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Everything posted by Ninjamestari

  1. There is a distinction between the game narrative and game mechanics. Quite frankly, people are getting sick of this virtue-signaling that forces 'sexual diversity' down their throats. It's the small minority of loudmouths and whiners who started this whole trend by claiming that games are somehow misogynic that perverted this whole conversation to begin with. These people are so dishonest and/or confused that they have managed to find Baldur's Gate to be sexually offensive because it doesn't represent sexual minorities. If you're worried that sexual minorities aren't getting enough attention in fiction then write your own damn stories.
  2. My character now is named Omena It sounds cool and i like them Imagine if Kanas brother was named KALA. What a team "Oh no, her comes the dangerous Kana and Kala brothers!" They could even have a sister named "Kukko" ^^
  3. Yeah, maybe blasphemy was a bit melodramatic word, but the people defending the system seem to go through rather extensive mental gymnastics to come up with rationalizations on why "there is no problem", and since everyone and their mother is whining about people not respecting their 'opinions', I merely find it rather hypocritical that they themselves don't then respect the views of those they disagree with. I'm merely pointing that out, since the difficulty is often due to a failure in making a proper distinction between what is real and what is an opinion.
  4. You're not the only one, but apparently such criticism is considered a sort of blasphemy here so watch your back. All in all I think their decision to go with this system alienates way more people than it attracts, and was, and still is, one major reason I didn't back the first game and I'm not going to back this one. I'll buy it if it seems good enough, just like I did with the first game.
  5. Kana means chicken in Finnish. It really doesn't have anything to do with anything but I just had to say it.
  6. Can you make any more dishonest assessment about what I just said? No one here has called her something she's not.
  7. Considering the mental gymnastics you go through in order to justify being offended, yes that is quite pretentious. You can't just create imaginary rules that fictional characters have to follow just satisfy your whims. Buffy is a TV show, the characters are fictional. Willow really wasn't a bisexual until the writers decided that it would be an interesting direction to take the character in. No one is trying to delegitimize bisexuality, and I really can't believe people keep falling for that politically motivated narrative. Let's invent a crime, give it a word and then associate our enemies with that. At the end of the day, you need to choose: do you want to be treated as a person, or do you want special treatment because you're a bisexual? You can't have both. All in all, I hope you understand that gaming forums aren't the place for this sort of political discussion, and I hope you'll respect that more in the future. I myself am not going to respond to you on this particular subject anymore to keep from derailing this thread, but if you are truly interested, we can discuss it through private messages.
  8. Squirrels are the same, but people's perception of squirrels *has* changed. Squirrel is a quick and agile animal, and that cute cartoon-squirrel you're thinking of did not exist back then.
  9. Pink was a type of ship, not a reference to the color, and roses weren't strictly the romantic symbol they are today. Why Ned gave that particular name to the ship, I don't know. Could be to commemorate his former exploits in port Rosemary or port Roseway, or could be something else.
  10. Crafting can be a meaningful part of a single player experience, but I must agree that in its current form, the game would be better without it.
  11. Nope, having access to blind for example has a mutiplicative effect on your character's ability to take punishment, which in turn leads to exponential growth for the level that gave you access to this ability.
  12. That would mean exponential power growth per level, which makes encounter balance completely bonkers. Also, if the 33% bonus is at max level, then low level ciphers will just kinda suck.
  13. So taking a single point in a skill to get 1DR that is exclusive with other resting bonuses is the same as dipping into a cipher for example that would grant you 20% flat more damage, more against creatures with high DR, and incredibly powerful utility abilities to boot?
  14. True, didn't think of that. That could actually lead to potential interesting developments, as some of these noble bastards become rowdier while others don't, some of them might begin to refer to the ship as a "bitch", which could then spark internal conflicts; some of the crew trying to cling to their noble heritage while others wanting to embrace being a pirate.
  15. Talking about bisexual erasure in regard to fictional characters of a game designed for mass markets is just a tad pretentious I think. People can be what they want, but these are fictional characters designed for very specific purposes, they're not people. Understanding this distinction helps a lot in keeping identity-politics out of gaming. If you want people to stop treating other people according to external labels and categories, then you should stop giving people labels and putting them in categories.
