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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The major cities are. Of course, most people here are still masked in public and most businesses still have signs up requiring masks for entry so
  2. I think it's because I expect repetition from Sailor Moon that I can appreciate it for what it is. And it is much better and more fun than Super S, where even removing or editing the creepy stuff wouldn't save what is a very boring stretch in the series. I guess not every show can feature throwing Hamon infused balls at an Aztec gym god. That would have been a significant improvement. chomp chomp chomp the software had a snack
  3. Insomnia watching got us to watch Sailor Moon episodes 187-192.
  4. With the unionists presently rioting over a militia getting cracked down on, violence from them should be expected regardless. And just because the Scots are annoying or buying into a nonexistent utopia, doesn't mean they shouldn't get independence if they want it. In my experience, if the average person around here does have an opinion on England it's vaguely favorable. Everyone forgets about Wales and they don't think much about Scotland beyond Scotch.
  5. If there aren't stacking penalties for neglecting hygiene, can a game truly be called a RPG? Anyways to get on topic Kingmaker is uninspiring when it comes to writing, the kingdom management is very boring and annoying, and the wonkiness of Pathfinder mechanics are often as much a negative as a positive. Still, it does benefit from an established ruleset and setting which allows it to be a good enough Pathfinder combat crawl so if you're familiar enough with the ruleset it's pretty good* at that. On the other hand at launch PoE was really a slog for me where I would employ the same tactics almost every fight and slowly graze my way to victory. It did improve significantly after both WMs were released and I'm glad I played it again because my first impression was not favorable at all, but it did burn me out from RPGs the first time I played it. Deadfire did somethings better, but the armor system was worse and I got killed by traps several times due to a mid Perception party and the disentanglement of Mechanics to trap spotting. To say nothing abut the lack of sea monster battles in the ****ing region billed as being infested with sea monsters. I will be eternally butthurt over that, and that we got stupid ass sidekicks instead really feels like a massive middlefinger. It does look much better than Kingmaker or Wrath though. What I'd really like to see is a game with PoE aesthetics and production values in a setting with a technology level roughly equal to that of the mid to late 19th century along with magic and mechanics that don't result in graze slogs or dumb puzzle bosses like very specific regeneration or immunities that will wipe parties who don't have cold iron or negative damage. *This is limited by stuff implemented in game though. Magi for instance get hit pretty hard with the lack of Intensified Spell metamagic and touch spells in the base game which leaves them with fewer opportunities to use spellstrike, while knowledge pool not being implemented really hit the potential versatility.
  6. At the very least there is a substantial amount of Irish and Scots who believe similarly. There's more to life than economics and subsidies from the clown obsessed supercops isn't worth sharing a house with them so to speak.
  7. While they don't have it as bad as Ireland, Scotland and Wales getting free of the English would probably be an improvement for them.
  8. Both of those are absolutely great. I guess in the 80s people just had awful taste. It's Mark Millar, so it's just going to be superheroes who curse and have the secks.
  9. I left at the start of the boat and came back after it finished. It was nice to read through the story and avoid being stuck with pirates or discount Cthullu for years.
  10. As frustrating as maybe 3 chapters a year is, I guess Guts being stuck on an Island or glimpses of Falconia are better than whatever happened in AoT.
  11. I guess fans of Berserk really are lucky it will never be finished. The software is hungrier than usual.
  12. So basically GA is full of **** and CO is trying to make voting easier. At this point it's difficult to feign surprise.
  13. Oh **** things are about to get very weird for you.
  14. I think you overestimate how much I take this forum seriously. They hated Black people more than they liked winning sports or money.
  15. You haven't learned Joesph Joestar's secret technique.
  16. Just like Steph- wait nevermind. Somewhat topical, I went through music I listened to when I was in high school and the Blood Brothers had a song titled "You're the Dream Unicorn". Lmao
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