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Everything posted by Joukehainen

  1. Okay between the romance threads, the oversexualization threads, and this, it's starting to get really obvious that 4chan is trolling these forums. Too obvious, guys. Try again later.
  2. Same could be said of Bayonetta, most likely a parody. Doesn't mean they don't contain impossibly-proportioned ladies in fetish outfits, though. They do.
  3. While this is obviously a matter of taste, do you really think it's that bad? It's not like it's an enormous change or anything. Just a change to a more subtle, but still bulging shape. Honestly, and this is not meant to be offensive, but I'm struggling to believe that you're being serious. Again, I realize it's different tastes and all that but that is such an incredible exaggeration. Do you honestly mean that you cannot tell the sex of the character? Honestly? This highlights the core of the problem. Some people are under the impression that how HAWT they find a female character is of high importance. If they don't find her hawt, something must be terribly wrong, right? Those PC feminists must have gone too far, right? I mean, that's the main point of having female characters in games, after all. To turn me on, right? Thing is though, there are plenty of games out there for those that want to see impossibly-proportioned ladies in hawt fetish outfits. TERA, your average Skyrim mods, Chainsaw Lollipop, any Tomb Raider game, Bayonetta, etc. The newly upcoming Queen's Blade MMO might be more in their style. What baffles me is why they're so upset that a story-based RPG might have more depth regarding character portrayals.
  4. I'm not arguing that we should petition anyone. I keep saying I think Obsidian's doing great with what we've seen so far, and has done in the past. If you don't know why I'm posting, reading some posts of mine (try the first one in this topic) might be a good place to start!
  5. Did you know that oversexualization is not the same thing as any portrayal of sex and sexuality? Did you know that you can show a character's sex and sexuality in a way that does not reduce them to eye candy or a sex object? Did you know that you can have a character who looks a certain way but challenges that stereotype; a character that is designed to challenge a stereotype? Did you know that you can enjoy pornography without trying to turn other things, like say, certain game genres, into porn? Did you know that sex depicted in books/games/films does not always have the same intentions behind it as porn does? Did you know that some things, such as fetish outfits, might fit well in a hentai game, a porno, or an erotic artwork; but that doesn't mean those fetish outfits fit anywhere and everywhere? If you think about these things, you might understand why my statements are not contradictions at all.
  6. So someone who thinks there's nothing wrong with sex and sexuality in games, who wants internal consistency in a game's diegesis, who thinks fetish gear is alright if applied equally to both genders, who thinks Obsidian has given us great portrayals of women characters, and who's not a man is a primordial white-knight. Glad we cleared that up.
  7. Did Furiku read this? No, because if they had, they would see that it destroys all of their points. This isn't about vulgarity. This isn't about PC. This isn't about puritanism or fear of sex. Those of you that honestly feel Obsidian is caving to some sort of internet-wide, conspiratorial PC/feminist agenda: why are you sitting around all day on Obsidian's forums? You're not fighting the good fight by trying to convince devs to embrace immature stereotypes that cater to the lowest common denominator. You're just trolling.
  8. I really think devs need to space out the projects a bit, because as it is right now, I think a lot of the same people have been funding the same projects on Kickstarter the past year, and well, our wallets are getting a bit empty. Also, Frisk's point has certainly occurred to me, but it's nothing I think is too likely to happen with, say, PE. One thing I'm worried about, though, is how the industry will respond to this. I'm concerned they might try to destroy the process of crowdfunding, just like they're trying to destroy filesharing, since it eliminates the need for publishers altogether. I'm worried WB or something might buy out Kickstarter -.- and then shut it down or the like. Of course, a new platform could just spring up (see the analogy with filesharing) but still, it's something I worry about.
  9. Ambient sound is super important! It adds so much and shockingly enough is completely ignored by many devs! I'm ending ever sentence with an exclamation mark! :D
  10. I suggest reading this post by Josh Sawyer. His oldschool GM skills will not disappoint. Not to mention, yeah Chris Avellone. Remember, this is the team that created the game that to-date has the most text of any game ever. We'll have choices coming out the wazoo. A necessity for threads like this:
  11. This is the most concise and smartest summary I've seen. /thread
  12. And neither do internet sexists represent the majority of gamers, and neither do their opinions or silly boobplate make a good game. If you disagree so vehemently with the design philosophies of one of the lead designers of Project Eternity, perhaps it's not for you. You might enjoy the armour designs in TERA or some Skyrim mods more.
