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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. So I dived in without any real idea what I was doing. I'd argue some mechanics could be clearer, would prefer higher starting attributes with no extra points at the 10-level increment, and some more money to spend on starting gear instead of everyone being outfitted with whatever they put points into. Actions confused me for a bit, but after plugging a few raiders I got the hang of it. Would like to see perks or traits as well. That said, this game handles world map awesomely. I wish this was the approach PoE would take, as I really enjoyed the SoZ world map. TB combat is much easier to manage than RTwP and despite taking longer I don't feel bored. Will probably create a new party, but holy **** is this game great.
  2. 22(almost 23), got a N-64 when I was around 9 and moved to PC almost exclusively around 15.
  3. FOX has the rights, so unfortunately no. I don't think so. She doesn't have any connections to the X-Books except for the odd appearance in Deadpool and being a mutant. Marvel recently filed a bunch of trademarks regarding her, which many sites say they generally only do when a character is about to be used in a major way in cartoons, movies, etc, leading to speculation she's going to be in the upcoming Jessica Jones Netflix show. I think Marvel should just do a Great Lakes Avengers cartoon. You may be right, I'm under the assumption that all mutants are contained in FOX's film rights. I think Disney does have cartoon rights and live-action though.
  4. Formed of the harshest flames, would that not mean Volo is Obsidian? We did vote him in as our resident God.
  5. This has been repeated before several times. Address the ethical concerns and the concerned folks will no longer keep calling for more ethical journalism. The Escapist did this and shockingly has not been targeted by Gamergate supporters the way Kotaku or Polygon have. You would think that this wouldn't be too hard to figure out.
  6. Response to Wu's accusations about Milo. [Media] Milo has much better hair.
  7. I'm crossing my fingers for a Deadpool/Taskmaster episode, even though it is pretty unlikely. You can always hope though.
  8. Hell yes Mockingbird. You went full badass. Now if only Taskmaster would show up...
  9. That look pretty awful, to be honest. I suppose the low sales have been due to the misogynist horde though, it couldn't be that people don't want to play a piece of crap. Also LOL at the body types. Is that real? ...It is real. Unbelievable. I literally can't understand how that could be scary. "Reason" is a trigger word? I think its pretty clear that Wu is.... thin-skinned, considering the hit-piece interview.
  10. I have to chuckle at this. Between this and the KiA AMA with some anti-gg journalist, these people consistently prove themselves unable to directly address points.
  11. She cops to trolling with a sock puppet account, calls the interview a hit piece, and makes herself look like a lunatic.
  12. I can't watch all of that stupid stuff, but I loved when she said "I had to take a 24 hours Twitter break." OMYGOD 24 hours?! The horror, the horror. Come on, nobody can take this serious. Its a trip down the rabbit hole for sure.
  13. This guy has to be the world's most dedicated troll and a triple agent so deep undercover that not even the organization he serves remembers him or knows he's allied to them. That's the only rational explanation.Rational and Jonathan McIntosh have very little to do with one another.
  14. Boogie has agreed to be on MSNBC. Will wait to see how that pans out. Also, we've gone beyond FullMcIntosh
  15. I like the idea of RTwP more over TB, but have accepted that in practice TB is superior to RTwP. Ships already sailed for PoE, but if Obsidian does another KS I hope they give TB a whirl.
  16. Maybe they think that nerds deserve to be bullied into submission. I swear I've heard that somewhere.
  17. You're right, roach infiltrator from the future. That was the point of the post, anything else taken from it is reading too much into it. I suppose one could infer it as a dig at the writers of Feminist Frequency, both of which have at seperate times claimed to not play video games? But in that specific case, it would be a fact and not so much a supposition. In that case the armchair activists really are not the consumer? Either way, since Barthomuk has labeled everyone speaking in favour of GamerGate into a single entity ("you guys") and he seems to only be capable of rephrasing others posts in a misrepresenting way, I see no need to take him seriously. He has said nothing of value and only misrepresented others. Personally, I don't care if there are the mythical "SJW" in gaming, since I've been on the receiving end of that term more times than I care to count, but I do care about the following: - I care about indie developers who rely on exposure from journalists having to become friendly with said journalists to get such exposure rather than having to produce quality games. - Alternatively, they must add anvilicious morals (without subtlety) that the journalists agree with so the journalists will decide to signal boost them, again regardless of quality. - I care that the journalists, who already breached my trust when it comes to scoring AAA games, also breached my trust when it comes to independent games making them entirely worthless to me until they change their ways. - I care that due to the lack of quality of high rated indie games that the "brand" of "indie" has been irrepairably damaged, pushing the average consumer back to AAA titles and removing sources of income from indie developers who release great games. - Independent games that win prestigious prizes to do so based on quality and not due to a racketeering scheme involving the judges of said prizes having invested in the winner. - I care that games journalism at large has ignored that scandal based on being friendly with the developers. - I care that games journalism at large has launched a counterattack against the enthousiast press on youtube based on the supposed scandal of YouTubers taking brand deals and not disclosing them, when the vast majority of YouTubers has either disclosed these brand deals or refused to take them and had already condemned the game developers offering these brand deals, simply because the enthousiast press has been a vocal supporter of the GamerGate movement and they wanted to discredit them. - I care that games journalism, instead of acknowledging people like me who have legitimate problems with the way they work, instead have focused on discrediting me and signal boosting trolls, making those trolls as famous as they want to be and encouraging them through hot air condemnations while clearly naming the victims, painting huge targets on their heads in the process. - I care that a majority of thse games journalists have taken the stance that they cannot discuss something while harassment happens, handily giving horrific trolls the power over what