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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Zizek gets some Turk very angry Original article
  2. https://www.congress.gov/resources/display/content/Appropriations+for+Fiscal+Year+2016#AppropriationsforFiscalYear2016-budgetresolutions https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20151215/06470133083/congress-drops-all-pretense-quietly-turns-cisa-into-full-surveillance-bill.shtml Enjoy being spied on my fellow Americans.
  3. I think MCA is busy bulking up for his upcoming role as Bullseye in Marvel's Daredevil.
  4. Yep. As it is, the "Cultural Marxism" often wailed about is the creation of "outrage markets" for individuals to make money through sales to or clicks/views from said hipsters. I'd call that capitalism being capitalism, but I have a feeling someone will inform me that isn't real capitalism and post some youtube videos or aynclap navelgazing.
  5. Spoiler: Luke blows up the Death Star and the gang gets medals.
  6. Next time Kaine.http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/max-stirner-the-ego-and-his-own Now I just need to get axed!(most excellent whisky btw) .... I need a Gimli meme to go with this bottle... xD While I look forward to the thread, I have to recommend Glendalough as the drink of choice.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hptKRQcx6IE Not poetry, but a hilarious reading of literature. At any rate I'm partial to Wilde.
  8. At first I thought Osvir read The Ego and it's Own while inebriated and started a thread on it. I'm a little disappointed this isn't the case.
  9. So the Bern is the most honest? Truth confirmed for being communist subversion.
  10. Neverwinter Nazis sounds like a lot of fun.
  11. Global warming is a Hibernian lie to grow more potatoes.
  12. Might not be pretty mediocre is one of the vaguest statements on quality I've ever seen :-P I'm not sure how that "not" snuck in there.
  13. Because it's Xtreme! XTREME Holidays This is that magical time of the year where Santa rides on down your chimney on a stunt motorcycle before chokeslamming the Grinch and blowing up any overly greedy corporations while taking care to walk away from said explosions slowly while wearing sunglasses. You watch the weirdest porn. I intend to watch one where a priest bangs a nun in a church and Jesus comes down from the cross to join in. It's called Passion of the Christ.
  14. Does the POE lore provide underwater cities and areas? Btw, are there any novels like in Forgotten realms? MCA is supposed to be doing a novella, but after his split with Obsidian it might not be pretty mediocre. Which if we're being honest most fantasy literature about ROG settings is.
  15. Because it's Xtreme! Will you see your mom? Probably.
  16. Chinese restaurant and a movie.
  17. Reality is being manipulated by space jews, vampire templars, and reptilians from beneath the surface.
  18. Little Timmy who wants his third yacht for Christmas. Listen here prole, that yacht is pure freedom. You thank your employer you have a damn job or you can starve. Timmy is the future of the world and being bailed out of his terrible decisions while enjoying uncritical support is training for his future. Get on your knees and thank Rothbard he hasn't decided your speech is breaking the NAP or by the free market he will rain his righteous vengeance on you.
  19. Well, the UK has some problems of its own. Like there are british muslims joining ISIS than there ones in the Army. They should start a petition to ask them to stop.
  20. I agree, few have done as much to destroy confidence in the EU as Merkel. Bravo.
  21. I think we all know why that is. The paddys control the media. Sláinte chuig na fir, agus go mairfidh na mná go deo! Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat!
  22. I think we all know why that is. The paddys control the media.
  23. Yes, those were some of the underlying issues that I was referencing. We should avoid talking about them because they aren't as sexy as gun control.
  24. More unfeasible I'd argue, but I have the crazy idea most gun violence can be tied to criminal activity and that can be tied to poverty.
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