  16. Aah, Neverwinter Nights. There's something about the UI and that original menu theme that really resulted in the ultimate character creation experience. Even Baldur's Gate 2 didn't manage to be equal to it. EDIT: Can anyone seriously say that this isn't the best character creation theme ever composed? ^^
  17. I'd like to see more distinct Order-based abilities. I always thought that the Bleak Walkers should have an aura of fear that reduces the stats of enemies rather than giving bonuses to the party for example. Another thing I'd like to see is more interesting Orders. The Bleak walkers feel like the only paladin order to have any real personality, with the possible exception of the Darcozzi Paladini. I find that the utter divorce between the different faiths and Paladins didn't do the class that much good, so perhaps a Templar Order dedicated to the safety of the faith, who would be funded by the different Temples to act as guardians of sorts, and since they do not follow any specific god to the exclusion of the others, they could also have attained a position of power as mediators and peace-keepers between the different faiths. Oh, and I'd definitely like Paladins to have fighter-level combat stats and not just be the inferior choice for the front lines.
  18. Remember that pirates are a rowdy crowd. Calling their ship a bitch or a whore isn't an insult any more than a guy calling his friend a **** is. You can't seriously suggest that a group of hardy foul-mouth pirates would call their ship "mother's embrace". In fact, a pirate would likely view such a name as an insult and throw you to sharks just for suggesting it. None of the other pirates would even take you seriously again in any case.
  19. Guys, this isn't a debate, and this isn't about opinion. There's a distinction. I'm simply trying to communicate an idea and describe the causal connection between certain design decisions and certain sets of problems. I know I prefer the AD&D approach because of its simplicity <- that's an opinion, and that most of you prefer the 3rd edition approach because of the freedom it gives you <- another opinion. That is not the point at all, the whole point is that AD&D is easier to implement without reworking the whole system, and it also allows the DESIGNER more freedom when it comes to core class design. There is a huge opportunity cost to the 3rd edition approach if you're trying to balance it properly, not to mention the host of other problems it introduces, like the whole 17/1 scenario, which will then require band-aid solutions that will likely have a negative effect on the game overall. This is not an opinion, it's a fact. Whether or not one thinks the difference of fun between the two systems is worth the difference of trouble introduced on the other hand *is* an opinion, and it's not the same opinion as "which system is more fun". These distinctions are important. To be quite honest, when going for the 3rd edition style approach, I'd prefer if multi-classing was imbalanced rather than have those band-aid solutions, but there are people who want a challenge from their games and to whom balancing is important <- this is another fact, which means there is a strong incentive for the designer who goes for the 3rd edition approach to start applying those different band-aid solutions, which means that this approach is likely going to lead to one hell of a mess that'll eventually bite everyone in the ass one way or another. Design decisions like this aren't isolated, they have consequences that affect every single other area of the game in subtle and sometimes insidious ways.
  20. Mother's Embrace is a tad too sissy name for a Pirate Ship. It would function well for some priestly do-gooder vessel, but not for a pirate one.
  21. Care to elaborate on your logic here? I just don't see how "AD&D multiclassing would result with many more talents but none of the great ones", or maybe I'm just missing your meaning.
  22. I'm not talking about 3e multiclassing, I'm talking about josh's brand new deadfire multiclassing system. So even if 3e multi-classing system is broken (which i'm not actually admitting here), it does't matter as it's a completely seperate system. So until we see how the deadfire system works in it's entirety we can't say whether it's broken or not. It's more dishonest to conflate the two system like you're trying to do. Then you haven't even read a single sentence of what I've written. Seriously, have some respect.
  23. Whether or not 3rd edition multi-classing is broken isn't a matter of opinion sadly, since it's a damn mess. AD&D approach on the other hand works fine. Whether or not you think the trade-off between the systems is worth it one way or another is an opinion. What you just did is quite dishonest.
  24. Maybe there could be some mechanics involved that restrict the best craftables to those who took the skill for the main character? For example, there could be character backgrounds available that improve your crafting skill that are not available to any companions, or there could be a quest where you need to survive without your party, during which you happen upon a special one time opportunity to craft something unique if your skill is high enough. Band-aid solutions perhaps, but still better than no investment required what-so-ever.
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