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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The Cat From Outer Space (1978) It's a Disney movie from the 70s, the wacky name was the best part of it. The Man Who Fell To Earth (1976) Jesus ****ing christ, this is incredible. David Bowie as an alien, 70s surrealist scifi, TV as an addiction, incredible music, and perhaps the greatest sex scene to have ever been shot (I won't spoil it, but it is an incredible fake out). I am so happy I could scream. Absolutely incredible.
  2. Finally got through TTA and played LoN for a while. So far I like the aesthetics of the frozen wasteland and the first shard area. Of course Owlcat does Owlcat and there's plenty of jank, and I have to say that I prefer the feelz of TTA in being an urgent struggle for survival while this feels like something that the party can take their time with. Perhaps the biggest complaint is the usage of the mercs who, so far at least, can't get the shard powers. Also wish the Android companion had a proper unique/new owlbrew archetype instead of Thundercaller that uses INT. As always for the Owlfinder games complaints aside I'm having fun. For me it's not BG3 good but there's a certain charm in this stupid **** that I can't help but enjoy.
  3. My dad got out of the hospital a few days ago, I thot I posted about it but forum software must have eaten the post. He's going to be on oxygen for a while (if not forever) and has got a couple of oxygen compressors. Obvious issues with that aside, he's doing better than he has in a long time.
  4. imo it depends on the recipe and I view them as different ingredients rather than equivalent substitutes. Fresh pasta is an absolute must for lasagna but I wouldn't want to use it with any of the Roman pastas (a Zozzona with fresh pasta is la bombe tier) or anything you need or want a good al dente for.
  5. I'd say give it another chance. It is 22 episodes but they feel pretty tight and well paced.
  6. Finished Psycho Pass I very much liked it, perhaps even loved it. Frankly it's the kind of thing a lot of (western) live-action series on streaming services try to pull off but can't because they get cancelled too quickly to tell the whole story, which is exactly what I thought when I began watching it. There's apparently a couple of sequel series and some movies, I'll maybe check those out and see what they're like but imo as a limited series this can stand alone. I'd tepidly reccomend it to the folks here, though as always the naughty brain of @Bartimaeus may short circuit and drive him into enough of a rage to complete his unholy ritual to summon a demon that will try to kill us all.
  7. Incredible. I guess waiting for a long time was the right move.
  8. Are we talking like Cameillia icky or Bruno icky?
  9. Personally, the dice failures. For a long time I'll fondly remember trying to scare the owlbear, failing miserably, and then getting attacked. There's a level of storytelling in that which hasn't been there in the last few rpgs I've played and it made me much more likely to just roll with failing instead of reloading. Other than that....I really liked the vibe of the shadow cursed lands as close to a complete 180 compared to the previous area. Maybe that's because there isn't a day/night cycle in BG3 (my biggest problem with the game) and being in an eerie darkness was a nice change of pace from the normal nature areas of the grove. The music is in general on the top end of videogame music but that undead infested wasteland was just on point.
  10. I think that issue with the score alone drug the film down. I found the whole movie on youtube and tried to locate it but didn't notice it as much, but it could be that the soundbar on my tv is better than my speakers or that the experience is different when you're focused on the film completely instead of listening to it while you ****post and do paperwork. But as it digests in my head....for a film with copious shots of Bardot's nude body and implied sexual betrayal I have to say I found the whole film very unsexy. Like based solely on the performances I do not believe that Paul ever really desires Camille either sexually or romantically while the horny producers flirtations with Francesca and Camille feel empty. I don't think the film would necessarily be better if they did a lot of simulated sex but on the whole I felt a lack of passion. I think I have watched too much anime to really be surprised by supposedly crazy films. You think a horny stalker playing with sex toys is weird? I have seen undead Jack the Ripper jump out of a horse. But yeah, the divorced dad should have been a side character and more attention should have been paid to Joana and to a lesser extent Shayne. I get the feeling that we never know Joana, we see her China Blue persona but Joana herself is still a mystery at the end of the film, which is a shame.
