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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. I've played the game four times and I'm taking a pause until this issue is fixed. Now that I know it's there, it annoys me too much to roll another character until it's gone.
  2. I can only imagine that it is to prevent tiny Fighters from knocking the massive dragon prone with a swing of their sword.
  3. Actually I'm quite sure this was done on purpose in patch 2.01 or 2.02 so that people wearing boots of speed would not, in fact, leave the party behind while moving together out of combat. I personally found it jarring and mildly annoying that one of my characters would get to the destination, like, two full minutes earlier than everyone else. Even more annoying was to see the one wearing The White Crest be left behind. Stealth pacing is slow enough as is without an extra -1 slapped upon it XD In combat everything should be back to normal, with the boots of speed wearer running visibly faster than everyone else.
  4. I don't think the Accuracy modifiers should be dropped. That would make PER the must-pump stat by definition for all casters in order to make up. Nerfing some of them could be an idea but I wouldn't remove them entirely.
  5. The White March Pt. II and 3.00 will be up simultaneously, just like The White March Pt. I and 2.00 were up simultaneously.
  6. Please no. Turn-based combat is so incredibly boring. It would also completely defeat the purpose of action speed and recovery (i.e. a big part of character building and development would disappear.)
  7. It's correct. It means, "You get less points the further out from the target you get; same with the mouth and eyes" (as in, you also get less points if you hit the mouth or the eyes.)
  8. Fairly sure he consolled them in. The armor is not a real item; it is used to confer DR and immunities to Skeleton creatures in the game. Skeletons won't drop it upon dying. This is very IE-like, btw. Most creatures in IE games gained their immunities and powers from special items (usually rings) they of course wouldn't drop upon dying.
  9. My best guess is this slipped under QA's radar and the devs are unaware. Now Aarik will see it on Monday and we can hope to see it fixed in 2.04
  10. Why do you say Might and Dexterity don't matter in combat? In my experience, they matter quite a bit. The fact that you can get by without is part of Josh's "no helpless builds" policy: All stats are useful; none is indispensable. I also think it makes sense that Perception governs Accuracy: The more perceptive you are, the easier you identify weak spots in your enemies' defensive stance / moves / etc. and can strike an effective blow. The only thing that feels like a stretch is Deflection on Resolve; then again, Deflection had to be somewhere and Resolve had to have some use (contrary to Charisma in AD&D cRPGs.) That said, let us not forget you are allocating stat points for adventurers. They are supposed to relate to their combat abilities because that's what adventurers do. It's not like perception is necessarily only governing Accuracy for all the people in Eora; if you don't fight and are weak, you may still be mentally keen. I also do not think the story in PoE is quite on par with Planescape: Torment's; and I don't think it's too intricate. Patrick Rothfuss's novels have an intricate story—and I certainly wouldn't mind some of that in my cRPGs, but I can certainly appreciate the cost it would entail. Planescape: Torment was more original, and its delivery was overall better. I do like the story and writing in PoE a lot, but Planescape: Torment remains unrivaled to date as far as I'm concerned.
  11. ^ fairly sure I've seen both issues reported in the main tech forum; they are both issues with the base game (the missing map note was introduced by patch 2.03)
  12. Could you upload a saved game the exhibits the issue and your output.log file to dropbox and link them here? QA will request those as they need them to look into your issue.
  13. Sounds like something you may want to take up to GoG support; I'm not sure there's much Obsidian can do about it. GoG's support are generally helpful. If you explain the situation, they may agree to refunding your purchase so you can go and buy the expansion on Steam.
  14. I strongly disagree with this. The game exists because backers threw in their buck o' five before the game script was even drafted up. In Sensuki's case, he put in over $200 to fund development based on the developers' promises. I did the same (the difference being I don't regret doing so.) People who bought the game after it was released put in a lot less cash and knew exactly what they were buying. Nothing wrong with that, but if everyone had chosen that path, this game would not exist; I still think backers are entitled to some recognition. To put some more facts into the blender while I'm at it, Sensuki was the single most active beta tester during the backer beta. He did extensive bug-hunting sessions and several bugs were found and fixed before release largely thanks to his effort. The IE Mod also exists largely thanks to him. He feels particularly bitter about the game because it turned out wildly different from what he expected, thus making all the time, money, and effort he put in it effectively useless from his perspective (his return on investment was zero.) I myself don't necessarily agree with all his views, but he's not exactly a clueless nobody when it comes to PoE.
  15. The "Ground Attacks" thing is cool, imho. It's always struck me as odd that flying creatures who were not touching the ground at all could be knocked Prone via Slicken (for example.)
  16. Posting this here as I don't know where else to post it and I think it's too little to warrant its own thread. New spell from TWM pt. II teased by Josh on instagram: link "Wall of Many Colors" I can only imagine how spectacular it must look
  17. tjayharvey, I can't thank you enough for the work you're doing on the mod. You really have no idea how grateful I am. I am also flabbergasted that you could fix my stacking issue so fast! God knows I wish I could code so I could help with maintaining the mod. Unfortunately I have zero exposure to coding of any kind and must rely on the work of others. So thank you, thank you, thank you. A thousand times thank you!
  18. Unfortunately not. 2.03 has just come out so I expect 2.04 to take at least three more weeks before the beta is rolled out. This is a guesstimate based on previous patches. For now, QA still need to confirm the bug (which I'm sure will happen shortly; I can repro with 100% reliability.) I'm taking a pause from the game until 2.04 is out and the IE Mod is made compatible with it.
  19. Fair point. Let's see what QA come back with.
  20. Think it's a bug. I recall seeing it reported in the tech forum but I don't have a link handy.
  21. Fairly sure this is by design. Both Blessing and Zealous Focus provide a direct buff to Accuracy and bonuses to the same thing generally don't stack in this game (Durgan Steel being an exception to this rule.)
  22. I think it was done on purpose. You know, with the caul thing and all. People mostly don't notice her and this doesn't suddenly change in Act IV, which I think is good. I do think, however, that she could contribute a bit more of her own volition. She's very passionate about what she cares for, at least in her conversations with you. I expected some of that inner fire to burn brighter in Act IV.
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