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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Ronald (6) Wilson (6) Reagan(6). It turns out that instead of some metal ****, hell is Marvel movies and nfts. What a disappointment.
  2. Looks to be the whole thing, avaliable in the US (and I assume with VPN in case it's region restricted).
  3. No, but with that description I sure as hell will.
  4. I haven't watched much animu lately, but I will be watching the lain like thing that sounds like a drug soon. Right now it's between that, new Dexter, or finally doing the Twin Peaks rewatch and losing (what's left of) my mind.@Bartimaeus changing his mind on something is proof that soon he will join us in having trash taste. I did watch the recent Komi and honestly, it was just boring. Stalker Girl going panty hunting and horny dudes imagining dates doesn't even get a response at this point.
  5. I guess Avatar really went off the rails after Legend of Korra. What kind of bending turned everyone into blue cgi people?
  6. I don't usually do it for days, but that's a thing I usually do too. Big exception is for anything that leaves a crust, because the water doesn't soften it up enough and getting it off quick makes the job easier.
  7. Yeah, that's real bad. Toss that thing yesterday. For stuff that sticks on pans (like animal and plant matter crust) I usually do baking soda and a brush to get the debris off and then a light wash on soapy water to clean it. For the most part this makes cleanup easy and doesn't seem to damage my cooking stuff, but you have to do the baking soda scrub fairly quickly after you're done cooking (for me, usually after I'm eating, maybe give 5 minutes). For some reason, I very rarely use the dishwasher for stuff that I don't directly eat or drink out of. I haven't run a pot or pan through the dishwasher....ever now that I think on it.
  8. I've had luck with ceramic, not sure the brand but I think it's Xtrema. No issues with sliding (on a gas stove) and no warping after medium heat. Oven safe to boot. The downside is that the pots and pans are thick and as such noticably heavier than non-stick comparisons.
  9. Prisoners of the Ghostland. (2021) It's a very strange film. The movie alternates between Japanese and English while being set in a post apocalyptic mashup of Samurai movies and Westerns with some horror elements. I would honestly struggle to label it with a genre beyond thriller if I had a gun to my head. But I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's engaging and offers a lot if you enjoy surreal dreamscapes and hearing Nic Cage yelling "TESTACUHLLLLL" was just ****ing hilarious. I would recommend it to anyone who digs surreal stuff or is just looking for something bat**** crazy to check out.
  10. I remember how Trump said Ted Cruz's wife was ugly and how his dad killed JFK....only for Cruz to lick his boots in 2018 and try to coup the US government in 2021. Man, how am I supposed to muster an once of respect for a guy who clearly doesn't respect himself. Somehow, he is not the most pathetic wretch in Texas politics, but all the same I hope he burns in the place in hell reserved for him as soon as possible.
  11. Vesper Martini. Holy ****, this is strong.
  12. Negronis with Still Austin Gin. I haven't had anything with Campari in a long time and the bitter does take getting used to, but once you get used to it then it's a refreshing and relatively light sip.
  13. Reported for treating Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs as a joke.
  14. I'll keep that in mind. One of the worst experiences I've had was getting into a show then running out of subs and quitting because the dubs I could find was such low quality in terms of both audio and visual. Excuse you, I'm bringing freedom and democracy to those licensed goods.
  15. Always. I've found a few places and someone else itt already pmd me, but you can never have too much help.
  16. I guess I'm lucky in that I look less for genre (as much as shoujo can be considered a drama, because stuff made for teen and pre-teen girls is a pretty big grouping) and more for an interesting experience when I watch stuff. Oh, and a general distaste for cgi animation because it usually looks like ****. I'm going to try Texhnolyze out for sure, but I'm having trouble finding it.
  17. It depends on what you mean by gone. I think a lot of them are still around, but I also think they have changed (some of) their positions out of opportunism. For example, a lot of the free market or bust folks did a heel turn and started wanting social media to get regulated or even put under state control because someone got banned, we even saw that here on this tiny corner of the internet. So now I find myself, someone who is decidedly not fond the lazy fairy mindset regarding businesses, in the strange position of defending billion dollar corporations from being regulated from guys who were approvingly quoting Hayek less than a decade ago. Truly wild ****.
  18. I'm aware of that, there was even a town here in Texas that tried it and imploded. Funny how the biggest stans of the free market seem to be the ones who understand it the least. I don't think they're the only ones behind defending the (public) schools, and that the weirdo (and almost entirely white) christians are the bigger players within the Republicans on this particular issue. They've not only got more sway presently, but have a history of opposition to public schools ranging from nominally secular requirements to opposing integration. Here is an old article that goes over who I'm talking about: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/ As an aside, I think the libertarian wing of the Republican party has been wholly subsumed, often willingly, and is marginal at best to Republican policy.
  19. I guess this is one way of handling the teacher shortage. By now it shouldn't be a surprise that the Texas government would do so in the stupidest way possible, but here I am shocked. There's been a weird right-wing push for private schools and home schooling, I'd say this is pushing for that under the guise of brown people bad....but the same folks who brown people bad appeals to are mostly already in the anti-public school crowd.
  20. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2022/05/04/gov-greg-abbott-supreme-court-case-requiring-education-undocumented-children/9652463002/?utm_source=SND&utm_medium=Twitter&utm_campaign=statesman When I said it would get worse, I was not expecting them to move against public education this quick.
  21. naughty majestic ! surly you need a spanking from a sexy south american woman ?
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