  13. I am definitely not for non-sexualized women in video games. Sexuality is a part of life and I have nothing against portrayals of sex or sexiness in games. What I'm for is internal consistency in the game diegesis. Sex is what you have when the armour comes off. I think Oblivion has done a great job in the past of giving us characters like Kreia, Imoen, etc, where sexy bodies were not the primary focus of those characters. Does that mean I'm against sexiness in general or even sex scenes? Nope. Those can certainly add to a character, atmosphere, etc. In regards to Justin Sweet, what I like about his art (other than the technical skill, the colour palette, and the moody atmosphere) is the range. He has women in boobplate, he has women not in boobplate. (And for those who still want to draw the imo false equivalence that Conan = Taki, no, no it doesn't. Conan = that female orc image I posted, or a female bodybuilder in a bikini.) Do you see how the bumps of the pectoral muscles are extremely minimal towards the center of the chest, and rather only appear towards the edges? Yeah. Like I said. Now compare with how boobplate for women is commonly depicted. See the rather glaring difference? Also, that looks to be gladiator armour, in which case we should keep in mind that it's done for show and spectacle first and foremost. Ladies in armour: Ladies in armour-flavoured fetish gear (mildly NSFW): http://www.strangeco...tent/145896.jpg http://image.shutter...an-86729239.jpg http://vglounge.com/...ass-450x562.jpg And if we're going to have women in fetish gear, we should have men in fetish gear, too (although this particular guy would have to hit the gym, the tanning salon, the body waxer, and the enlargement clinic to be in the same style):
  14. After all, yeah, kids fascinated with computer screen are much less trouble than the druggy ones. Oops. Did i type that out loud. So um, any other valuable opinions on the sexualizing thing? Just wait until the people on the other side of the globe wake up. -.- (Not a nationalism thing, just that people will have more comments, whether rational or trolling.)
  15. Because the exaggeration on the curvature of the breasts is far greater than the exaggeration on the contours of the male pectoral muscles. Large curved spheres on the front of the armour would guide incoming swords, spears, arrows etc into the CENTER of the chest, the weakest point and the point you most want to protect on the chest, bc it's, you know, where the heart is. That is why armour always is convex in shape: to guide impacts away from the center of the chest. Boobplate would do the opposite. And I don't have any evidence of Greeks using muscle-sculpt armour for realsies and not just ceremonies and posing for statues, anyway.
  16. I agree! I never want to play humans given the choice for anything else because, well, I'm SURROUNDED by humans! There's almost 9 billion of us! Any game that puts humans in should really give them something special to identify them and set them apart so they can "compete" with the more intriguing, unique races. Not sure what this "something special" should be, though. -.- I feel like many games don't try enough with that.
  17. Haha. Well sure, If you have a Conan-style man, throw in a Conan-style woman. Ie buff and naked, not Barbie and naked. À la Justin Sweet.
  18. Woman warrior as well armoured as male warrior of same class = *coherent internal logic, rationality Chain bikini and among orcs? = *trollface*. Fixed that for you.
  19. Haha that's a great idea! And reminds of the Oglaf comic one of the posters in the previous thread (Starker) linked:
  20. Guys guys I have a great idea. I had it seven pages ago, nobody listened. -.-
  21. The only thing I'd feel need to note here is that, given Obsidian are far, far, from releasing all the details on the world, society (various) in it, their cultures, few or many beliefs, and so on - there is lots of information we don't have beyond that - . . . I wouldn't feel comfortable talking about what's consistent internally yet. Unless there is some sort of special physics or magical law in the PE world, that somehow completely changes how Newtonian physics work on a day to day basis, then yes, it would be inconsistent for women to go to battle in inferior armor. And Obsidian agrees with you:
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