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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Wait, that's not what this thread is for? Much like gamergate itself, this thread is pretty much an amorphous blob which isn't really clear on what it's for, but has very strong feelings about it regardless. So it's like a bunch of drunk people at a party? That isn't a wholly inaccurate description of the internet as a whole really.
  2. 'Fraid not. We also don't wear cowboy hats either surprisingly. We do have some great shelters for abused women though. http://www.hawc.org/en/support-us/donate-today/ Feel free to chip in whatever. @ KP I'll definitely donate to this initiative I hope you aren't taking Primes comments too seriously, he is making some valid points but also having some fun at the same time with his jabs We need a bit of humour in this thread because at times it gets too serious And some of the comments have been quite funny I can certainly say I don't take Prime particularly seriously. Will admit that being called a Chinese manufacturing company was a little strange though. Glad you could pitch in Bruce.
  3. Ah well. Tell you what, I'll donate $50 to HAWC for both of us. Yeah, this is reasonable. On the other hand, it's (sadly) extremely hard to convince authorities that they should take such threats seriously (I mean we'll-find-and-prosecute-them seriously), and I can understand the attitude of people seeking support from their immediate circle of friends and family by talking about their harrassment if they're already ****ed by the authorities. (Whom I don't intend to demonize, by the way - they might have valid reasons for assigning lower priorities to such crimes.) No doubt, outrage is perfectly natural when your friends are threatened. I just question the current effectiveness of the approach and wonder if it ends up(unintentionally) doing more harm than good.
  4. Can't do that, don't support communism. Would the Green party suffice?
  5. I think it's a vicious circle. The harassers go to work on someone and get their jollies, they get condemned and enjoy it, and the cycle repeats itself. Perhaps not giving the harassers the attention they crave would be a good way of going about this? Condeming them doesn't seem to be stopping them, if anything its only made them worse. I understand the immediate urge to seek new solutions when ones that have been tried have proven to be useless, but this kind of attitude is still putting responsibility on the harrassed party not only for their own issues, but also for gaming culture becoming objectively poorer with minority devs deciding that the current climate is actively hostile to them, and therefore they should leave. This reeks of victim-blaming and I think it should be called out. I think harassers should be prosecuted if they make death threats. By no means am I intending to imply that it is the victims responsibility to avoid being harassed. What I am saying is that perhaps tweeting about being harassed may be encouraging the harassers, because they think they've been successful in their harassment. At the very least, it warns them they may have some heat and could make them harder to catch. As it is, the current response isn't working and something really needs to be done about this.
  6. 'Fraid not. We also don't wear cowboy hats either surprisingly. We do have some great shelters for abused women though. http://www.hawc.org/en/support-us/donate-today/ Feel free to chip in whatever.
  7. Im 100% certain than someone, somewhere, had sex with a baboon. But whats a manboon? Seriously. Since it came from PJ then Im sure its intended as some withering insult but I cant even look it up. Someone help a brother out? http://www.manboon.com I guess I'm a manufacturing company. Not the worst thing I've been called, but certainly one of the strangest.
  8. I'm sorry, TN, I know you didn't mean it that way, but don't you think it's a little cold to basically pin the blame for prospective minority game devs leaving the industry on the "moral outrage machine" instead of, y'know, the actual harrassers? I think it's a vicious circle. The harassers go to work on someone and get their jollies, they get condemned and enjoy it, and the cycle repeats itself. Perhaps not giving the harassers the attention they crave would be a good way of going about this? Condeming them doesn't seem to be stopping them, if anything its only made them worse.
  9. No. I do not feel any need to "be even" with you. That would be too big a step down. Yeah, popping down from the high horse would be quite a fall. You could always pitch in what you were willing to do for that island paradise thing.
  10. Did someone have sex with a baboon? I know a dude got caught having sex with a goat, but I've never heard anything about apes. I would say this requires some research, but I have the feeling it will wind up being like this: http://youtu.be/lKfupO4ZzPs
  11. Yeah, unlike the earlier TFYC gig, this one actually looks legit. I can guarantee it is. A friend of mine was really helped out by them once.
  12. That's a very specific thing to focus on. I know but it cant be unseen. Google "Megan Fox toe thumb". It is pretty strange looking.
  13. It should be in my location. I thought it was common knowledge the third largest US city was located in Texas. Chip in 25$ and we'll be even.
