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Everything posted by Nordicus

  1. "Can't"? Naah, just need to get to 3rd tier of alchemy. Can be a bothersome thing to do, I'll give you that
  2. Then they should not be in the business. Like Obsidian? Troika? Iron Lore? CD Projekt Red? Those are the most random examples you could have picked, with maybe the exception of CDProjektRED If Bethesda, Lucas Arts, Activision, or THQ take a hit, then boo-f**king-hoo.
  3. Hmm, I checked how readily available the first few Witcher books are near where I live. All the copies of The Last Wish, Sword of Destiny and The Blood of Elves are being borrowed from the libraries in my city. Damn. Thirst is real. I might have to buy one of those 35€ hard cover books... mmmm... I think I'll check the auction sites first.
  4. The new Mastercrafted Wolf School armor looks like straight out of Witcher 2. Medium weight btw Base version looks really good too
  5. "No story" is certainly an improvement over modern Bethesda story
  6. Actually, skills aren't. Perks are. It is likely that skills and perks have been turned into one thing, and you may pick the "Science!" perk several times to improve your crafting and other things. See the Pip-Boy below. No Skills tab, but Perks tab is there. Game is 5 months away from being release, 4 months away from going gold.
  7. And will she be Robo Bayonetta?
  8. That is certainly news! Tell me more
  9. Oh whoopdedoo, a new Transformers game, like there aren't enough of tho- Wait. G1?
  10. Mouse and keyboard here, because that's how I played Witcher 2, and navigating the menus is a bit simpler this way
  11. That's funny, because you could drop Durance in Witcher universe and nobody would bat an eyelid.
  12. Next DLC announced Since Fool's Gold might not be a cave troll contract, maybe I won't complete this one in 5 minutes? **** yeah, Gwent Also, now to wait another week and cross my fingers that DLC 9 really is the rumored New Game Plus mode
  13. Really, really nice, as the lifetime sales of Witcher 1 and 2 combined are little over 6 million as far as I remember
  14. Haven't really bought anything for myself, but I did gift 5 copies of Valdis Story during daily deal. Though I did get a copy of SimCity out of it so yay!
  15. Err, why? It's redundant. If you pick "Simulate save: Yes" before you start a game without importing, in Vizima you'll be questioned about all the events in Witcher 2 that matter in 3
  16. Also, speaking of CDProjektRED pulling tricks on people, for a moment they had me fooled, I was convinced Dandelion's personal sidequest was just going to be a list of dumb favors that the eternally carefree Dandelion is never going to repay, but then right at the end my patience got rewarded when a twist opened up one of the most interesting quests that I've done in Novigrad so far.
  17. CDProjektRED has the best solutions to early game money exploits.
  18. Was that intentional? That was intentional. Btw, patch 1.05 is out, it fixes a ton of issues and introduces filters for alchemy. Does have 1 new bug though, you can't craft new higher grade mutagens if you have one already in inventory. Need to drop it on the ground before you can craft another one
  19. I disagree, but I would welcome some additional late game money sinks. All Superior grade bombs, oils and potions require 1-3 bottles of White Gull, which is made using the very rare Madrake Cordial, Cherry Cordial and Redanian Herbal liquors. You can buy these from some merchants, but in the end, making White Gull costs you roughly 350 crowns per bottle. I'd say that getting a version of Swallow that's not only longer lasting and more potent than the lesser versions, but also throws out the rule "getting damaged stops the regen for 2 seconds", is pretty useful
  20. Shame that Vivaldi can't convert euros to crowns. The feature's bugged out for me!
  21. Vault Dweller Chosen One Lone Wanderer Courier Troy Baker Weirdly enough, same here. I'm curious about the mechanics changes to previous Bethesda style Fallouts. Who knows, maybe this game can scratch my Stalker itch. That is being super optimistic though
  22. Use some bugspray Devil's Puff Ball
  23. Wow, so apparently Aard can move clouds around
  24. Hmmm, I've never even touched MtG in all my life, or any ccg that I can remember, and I'm quite enjoying Gwent. I like the occasional moment when I just can't decide whether to throw the first round or try adding a few decent cards to the field and get an early victory instead. The AI seems to sometimes be smart enough to use all their spy cards if you pass too early and that's not something you want to happen when you got decoy cards in your hand. Opportunity for nabbing a spy wasted
  25. Note to self: loot all seashells you can get because they can always be salvaged into pearls, which are extremely valuable
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