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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I think if it came out someone faked harassment, this already explosive enviorment would go nuclear. Not saying it happened in this case, but it would cause quoite the firestorm. Also, her sockpuppet troll account was dumb. Erections from deathscenes? Murderboner? I'm starting to think SJWs are projecting a bit.
  2. Actually that seems fairly mild compared to some of the other stuff.
  3. I'm sure if you picked any day out of the year and call it anything you want, someone somewhere will be offended. Every third Wendsday of October we should have a day off for Off Day. Simply to have an excuse to not work.
  4. I always assumed most of you people were into some weird stuff. Me, I'm just a cheap bastard who wants to spend more money on booze.
  5. I think SJWs wouldn't mind if they could run the internet like Belarus.
  6. So I watched the entire thing. 1. Wu had more time to talk than either Erik or Hotwheels but managed to say less than either. 2. Erik Kain made his points clearly and came off as sensible. 3. From what I can tell, Hotwheels is right about the law. He is not legally responsible for the actions of those who post at his board. 4. Wu's warning to Hotwheels came off as threatening. 5. Hotwheels ****ing owned with that closer.
  7. That is as much as objective as to asking Von Däniken why the US government is hiding UFOs. Is it to much to ask for a sociology scholar/professor, with no previous affiliation with feminism, to conduct some research? But do we now dismiss any opinions from feminists as "automatically biased " ? ....It's from the same media circle that owns Kotaku. Ah yes, Gawker. I hear Quentin Tarantino has some nice things to say about them.
  8. Damn, this actually looks good. Wish I could have a gish with a sword though.
  9. Pepperoni_Nipples is a pillar of the community. More seriously, I haven't taken any threats hurled towards me seriously. Some dude telling me he is going to rape me in my pee hole is just a **** I will ignore.
  10. A Constantine who doesn't smoke or curse is no Constantine. But it was written by Goyer so it isn't surprising.
  11. Yeah I'm not seeing it. At the very least, PoE won't have rapey romances where the protagonist dominates the cardboard sex object of choice. System wise, I'd say no real resemblance. I do wish PoE would go with a pure DT system for armor though, as I quite liked that in New Vegas.
  12. I have to agree with all of this. I wonder what any ethics policy should look like? IMO it should at least include disclaimers about ties to the subject matter. Perhaps separating opinion pieces and actual news would be good as well.
  13. I suppose one could argue that even if Mr. Grayson did not favorably write about his paramour's game, he could be influencing how others at the publication he writes for review the game in question. Could be considered a bit of a stretch, but it isn't something that is particularly hard to address. This all goes back to that stuff TN posted a while back, if gaming journalists adopted a standard of ethics and adhered to them they've taken away the raison d'être GamerGate has for existing. Refusal to do so is just going to cause GG to grow and grow, as it looks increasingly like they don't want to address any concerns of corruption and have descended into mud-flinging instead.
  14. This article makes some good point from an outsiders perspective. I also laughed at the comment below "Yet here we are: Apparently, it needs to be said. GamerGate also underlines one very sad aspect of the gaming scene. The stereotype of a "gamer" is a lonely young man who has replaced his social life with a set of animated avatars on a screen, and now has difficulty relating to women: The angry male virgin nerd, in other words. Let's assume this stereotype is grossly unfair. Gaming is bigger than that. But if you wanted to convince the outside world that gaming is dominated by angry male virgin nerds, then these tone-deaf responses to critics of gaming, and the death threats that have come along with them, are a pretty good way of doing it." The way this whole thing is going on and on and some of the reasons for some of the outrage does make this quote relevant to some gamers, or at least that's how they come across Let's put the shoe on the other foot and say that Yet here we are: Apparently, it needs to be said. Anti GamerGate also underlines one very sad aspect of the feminist scene. The stereotype of a feminist is a manhating selfobsessed lying greedy bitch or an **** trying to abuse labels and his media access to manipulate the general public into supporting his probably corrupt actions: The feminazi or the corrupt politician/journalist/randomguylookingtoexploitpeople, in other words. Let's assume this stereotype is grossly unfair. feminism is bigger than that. But if you wanted to convince the outside world that feminism is dominated by feminazis and corrupt journalists trying to get people to look the other way, then these tone-deaf responses to GamerGate, and the death threats that have come along with them, are a pretty good way of doing it. All you need to do is switch one label from another to make something telling everyone to stop voicing their disapproval because someone went to far apply to one side of an argument instead of the other, think about how easily the core message of a statement applies to what you support (feminism up there could just as easily be replaced with sjwing as well) before telling everyone how great the statement is. If there is a moral high ground, it's on the gamergate side anyhow, simply because it's less organized, and the people who are harrassing people on our side of the fence are actively being condemned by the closests they have to spokesmen, whereas harrassment is generally being condoned, supported, claimed to be falseflags, or at best, ignored, by the media spokesmen of the media/sjw coalition. Sure you can easily reverse words in that quote if you want, but it wouldn't really be relevant because that's not the point the author is making But using the logic of the author, it is a point that can be made. Throwing stones in glass houses and all that. http://gamergate.giz.moe/2014/09/random-gamergate-supporters-being-doxxed-and-harassed-in-real-life-at-least-one-lost-their-job/ And if you don't consider Twitter posts from people being harassed as valid, keep in mind that is the only proof publicly presented so far in Wu's case.
