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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. It was confirmed here by BMac, though it's apparently not set in stone and might change by release.
  2. 1. Start a new game. 2. Create a Cipher character. 3. At level-up, make sure you select Biting Whip as one of your talents. 4. Attack a Tikaware bystander to initiate combat in order to activate Soul Whip/Biting Whip. 5. Land a hit during combat and check its damage breakdown by holding shift while mousing over the combat log entry. 6. Observe that Soul Whip + Biting Whip are giving you a 20+40 = 60% damage boost. Note that the same applies to Soul Whip + Draining Whip, which give you 20+20 = 40% extra damage. Is this intended? The abilities' tooltip seem to suggest that Biting Whip would change Soul Whip from 20% to 40%, whereas Draining Whip would change it from 20% damage to 20% damage + 20% focus gain increase. EDIT: Dam ninja'd me on the bonus issue I mention below— https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/94674-skill-cipher-biting-draining-whip/ Bonus issue: 1. Start a new game. 2. Create a multiclass character with Cipher as its second class. 3. Level-up the character. 4. At 4th level, select Biting Whip and hit next; now the game will let you pick a second ability for this level up. 5. Observe that you can pick Draining Whip even though you've already taken Biting Whip. Biting Whip + Draining Whip stack with each other. In combination with the bug above, this gives you 20+20+40= 80% extra damage on top of 20% more focus gain. Even if the above is not a bug and Biting Whip is indeed meant to give you 60% (and Draining Whip 40%), I'm quite positive Biting Whip and Draining Whip should be mutually exclusive.
  3. 1. Start a new game 2. Create a Druid/Monk multiclass character. 3. In-game, level the character up and make sure you select "Bull's Will" twice: Once from the Druid's list; once from the Monk's. 4. Observe that both instances of Bull's Will stack with each other: NOTE: For all I know, this might as well be intended: These are flat bonuses and therefore not subject to the normal Inspiration/Affliction stacking rules. While they are the same talent, they are sourced from different pools in a multiclassed character—multiclass characters are supposed to synergize. To get the bonus twice you need to invest twice the talent points, so it's not like it comes for free. However, I figured I'd bring this up so that designers can confirm whether it is intended or not.
  4. I'm reporting this as a bug, since it most clearly is one. If it's any consolation, it pains me to do so (I'm a sucker for power creep)
  5. Agreed. I mentioned this to QA as well in the bugs subforum: stuff needs detailed descriptions with hard numbers in this game.
  6. True. Surrounding the Titan with a good party makes it go down very quickly. Not very epic at all. Its dying animation is still pretty unimpressive compared to how it was described in the backer update that first introduced the Titan.
  7. I was thinking the same for my Shifter/Helwalker. The mason issue with it is that the spiritshift’s claws scale with power level, which means they fall behind if you multiclass. Enter the Nature Godlike’s racial and your +2 power level brings you back in line. I’ll try it out. So far Devoted/Helwalker, Devoted/Soulblade, and Shifter/Helwalker is my go-to frontline trio. A Devoted/Priest stays in the back line and the fifth slot is TBA (Boeroer’s Lifegiver is a candidate; Devoted/Berserker as well once one-handers are fixed to 3 sec recovery.)
  8. On top of that, absence of a proficiency for fists/claws (which should really be one proficiency encompassing both) penalizes Devoted/Monk and Devoted/Druid multiclass builds as they end up taking a -10 Accuracy penalty with ... a part of their own body. Doesn’t even make logical sense A Monk who gets Transcendent Suffering and isn’t trained in the use of their fists? An animal who doesn’t know how to fight with their natural weapon? :D
  9. IIRC the Kaora Reeds are part of the stolen fruit quest. You’ve done all content as far as I know.
  10. Not sure what the plans are regarding this, but right now there doesn't seem to be a lot of clarity as to which abilities are affected by power level and in what way. It would be good to have a list of abilities that scale by power level broken down by class, and for each class a description of how each ability is affected. Perhaps this is already planned for the glossary/cyclopedia part of the journal, but I figured I'd mention it here.
  11. Interesting; I played with a Devoted/Berserker combo and had absolutely no issues.
  12. As a side note: Will the Devoted subclass be able to pick these general talents at levels where they would normally not get a proficiency owing to their limitations? If not, this change is effectively making the Devoted’s penalty a heck of a lot harsher (everybody’s gaining a lot in terms of power except the Devoted.) If yes, the Devoted becomes completely broken as their limitation no longer applies.
  13. I’d be OK with Weapon Focus staying where it is, to be honest.
  14. Devoted/Helwalker with sabres is a beast. With swords it is potentially even better due to the modal (+2 Pen in exchange for -20 deflection that makes you stack MIG from the Helwalker’s ability even faster.)
  15. I wouldn’t say it’s broken. You used a very specific combination of abilities from a single-classed character to maximize its potential—that it worked is your reward for intelligent gameplay within what the rules allow
  16. Berserker is very good multiclassed with any Fighter, although you need to wait until you get Tactical Barrage for it to really shine.
  17. I agree power levels could be doing more than they are right now. AFAIK, they do affect a Monk’s Transcendent Suffering and a Druid’s Spiritshift, though.
  18. Similarly, characters don’t turn to facevyou when you address them and just keep doing their thing during dialog, which looks odd. It’s fine if the rest of the world doesn’t freeze in place when you talk—in fact that’s a good feature. However the person who talks to you should generally, well, talk to you—not show you their back and do something else.
  19. While we’re at it, it would be useful if the description for the ability’s upgrade specified how Mach damage can be taken before the bonuses are gone.
  20. Dupe: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/94691-no-details-for-rikuhus-blessing/ Rikuhus Blessing appears to at least be granting +1 Resolve.
  21. Deadfire should bring something at least similar to the table—not just with the new Concentration/Interrupt system, but also with the new Inspiration/Affliction system where Inspirations and Afflictions can counter each other, as well as the keyword system where, for example, spells with the Water keyword can counter spells with the Fire keyword (going by memory from either a QA stream or a tidbit Josh posted on Tumblr or Twitter.) It won't be the same as BG2, but it should be more engaging than PoE. Of course, first we need to fix casting times and other things about spellcasters...
  22. It doesn't, actually. It is listed as (Conditional) and greyed out if you're using a weapon you are proficient with. If you calculate your Accuracy you'll see it adds up. Only bug with the Devoted right now is that it lets you pick multiple proficiencies.
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