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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. That's fair, but you need to understand that the game was not balanced around the assumption that you'd make a solo run. There are areas and/or encounters that are going to be too difficult to tackle solo, which is why TCS players tend to use meta-knowledge to skip them. Level 4 could be fine for Madmhr Bridge if you were in a party but for solo yeah, it's a bit early on. What was your character build?
  2. What level were you? Xaurips notoriously have paralyzing spears but they shouldn't be too much of an issue. Madmhr Bridge is an optional area, by the way: You don't need to go there and, quite frankly, unless you're doing the bounties (which are usually skipped by TCS players) there ain't much reason too.
  3. So I've just tested The Dichotomous Soul with the elemental talents and they appear to work with it. My Monk's base damage was 20-25, which means the minimum damage expected from the twins was 20 * 1.2 = 24. I've had them attack a party member a number of times and never got a hit below 24. I also appreciated how powerful the twins really are; the time has come for me to work on a Monk build (as though we didn't have enough of those already )
  4. That's a bug. IIRC, Josh mentioned on SA that the log would mention when a target was immune to a particular affliction you were trying to bestow.
  5. While I like the idea of a "No Sleep for the Watcher" mode (it is cool and I've always liked the slogan to boot), I know I would likely not use it. Because powergaming. Eh.
  6. Sentinel's Girdle did have a tendency to disappear from the inventory after enering/exiting combat mode. I thought it was related to the ring slot bug, but apparently not. These disappearing-item bugs are preoccupying, mostly because 2.02 was meant to have fixed them.
  7. Fairly sure that fixing Bittercut will also fix both Stormcaller and Firebrand (seems to be the same bug.) Dichotomous Soul is trickier to test but I should be able to create a test case for it. Taking for granted their base damage is the same as the Monk's, if the Monk is naked and has the talents we can calculate the minimum we expect from the twins. If it doesn't work, I'll post the save and write up steps (either tonight or over the weekend.) Fingers crossed for 3.0 eh
  8. Better A.I. and encounter design would be most welcome; most refreshing.
  9. That's A.I. more than path finding. A.I. should periodically reevaluate its target to see if it makes sense to change it (e.g. if someone's outrunning me and I pass by someone else while chasing, I should probably stop and attack the latter.) Well, A.I. should be doing a lot of things, to be honest... But you can't always get what you want, can you?
  10. http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3706905&userid=17931&perpage=40&pagenumber=9
  11. After all, it's no secret that PoE's lead designer loves cheese (and so do we.)
  12. I love to be given a peaceful way out ... but not for major set pieces like Alpine Dragon. I would slaughter him if he surrendered XD
  13. Consider that a Fighter with a higher INT would already extend its duration and -8 DR is plenty good in most scenarios. It is true that most people here consider INT a blasphemy on Fighters but it is actually not that bad; I guess this went into it when they decided on the effect's duration
  14. ^ add in a Sundering Blow for another -8 and I think the dragon's left with about 5 DR or the like. LoP (in a WC3 dwarven voice): "It's aggro time!"
  15. ^ hi BMac! As a side note, colorblind people will have a hard time with the red and green colors for buffed/debuffed numbers; I think Kaz acknowledged this in another thread but probably Colorblind Mode should change those to something "frendlier."
  16. Heh. I wish I had any artistic skills. I've been mostly relying on existing PoE portraits but there's a lack of decent ones for human female characters (most are either helmed or not to my liking.) I just might be back to an Aumaua LoP for my next play through...
  17. I haven't applied the corrosive lash yet; just equipped the sabre. I'm not really going for a play through so I just created the character on the fly to see it (and to see what it looks like with the equipment, being the aesthetic bitch that I am.) Indeed violet and green makes me want to avoid the lash altogether and give up on the extra damage ahah
  18. Does it happen to you as well that when you equip Bittercut on your Fire Godlike, it gets a red tint? It looks positively fugly; Bittercut's original color is a much better match for Coat of Ill Payment How did you get your attributes so high without modifiers? You've got a good 3 extra points in the OP.
  19. From SA: Looks like he is developing for SA people...
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