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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Have you started Stardust Crusaders then?
  2. There are some major pacing issues with the first part, and characters tend to pick random times to break down and go mega drama. It's also not particularly notable in terms of animation, it never gets bad like SMC, but it doesn't really stand out. I binged a lot of episodes though so something about it is engaging enough or I'm just bored.
  3. He-Man has been already been a gay icon for decades though.
  4. Sautéed zucchini and bell peppers with hot sauce. It's good for losing weight I guess.
  5. As spoiler free as can be, the first four episodes were pretty much an introduction to the world and characters, then starting with 5 they go into a massive battle against sexless nude people, and an episode or two after is taken up mostly by a flashback to flesh out a character we'd been seeing for the entire show but who didn't talk much. If you've ever watched Penny Dreadful, it was like the seasonal exposition dump for Vanessa Ives but without Eva Green's acting to support it.
  6. Been looking at getting another job and maybe moving to Austin. Looks like rent will be a bit more expensive but otherwise not much of a change.
  7. More AoT, the battle begins only to be interrupted by character backgrounds. I'm not sure what to think, the zip line jumping is really hard to follow and I couldn't really tell you much about the characters, but I guess the action can be pretty fun. Unfortunately it gets interrupted frequently at this point and I'm having a hard time caring about the characters so far. I may end up going for Legend of Galatic Heroes or rewatching Golden Wind instead.
  8. Which is? I can't find anything where Omar called for criminal prosecution of hate speech. When I do search all that comes up are her wanting an ad that pastes her face on a rocket taken down, her sending a letter to Facebook over hosting genocidal hate speech in Ethiopia (during massacres), and introducing a bill that criminalizes police violence against protestors. The first two are pretty standard politician stuff and the last is something that is defending free speech. The more I look into this the more it looks like a whopping nothingburger.
  9. "I haven’t seen any evidence in either case that domestic courts can and will prosecute alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity. And I would emphasize that in Israel and Palestine that this includes crimes committed both by the Israeli security forces and Hamas. In Afghanistan, it includes crimes committed by the Afghan national government and the Taliban. In both of these cases, if courts can’t or won’t pursue justice and we oppose the ICC, where do we think the victims of these supposed crimes can go for justice? And what justice mechanisms do you support for them?" "We must have the same level of accountability and justice for all victims of crimes against humanity. We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban. I asked @SecBlinken where people are supposed to go for justice." For the life of me I can't see the problem. I guess some people are addicted to being mad.
  10. I've had to work a lot more lately and have working on a story, to boot I just haven't been in the mood for AoT lately.
  11. https://gizmodo.com/doj-vows-to-hunt-down-whoever-let-the-public-know-how-l-1847066780 I love when I have to check if an article is from the Onion or not.
  12. Why are there so many giraffes and shiny mutants in this thread? Do I need start posting anime David Bowie and his cat people ghost bf to counteract this?
  13. I mean if you want to be accurate, liberalism in the classical sense didn't have much trouble coexisting with stuff like scientific racism that formed the base of white supremacy. It certainly was inconsistent with the stated philosophy of liberalism, but no ideology has been free of inconsistency when birthed into the real world. Everyone seems to have a different definition and loves calling things they don't agree with idpol. Really I think the Democrats (and the ideological milieu that constitutes much of their political grouping) can be critiqued on the lines of their identity representation based politics, as in their solution to marginalized people being marginalized is to get some of them in positions of power, because this doesn't really do anything for the structural issues that result in marginalization. When more class based politics emerge, I think it will look more like strikes or the protests after George Floyd's murder than some populist candidates gaining steam by appealing to working class folks with the $15 minimum wage.
  14. Yeah, but I'd argue that is what liberals in the US mostly are as well. Like looking at the Democrats, they're mostly running on not being Republicans. Which does work as a strategy, because Republicans are absolute ghouls who seem to always find new lows to hit (like labeling pipeline protestors domestic terrorists, rallying the dip**** brigade for a putsch, and the new Jim Crow in several states because they lost an election) so just avoiding that is reason enough to convince folks to vote for the Ds, even if they are otherwise completely uninspiring and not doing a damm thing about the impending apocalyptic future we're barreling towards. I honestly wish the Dems were what Republicans said, because pro-antichrist left-wing demon is way cooler than bland centrist wonks. Give me CHAOS Biden, who will personally force patriots to go gay commie vegan halal at gunpoint, over the senile old dude that struggles to finish a sentence we actually got.
  15. Ok, then he's a smug contrarian centrist or whatever. The full show is, last I watched one years ago, pretty much a talk show but with a self-important smug host instead of someone feigning intrest. Taken as a whole it's boring with a handful of comedy bits in the intro and outro. I guess if you're just watching those segments it's a lot better than the actual show. Evangelicals are just so weird that any attempts to make fun of them make them look better than what they actually believe.
  16. For at least 5 years he's just doubled down on the smug liberal shtick and has become a boring opinion show host who occasionally curses.
  17. I've heard very good things about the 80's LoGH, maybe I even watched it and liked it. JoJo is a hell of a ride. All in all it's probably my favorite anime and something I'd highly recommend if you can take very weird **** and overdramatic everything.
  18. Hot chocolate with baileys and whiskey topped with whipped cream. Not bad, but I'm definitely going jogging tomorrow.
  19. Yeah @majestic, if I get killed by a super vampire gym god gay icon I'm going to be pissed.
  20. Use Joesph Joestar's final move before it's too late!
  21. It seems to be. Rent and housing are insane in California (and they're not good nationally to begin with), with the Bay Area and LA being extremely bad.
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