  14. Sorry, @KaineParker, but no can do. We're winning, you see. You and the other manboons are the ones in the echo chamber; we represent the world at large. :breathes the briny wind blowing in from the sea: Mmmm. Freedom and open space. Lovely. If you want to find a nice comfy hole where you can safely wallow in your masculine victimhood without inconveniencing the rest of us, though, don't let us stop you. I hear the MGTOW's have a project where they want to buy an island and all move there. Maybe you want to chip in on that? Hell, if it's realistic, I'll throw in a shekel just to be rid of you lot. Well that was uncalled for. Whatever helps you feel better I guess. Me, I'm going to spend my time embracing my masculine victimhood by training for the Houston marathon to support the Houston Women's Center and protesting Texas' assault on women's reproductive rights. Not as valiant or useful as white knighting for rich white women on Twitter, but I guess that's just my male privilege clouding my judgement. If you want to apologise, do it by sending a few bucks here, they need it more than I do. http://www.hawc.org/en/support-us/donate-today/ I'd encourage the rest of you to chip in as well, if you can shell out hundreds for a kickstarter $5 shouldn't be that bad.
  15. **** it, I'm done with gamergate. Gaming media is a festering piece of **** that should be buried somewhere and forgotten. Leave the SJWs in their echo chamber and hope the **** don't decide to bother anyone else.
  16. Nah, that just seems like an impossibly arduous task.. my therapist told me that somethings can't just be fixed I hear you. Let me pull back the curtain and show you the true blackness of my soul. In D3 there is a level called Whimsyshire. This level is inhabited exclusively by unicorns, teddy bears and clouds that smile when you click them (awww). I kill every last thing in that level without remorse. Does my depravity know no limits? Did you take the cloud's mother out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again?
  17. Here is something even more interesting: http://www.usu.edu/ust/index.cfm?article=54179 Law enforcement deemed there was never an imminent threat. Anita canceled her talk because of Utah's CCW law. Spin it how you will, those are the facts. A gawker site against gamergate?!?! NO! But thats what I thought, I didn't think this was deemed a legitimate threat Because it wasn't.
  18. I didn't expect them to be less overt, if anything I expected them to be more overt. Most media will not call them on their ****, no matter what his low they sink. You are very much right. There are a lot of lazy journalists out there. I found an article in a Dutch newspaper, one which normally rarely ever covers anything to do with games, decrying the terrible abuse suffered by women at the hands of the conservative angry white males known as GamerGate. The journalist who wrote it had obviously just copied everything from the Forbes article without doing any sort of research of his own into the subject. And I imagine this sort of thing is spreading to local newspapers everywhere. The force of lazy journalism is strong indeed. For those who speak Dutch : http://www.ad.nl/ad/nl/5595/Digitaal/article/detail/3770903/2014/10/17/Gamevrouwen-bedreigd-Bitch-ik-weet-waar-je-woont.dhtml It can't even get the basest facts right because it specifies that the attacks are against "topvrouwen" a.k.a. those who are at the top of games hierarchy. I haven't heard anything of Jade Raymond getting threatened, just some nobodies that literally nobody would know if they hadn't been threatened. EDIT: WikiLeaks on GamerGate: "The say movement is tainted, they're right. Keep going anyway." You mean Brianna Who? isn't a top tier developer? I'm shocked! The more this goes on the more obvious it has become that these people have sealed themselves into an echo chamber. Mental gymnastics like pointing out that trolls can't be easily stopped means you condone harassment, using a hashtag and wanting more ethical journalism makes you a misogynist bigotry, and that there is some grand conspiracy by gamers to drive out teh wimminz and teh darkies because some **** anon troll on Twitter tweets something awful are ****ing baffling. Maybe asking for more ethical journalism was a mistake. I'm starting to believe that these people are so unprincipled that they are incapable of adhering to any code of ethics or honor. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig after all.
  19. I didn't expect them to be less overt, if anything I expected them to be more overt. Most media will not call them on their ****, no matter what his low they sink.
  20. Nope. Here's a collection of screen grabs that explain it far better than people whining about people on the internet. You'll note the GNAA involved in egging the harassment on. ... What the ****. Honest question TN, are you honestly suprised that these folks who do their best to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find evidence of misogyny are bribing people to say misogynist stuff to discredit opponents?
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