  11. Maybe not the candidate but even if the GOP pulls some funny business to block him you know that'd he do an independent run out of spite. I've said this a lot, but the only thing that stops Trump from running this year is if he dies....which given his age and health is decently possible. Oh yeah, I have no doubt that Biden has burned a lot of the zoomers and yunger millennials with his (in effect) uncritical support of Israel's campaign of ethnic cleansing, probably to the point of turning off a sizeable number from the dems period. I mean it's hard to muster support for a guy who didn't do **** about your student loans, wages, healthcare, the environment, etc. but managed to pull billions out of the air and bypassed congress (apparently illegally, for what it's worth) to help kill thousands of children. On Bibi and Trump, lmao
  12. ......could it be what finally ends the world?
  13. On the whole I doubt that many awards are that big of a deal on our end as players/consooomers. With the beeg game awards where Yung Wonka and True Detective showed up, the biggest thing about it I heard was that people were mad the winners got less time to talk than people hyping AAA projects. Like when I think about the people I know personally who ended up buying and playing the GOTY 2023 it had nothing to do with the awards it won from Steam or the Dorito Pope but stuff like memes, word of mouth, or one guy buying it to play with his daughter.
  14. Only if they also meet a catgirl from the strongest race.
  15. Contempt (1963) I did a @Bartimaeus and broke my brain on this one. The cut I watched on Criterion (recently remastered I think) did this thing where when the score would kick in and it was just exceedingly loud and distracting. I think if it wasn't for that I'd have rated the movie as being great, and there are indeed some fantastic shots and compositions, but the score just bursting out was like driving a pickaxe through my ear. Crimes of Passion (1984) This got sold to me as being very wild, and in many ways it was. But again there was one aspect I didn't like that really sunk it for me and that was the China Blue persona being played as.....I dunno a sassy girlboss when dealing with the tricks. Tonally it just reminded me of some Joss Whedon stuff, which I have grown to absolutely despise. I think that if it was just delivered a little differently or if there were more focus on Joana Crane than that'd be much better.
  16. Three months ago I would have said that Biden will probably win despite being unpopular simply because Trump (who will be a nominee barring death) is deeply unpopular outside the MAGA cult. But then there was the Biden response to Israel's bombardment of Gaza, which appears to have torpedoed his support from Muslims and transformed him from a disappointment to "Genocide Joe" among folks who would have grudgingly voted for him to prevent Trump. Right now I'm going to predict that this election is both a repeat of 2016 with 2020's candidates, we'll see an uptick in votes for 3rd parties and the real winner of the plurality being not voting.
  17. So does the apocalypse fall to me? Or do they already have enough people liking the movie?
  18. I haven't. Maybe I should or @Sarexshould, or maybe 4 is enough to end the world. If it is godspeed.
  19. He seems to be doing better but 40+ years of smoking have ****ed his lungs. Procedure will hopefully happen next week and then we'll see if he has to go to physical rehab or can go home.
  20. Vampyr is an interesting concept and decent story trapped in a bad videogame. I think that the Disco Elysium (which I know was released after Vampyr) approach is much more enjoyable than doing terrible gameplay like Vampyr or Torment, putting more emphasis on Johnathan's investigative abilities and medical knowledge instead of clumsily slicing into thugs or ghouls would have been more fitting and less boring. It also looked weird at times for me.
  21. I started watching Psycho-Pass. I like it, it's a mystery set in a cyberpunk dystopia with socioeconomic philosophical commentary coming out every episode. So far it's solid seinen, the kind of stuff a lot of western live action shows would love to be able to pull off but can't because they get cancelled after 1 season.
  22. eXestinZ (1999) - I don't think videogames are gonna be like this tbh It's pretty good, kinda goes thematically with Paprika in some ways and is the sort of Cronenberg body horror that's not really horror but something else. Phantom of the Paradise - so this is where Miura (rip) got the design for Femto It's incredible. I thought it'd just be a 70's rock take on Phantom of the Opera but it is so much more than that. So many gorgeous scenes and outrageous performances make this a must see.
  23. A few days ago my dad got checked in the hospital for a heart attack, apparently he had one 3-4 weeks ago and had just been kind of hobbling around, given how heavy of a smoker he was and the health effects of that it tracks I guess. Hopefully his lungs continue to improve and he'll get a procedure this Saturday so he can go home.
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