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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The age gap is half a century so unless they're going Mr. House it's practically certain.
  2. Maybe it'll be good if they give it the Mandalorian and/or jettison the Whedon style, but it seems that everything that dude touches is boring and cringe.
  3. What I've heard is the game doesn't let you kill cops because there is no driving AI and has a couple of bits that could be references to white nationalist (or worse, reddit) memes, which is pretty ****. Wish there was more of that instead of just 20 minutes of ****ting on people who need to defend corporations tbh, but it wasn't bad.
  4. Honestly it's too tiresome to keep up with anymore. It will never be over, Trump will keep this up until he dies or gets back in and his cult will continue after his death.
  5. It's always good to wake up to alternative law & order in the morning. https://religionnews.com/2020/12/13/proud-boys-burn-black-lives-matter-signs-at-churches-in-washington/ “It pained me especially to see our name, Asbury, in flames,” she said. “For me it was reminiscent of cross burnings.”
  6. The real achievement is watching something after it stopped being cool.
  7. It tracks with the rest of her history on lbgt stuff and shouldn't be surprising unless you bought into some hype. You mean Caster Semenya? There was a rule change requiring athletes competing in 400m to 1500m races with disorders of sex development to take medication to lower testosterone. Given the narrow scope of the requirements, it was alleged that the rule was specifically aimed at Semenya. In other news Proud Boys vandalized a couple of black churches in DC and their leader was invited by Trump to tour the white house as a reward. Even with Trump's coup faltering, it looks like he's going to end up cultivating a right-wing street movement that will end up killing some people.
  8. Everything I hear about this game makes me want to wait until it's bundled with dlc and $20.
  9. Not to me. I understand I'm at least a decade younger than you (in all likelihood closer to 2), but since I was a kid all I've really seen from the Republicans is shady dealings, authoritarianism, and increasingly deranged conspiracy theories with a thin veneer of platitudes invoking freedom that would set off anyone's bull**** detector. Trump isn't so much a departure from the Republican party as it has existed for at least two decades as he is representative of the conclusions of the strategies and policies it had been using to govern and win elections.
  10. When I was a kid, my mom outright told me it was fake when I asked her. So I guess you can tell her that the Grinch is greener on the other side when you get exiled to the Whoville waste dump. And I legit did not know you had a kid, seems my obsidianstalking.txt needs updating.
  11. My covid test came back negative, so my boss can rest assured that my sneezing is infact because of the cold weather. Other than the nice experience of a temperature drop and rain, nothing going on except for trying to find something to eat besides whiskey.
  12. I guess he's at the "police protection from his slaves" tier of freedom.
  13. If it wasn't smoked then I gotta doubt that.
  14. It's kinda funny that China's government and economic system is basically everything neoliberalism tried to be but ended up being cast as it's global opponent by gullible leftists who want it and conspiracy addled righties who think it's evil incarnate. Perhaps I'm just too much of a troublemaker, but being ruled by a cabal of Harvard business and/or law degree holders is bad regardless if they're politically united or disunited.
  15. There's been a handful of attempts to fork reddit and twitter that fall apart like that, Gab was something similar I think. There is something to be said about private companies having too much control over communication and using it to silence views they don't like, but when it's coming from folks who are otherwise fine with companies doing whatever they want or censorship it's kind of hard to take seriously.
  16. Finally got around to season 5 of Peaky Blinders. Overall it's well executed but it's too much sequel bait in my opinion, while other seasons had cliffhangers this one had nothing but loose ends sets up too obvious a route for the next season. Sam Claflin leans hard into playing Mosley as an arrogant rich guy that works a lot better than most (wannabe) dictator portrayls.
  17. I worked all day and came home to my roommate and fiance watching Dolomite is My Name.
  18. Technically Kim Jong-Un isn't the head of state in the DPRK, but you'd be kind of stretching it to say he didn't occupy the big seat of power. Obviously the President of the US isn't equivalent to Kim's position as the non-technically-head-of-state, but PotUS being the singular most powerful position an individual can occupy seems to be uncontroversial. In this vein wanting a President to have been homeless, worked a minimum wage job for 10 years, or drowned in student debt isn't that different than wanting them to have been a soldier or gotten a doctorate if you believe such experience is a bulwark to doing dumb or bad stuff.
  19. Were Johnson or Jorgensen in the military? I don't mean this as a jab or anything.
  20. Started playing Vampyr on a whim, it's interesting enough but the camera is atrocious. Looking for something kind of sci-fi to play next, not Cyberpunk tho. Is underrail any good?
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