can and cannot be discussed. - I care that these journalists show the highest hypocrisy when they call gamers "entitled" and then make the argument that minorities are entitled to have more games cater to them. I want more diverse games, but you can't promote and decry entitlement at the same time. - I care that some of these games journalists have decided to condemn me and brand me a misogynist, a manbaby, and imply that I am actively involved in harassment, simply because I have concerns that some jerks have hidden behind so they can harass people in the flimsiest excuse for guilt be association that has ever existed since "you eat bread, Nazis ate bread too!" - I care that these journalists have actually done nothing to promote diversity in games but rather harmed it severely with their rampant accusations of sexism, racism and homophobia simply for their own personal dislike of a character rather than actual morally objectionale grounds having convinced game developers that adding diverse characters is not worth the hassle of dealing with these people for. - I care that a couple of women being harassed is being used to drive women away from the industry because they should fear a "boys club", thereby seriously harming the chances that the gender gap will be solved. - I find the highest shame should be in complaining about a gender gap for game developers when 22% of game developers are female, but 8% of the GameJournoPros list is female. Boys club indeed. - I care that these journalists who have harmed diversity in games as well the credibility of anyone striving for diversity in games have branded me and my culture "misogynist" when I and my gamer friends have done more to promote and defend diversity in gaming than they ever will. - I care that these journalists pretend to be the pinnacle of integrity while at the same time condeming charities for taking money from sources they don't approve of. It takes a level of cynicism that even I'm not comfortable with to do that. - I care that games journalism as a whole is happy to take money to give GTA an amazing grade yet continue to pretend they are promoting diversity in games and condeming only those that don't give them money. - I care that these journalists can condemn a game about female empowerment like Bayonetta yet sing the praises of a game like Dear Esther, which literally runs on misogynist tropes. - I care that these journalists have stopped being consumer advocates and instead have appointed themselves as Moral Guardians who control what is being made and have taken it upon themselves to, in an example that was recently posted, declare that games taking place in the holocaust are off-limits regardless of quality or intent and dogpiled developers who wish to make the attempt thereby limited both artistic freedom and gaming as an artform in general. If these guys were movie critics, Shindler's List would never have been made. - I care that these journalists have done so while claiming with a straight face that I, as the consumer, is what holds gaming back as an artform. - I care that these journalists consistently signal boost poorly researched, half baked, morally outraged false academic attacks on video game culture as facts and so devaluing actual academic discussion. I'm perfectly willing to discuss sexism in games, in fact, I've been doing so for years. I don't need nonsense like Feminist Frequency to make it harder for me by being absolutely ridiculous, stupid and filled with flat-out lies. - I care that these corrupt, dumb, morally bankrupt simpletons have had power in the past over, for example, how much money Obsidian made from Fallout: New Vegas because they inform the metacritic scores that affected Obsidian's payment and I will not stop until they have proven they are worthy of this power or are replaced. To be blunt, I care quite a lot about social justice issues and I find "SJWs" can play all the games they want, but I don't approve of two-faced journalists maliciously harming social justice issues for clickbait or to feel good about themselves for being "progressive people who condemn (read: signal boost) harassment" and I definitely don't approve of this ridiculous idea that video game critics are not supposed to be consumer advocates but culture critics. I'll listen to actual academics for that, not glorified game bloggers with zero credentials or intelligent thoughts on the matter of ethics, whose only opinion that matters is the little percentage they add to a metacritic rating. I want more diversity in gaming, I have in the past written countless e-mails to developers to ask them if they could try and moderate their communites better and try to combat toxicity on the internet and it's one of the reasons I've become a game developer. I support women in gaming, I support diverse representation in gaming, but I do not support calls for tokenism and I definitely do not support shaming consumers simply for the "crime" of being the people that studios cater to. If that makes me transparent, or a manbaby, so be it. I don't actually play enough games myself anymore for it to be an idea of "them coming to taek away me gaemz", though. I just feel that the only moral option in supporting diversity, artistic freedom and consumer rights is to support GamerGate. I hate to pull a Bruce, but Good Post.You've described my feeling pretty accurately.
  18. And Gawker has promoted leaked celebrity nudes. And drove people to look at Tarantino's leaked script. And doxxed every gun owner in New York. Allying with Gawker and claiming moral superiority is...strange.
  19. Of course not, because they would probably fail at whatever standards they set. A bunch of straight white dudes saying that there should be more representation of LGBT, racial minority, or women start to look strange of they keep employing and promoting almost exclusively straight white dudes. And as we know, women, LGBTs, and racial minorities are only good if they agree with you and any who don't have internalized misogyny, homophobia, or white supremacy.
  20. The lesson I'm taking from this is to avoid partnering with someone who may be a loose cannon when frustrated. Good on Valve and GabeN for not pressing charges BTW, the guy may be an idiot but going to prison for that would be dumb.
  21. You're right, roach infiltrator from the future. That was the point of the post, anything else taken from it is reading too much into it.
  22. Gamergate is worse than Hitler according to Ian Miles Cheong, but I have the feeling everything will be worse than Hitler in his eyes. I did think about posting this after seeing it on KiA, but was too busy playing videogames and sending that e-mail to IBM.
  23. What would change due to it, exactly ?Instead of being heckled by liberal arts majors and armchair activists, publishers would be heckled by direct consumers of videogames. Probably little real difference, I doubt EA gives a damn who critiscm is coming from as they'll probably just ignore it anyways.
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