGames and Epic Game did this to Atari since their next Unreal will be edited by Midway. So if the developper is big enough, it is totally possible to say f*ck to your editor and go elsewhere. Anyway, what does "MCA" mean ?
  9. If it is really the case, buying any game from LucasArts is a lost cause for me.
  10. You should look here.
  11. I don't know how can one even judge such incoherent ending. We arrive at Malachor V, we're alone and we don't know why. There is some story arc with Remote and Goto and Mira which just let us wonder what the f*ck are this doing there unresolved. The Ebon Hawk falls and seems to be destroyed and is almost shiny when finishing the game on LS. The story is great until meeting the Jedi Council on Dantooine. Then it become poor, obviously rushed and unpolished and totally unworthy of an Obsidian/BIS game. It could have been far far worse, but the fact is here : the game is NOT finished.
  12. The sooner would be the better.
  13. Since I always read a lot of tests from reliable magazines (there is still some in France), I tend to buy worthy games. If not, I buy them when the price is dropped. For example, I saw Vampire Bloodlines sold at 30
  14. Your system is still existing in France, it is called Metaboli. Your pay 10
  15. Well, we'll see very soon if John Morgan and GameBanshee were right about this...
  16. As far as I know StarForce is not used in the KotOR's II patch.
  17. And it'll be more impressive since you gave a part of the algorithm used by the AI .
  18. It because LucasArts decide when they release a patch and they are hosting the content. Anyway, it should not have been delayed so long. Let's hope this patch will come soon.
  19. Did I say I like your fan art Aimo ?
  20. I must say that whenever I can, I use nocd patches for my legally acquired games since I find it's quite stupid to still have the game CD after an installation which consisted in copying the whole CD content on the hard drive. A nocd patch will not fix anything but the CD check. If you find a bug, you'll have to solve this by another means. In SLiM's case, I would try to load an old savegame or begin a new game. I had crashes like this which seemed to be caused by a corrupted savegame or something like this.
  21. Since there is some bug fixes in the patch, it's likey there is some modifications to the .exe. Anyway, it seems there is a new protection included in the 1.0b patch, which is still not yet cracked. I predict a closure of this thread within hours.
  22. Since KotOR are the best Star Wars name ever, it's not so boring to see this. And it's far more credible than in Jedi Academy or such good but not excellent game.
  23. I've just done Dantooine first without any glitch...
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