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About darkling.lithely

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    (2) Evoker
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  1. Nice list. Thanks. I didn't see immunity to pierce on the list. Anyone know how Vladimir Bl achieves this with the Holy Slayer against Dorudugan?
  2. So, how long would Obsidian keep the Avowed forums open if the game were dead? Wouldn't that be some indication that things were still moving along, even if extremely slowly?
  3. Vaporware...? What...? **trips on roots grown in the floor, breaking all the jars of frogs, pi$$-fitting, somersaulting from the edge of the sorcerer's table, landing in the well-groomed, poisonous rose bush and kicking a dagger into self-sister's back, and accidentally casting permanent sunbeam in the room! Persephone!!! Ahh--for shadows.**
  4. I'm thinking one way or another, there will be a spirit(ual) aspect to the game. Obsidian likes to pose big questions and hint with small answers many possibilities.
  5. I was kinda making PoE, PoE2, and (the) PoE3 (of my dreams) analogous with creation, fall, and atonement. It was working for me at the time with the "purpose and meaning...would come to naught" given Eothas' designs for disruption.
  6. I was looking for news for a PoE3 and found this speech from 1981 instead: https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/bruce-r-mcconkie/three-pillars-eternity/ "The three pillars of eternity, the three events, preeminent and transcendent above all others, are the creation, the fall, and the atonement. These three are the foundations upon which all things rest. Without any one of them all things would lose their purpose and meaning, and the plans and designs of Deity would come to naught." I think Eothas is aware, so I thought I'd share.
  7. The game's not perfect. So what? There are problems, but how many things did this game get right? There are lots of parts to this game. Lots of parts that are spot on too. And obviously you enjoyed it because you didn't just finish the game once but are commenting about another play-though.
  8. Which are great. Thank you for the instructions. I ended up using paint.net and paint 3D. One question, though: where can I find the background that you use?
  9. Thanks, Heukalyptus, for the reply. Have you used this? I ask because when Ascended, focus is at zero. Or is it a condition that is worded as such but is really intended specifically for being ascended? Also, do you (or anyone) know if the mod will work mid-game?
  10. I've tried a few things and have searched to no avail--how do I program the AI to take advantage of the ascendant subclass?
  11. Nearing the end of another play-through and am using the The Healing Wall build on this page--thank you Climhazzard and TheMetaphysician! This character will be a staple for me here on out.
  12. I couldn't agree more. I think this game is pretty amazing. The sheer number of everything in multiple categories is staggering--classes and subclasses to multiclass, armors, weapons, consumables, wizard spells, cipher spells, druid spells, chanter spells, priest spells, types of bonuses or maluses, character voices, interactions, alignments and reputations, and many more without even mentioning how all of these things react with each other. The depth of the themes are worthy of adult consideration. The fact that you can't kill the god at the end I appreciate so much, and I can't help but think that the type of influence the main character has on the Deadfire is lost on many players: one person's choices make huge differences in a world where he or she didn't save the universe. Really, I think this game is too much for the average gamer. It is a shame that it's not recognized as the brilliant masterpiece that it is, but I suspect that time is on its side.
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