  15. This article makes some good point from an outsiders perspective. I also laughed at the comment below "Yet here we are: Apparently, it needs to be said. GamerGate also underlines one very sad aspect of the gaming scene. The stereotype of a "gamer" is a lonely young man who has replaced his social life with a set of animated avatars on a screen, and now has difficulty relating to women: The angry male virgin nerd, in other words. Let's assume this stereotype is grossly unfair. Gaming is bigger than that. But if you wanted to convince the outside world that gaming is dominated by angry male virgin nerds, then these tone-deaf responses to critics of gaming, and the death threats that have come along with them, are a pretty good way of doing it." The way this whole thing is going on and on and some of the reasons for some of the outrage does make this quote relevant to some gamers, or at least that's how they come across Let's put the shoe on the other foot and say that Yet here we are: Apparently, it needs to be said. Anti GamerGate also underlines one very sad aspect of the feminist scene. The stereotype of a feminist is a manhating selfobsessed lying greedy bitch or an **** trying to abuse labels and his media access to manipulate the general public into supporting his probably corrupt actions: The feminazi or the corrupt politician/journalist/randomguylookingtoexploitpeople, in other words. Let's assume this stereotype is grossly unfair. feminism is bigger than that. But if you wanted to convince the outside world that feminism is dominated by feminazis and corrupt journalists trying to get people to look the other way, then these tone-deaf responses to GamerGate, and the death threats that have come along with them, are a pretty good way of doing it. All you need to do is switch one label from another to make something telling everyone to stop voicing their disapproval because someone went to far apply to one side of an argument instead of the other, think about how easily the core message of a statement applies to what you support (feminism up there could just as easily be replaced with sjwing as well) before telling everyone how great the statement is. If there is a moral high ground, it's on the gamergate side anyhow, simply because it's less organized, and the people who are harrassing people on our side of the fence are actively being condemned by the closests they have to spokesmen, whereas harrassment is generally being condoned, supported, claimed to be falseflags, or at best, ignored, by the media spokesmen of the media/sjw coalition. I lol'd at that. Well done. I see 8chan and anonymous responses to questionnaires is now reliable evidence. I'm sure by making such accusations with such reasoning is going to be very effective.
  16. Another night lying awake wishing I could get some damn sleep but being unable to.
  17. It's an attempt by SJWs to shame people based on race, sex, or orientation. It doesn't take into account sociology-economic situation, religious affiliation, or any number of other factors that can be detrimental to one's situation in life.
  18. Apparently not. This doxxing stuff has to stop, releasing someone's private information over the internet is morally despicable at best. You won't ever be able to stop anon trolls who have their minds set on causing havoc, but that does not excuse **** like this. Quite a lot. I would say they're deeply bitter and rather than wanting a focus on improving the situation or to promote actual equality and opportunity, they find it easier to attack a group they perceive to be privileged and demand special privlidges for their groups of choice.
  19. Not really, his articles of outrage always had that hint of one to me and that locks it up for me. Oh well, maybe he will resign from the Escapist out of principle. Heh. SJWs don't have principles when it comes to their money.
  20. I quite like the idea of being a "dead virgin". No taxes and if a girl tells me she is pregnant, I now have two reasons why I'm not daddy. Thanks SJWs.
  21. Looks to be a pale imitation of Hellblazer.
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