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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. JoJo's Bizarre Role-Playing Game KOTOR 3 A near modern fantasy game based on African folk lore and myths. Divorce Court 3: Revenge of the Alimony Obsidian Forum Adventures: The Wrath of Sonicmage117. I remember hearing about the harassment but the assault is new.
  2. It's probably unpleasant and I feel for those folks. I knew a guy who had a job editing porn and he.... didn't enjoy it. But you can now multiplayer romance, which is like reading Sutter Cane.
  3. https://store.steampowered.com/newshub/app/1086940/view/2781493125012891159 The reactions to this ought to be interesting.
  4. Why? The same type of people who make up Trump's ilk are the same type of people in charge of state governments. They don't have problems subverting elections by gerrymandering, voter purges, id laws, closure of polling centers, and other methods designed to curtail certain people's ability to vote. Is it really that much of a stretch for them to subvert in the ways the article suggests?
  5. Whelp looks like ****s going down in Louisville.
  6. I'm not sure why anyone was expecting consistency, these are the same people who will wax on about freedom and call for mass arrests in the same breath after all. I doubt it will matter to their supporters either.
  7. Speaking of MLK, the political cartoons of him when he was still alive are interesting and topical. http://www.kleefeldoncomics.com/2016/01/on-history-mlk-cartoons-of-yesteryear.html?m=1 Really makes you think those condemning the present protests would have opposed the civil rights movement for being too violent and supported police brutalizing people they don't like. Kinda funny some things don't change. I used to believe "idpol" (for which I've never seen a consistent definition, seemingly everyone has their own conception) was a motivator for the rise of the alt-right, but after having had years of experience talking to them I think they already held those views (perhaps in a more mild form) and would have emerged regardless of annoying liberal pundits badgering them about being ****. The "idpol" seems to be something they (media personalities) seek out to get offended by, like trawling youtube and blogsites for some 15 second clip of 20ish kids yelling to feed their audience of braindead bootlickers.
  8. Sega. Now that I think of it, Obsidian could have been working on Dungeon Siege 4 this whole time as Microsoft already owns the ip.
  9. I can honestly say I didn't see that coming. With Outer Worlds and Avowed I don't think Obsidian will be doing Fallout again, but who the **** knows at this point? Maybe Microsoft will scoop up EA and Obsidian will end up making KOTOR3.
  10. Skarpen is almost certainly the alt of sharp_one, or somehow we got a guy from the same place with the same beliefs and has the same beef with Gromnir. Going by the Trump supporters here only two live in the US. You can argue that US politics is world politics, but the parasocial relationship these fellas have with Trump is kind of weird. But we are grown men spending an inordinate amount of time on a videogame forum so such is to be expected.
  11. I recall us having a similar conversation before where you conceded that government control (in the form of police enforcing property and laws I believe) was necessary for your ideology to work. Does that mean there is nothing "libertarian" about the US Libertarian Party and (most of) its fellow travelers?
  12. I'm not because I've had to work through the lockdown as a supposedly essential worker.
  13. If you don't know, and profess the subject to be unknowable, then why are you making definitive statements? Seems to indicate a tendency of fabrication, but I guess that's to be expected. Regardless, this statement is just false. The far left is open about what it believes, often repetitively and annoyingly so, across the various ideological factions that constitute it. You only have to read a bit from The Intercept, Jacobin, Crimethinc, It's Going Down, WSWS, or one of the various tankie websites to get an idea of what everyone from the left-liberal social democrats to insurrectionary anarchists thinks about any given issue and hear a cookie cutter response what they think needs to be done. For someone who is convinced about a decades long campaign of ideological subversion by various foreign powers you've seemingly done no research into what those ideologies actually are.
  14. The "far left" (unless using a definition so expansive anyone outside of Trump's sphere is "far left") hates Kamala Harris (a Black Indian woman) for being a prosecutor who described herself as a "top cop". I don't think they're going to respond positively to a someone of a POC, LGBT, Woman, Indigenous, Muslim, or other marginalized identity (or identities) who has beliefs in line with the Trump team. Considering your stated beliefs on a CHINESE COMMUNIST CONSPIRACY TO DESTROY AMERICA AND CUCK THE WHITE MAN THROUGH DEGENERATE ART AND UNIVERSITIES you'd think you'd have bothered to investigate what your opposition actually thinks instead of relying on youtube comments or imageboards, but I guess your light research is reserved for genocide revisionism.
  15. Last I heard police in Minneapolis were still being paid and the supposed defund measure hasn't gone into effect yet. If this is the police trying to prove their status as essential, they're failing miserably. Just like my ex-wife.
  16. Yup. https://www.thedailybeast.com/back-to-the-future-writer-biff-tannen-is-based-on-donald-trump Trump also was on Night Man, which for some reason I find hilarious.
  17. A 20 year old game remade in a 14 year old game? Ought to be interesting. Whatever happened to BG1 in NWN2? There's been a few attempts to make BG2 in games with toolsets/modability. Last I was aware of was in Dragon Age, which probably collapsed when they actually had to play Dragon Age. Would be funny if the one that actually manages it is BG3. I guess he already hit Windspear Hills.
  18. Honestly I can't think of many situations where a single class thief would be better than the thief multiclass or dual class options. I guess if you want to ride Assassin to that x7 multiplier, but being able to reliably hit **** and spells seems more useful when a x4 multiplier can drop a lot of enemies already. I don't think I've ever played vanilla BG lmao.
  19. I've entertained the view and found it to be stupid. Between the attempts to excuse and deny genocide, the crying over whites being unfairly treated, and trying to redpill about the jews commies subverting this is stale **** I've seen a hundred times. You guys need to get new material instead of making inforgraphs and merchant edits.
  20. This is probably the dumbest **** I've read on this site. Stop browsing /pol/.
  21. Not to my knowledge, but it's been a while. @Bartimaeus Could probably tell us. There was a mod that added special kits to NPCs, like Rasheman Ranger or Bloodrager, but I can't remember it and think it's old. You can always use the keeper to make Minsc a Berserker, if I ever play again that's probably what I'd end up doing.
  22. There wasn't a singular event or period of genocide, there are several that can be considered genocide by the coined definition of the term that occur before and after the USA emerged as a state. It seems kind of odd to deny that the long history of massacres, forced relocations, and attempts to starve out the various indigenous tribes didn't involve genocide because reservations weren't technically concentration camps, but at this point I can't say it's surprising.
  23. There's a difference between entertaining ideas and spouting off dubious horse**** to downplay or deny genocide. I don't know what this supposed modern narrative you're going on about is, but it shouldn't be controversial to say genocide is bad even if the victims weren't saints or were even very bad. Consistently applying your argument that scalping made genocide acceptable, virtually any group of people could be considered fair game to wipe out because every group has very bad people who commonly do or have done horrific **** like forcibly sterilizing detainees or drone striking weddings.
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