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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. You know, I really got nothing. I mean I can see how on a tactical level they'd go for the weak link and all that, but even taking that into account these people are genuinely obsessed with teh transgoinders in a way that makes Captain Ahab look chill. Probably something with (social) media brainrot and covid making them very weird and dumb.
  2. @Sarex So what'd you think about 380?
  3. I think he's very much the ideal pick for the Trump administration: someone who meets a specific aesthetic image Trump wants and is completely in the tank for Trump. That he's more qualified to spend all day tweeting nonsense or cosplaying as a soldier than the job he landed doesn't mean anything so long as he looks good in photo ops and can give a good interview.
  4. If there's one thing Elon approves of, it's spending time posting through it.
  5. If there's one thing Elon approves of, it's spending time posting through it.
  6. I'm going to be honest, the last picture has me scared because yall look like a horror movie family about to run into some nonsense. Be careful on the flight or drive back. But it really looks like a fun time. The DnD improv looks pretty cool if I'm being honest.
  7. ngl, this is not what I was expecting when I opened this thread.
  8. The PoE games are weird for me in that on paper I should love them but something I can't describe turns me off. Still, I fully support Microsoft giving Josh Sawyer a massive budget to make PoE3 on the scale of BG3 with free reign to make the most unhinged game he could dream of.
  9. At least it'll only be 2 weeks instead of 2 years.
  10. How much longer until your company gets investigated for illegal DEI wokeness?
  11. Well at least we know who tops and who bottoms. It's honestly pretty funny, Trump has spent years talking about getting other men on their knees (including Elon) only to find himself now in that position. Must be tough to swallow.
  12. I'll tell ya right now, REAL MEN want in-game ads for BRAIN FORCE ULTRA and ALPHA POWER. WHICH YOU CAN BUY FROM MY STORE AT INFOWARSDOTCOMSLASHPRODUCTSSLASHSUPPLEMENTS. IF YOU ACT NOW YOU CAN GET A 2 MONTH SUPPLY FOR FIFTY PERCENT OFF, BUT THERE'S MORE. USE MY CODE GOWOKEGOBROKE AND YOU'LL GET FREE SHIPPING AND THE RFKJR SPECIAL EDITION VACCINE BUSTER SUPPOSITORY AND GIGAJACKED INJECTABLES FOR FREE - A $420 DOLLAR VALUE ABSOLUTELY FREE. ACT NOW. Real talk: Look, BG3 is by the same metric a "woke" game, as is stuff like Disco Elysium and other things that seem to do very well for their weight class. You're not seeing 10000 videos of interchangeable guys with the charisma of a snail and the brains of a pile of **** complaining about those games for being too woke. The newest Dragon Age underperformed for a variety of more recognizable reasons: it's an IP whose last release was a decade ago so the base has deteriorated, it tried to ape popular trends and didn't do a great job of capturing those audiences, it went hard on cinematics despite not being a pretty game, it had a very bad prologue that turned players off, etc. That kind of stuff just doesn't really play well to the clickbait addled dip****s as yelling about whatever acronym they're mad about this week, because those people will eat steaming diarrhea from a toilet and call it gourmet. All of this puts me in an awkward situation because I would very much like to hate on DAVe but also don't want to roll in that mud. I was hating on this **** before launch and these vermin scurry in to start as soon as they see sales figures aren't great.
  13. The Last Word - very good, but not enough to get scalped for. Luckily I've been able to get both green and yellow for a relatively reasonable price at liquor stores.
  14. Iirc, Ken Russell is a director that somehow consistently hits for both of us, which is a rarity. The anti-Villeneuve. It did stream on Criterion (which far and above is the most valuable streaming), but it's currently not on and who the hell knows when or if it will be brought back. I watched it a while ago but haven't seen it in a minute. Guess it's time to go looking. But before that...... I was going to post a pic of ole Denis but by god his face is so naturally smug that it inflicted psychic damage on me. Something tells me experimental early Soviet cinema is not quite what he has in mind by "pure image and sound".
  15. I have some wonderful recs for fever dreams, lmk if you want to be driven (more) insane.
  16. "the United States shall promote the resettlement of Afrikaner refugees escaping government-sponsored race-based discrimination, including racially discriminatory property confiscation." Sounds like Trump wants to import rapefugees. Pretty off-brand, I wonder what's different?
  17. Given the past few years, they'll probably have another boogeyman before they'd get that running.
  18. Yeah, for me Nolan films generally feel like they're too full of themselves and demand a respect they haven't earned. For me he's in a similar sphere as Tarantino, a talented guy whose films just aren't interesting to me and would actually benefit from more constraints instead of massive budgets.
  19. I guess, but it makes them look bad and so far TPK looks like it's legal. Let's just hope US law doesn't radically shift to favor corporate property anytime soon
  20. Oh that's easy. Bill Gates, as the commander of the reptilliods, is trying to use vaccines to evolve humanity into reptilliod adjacent beings to remove them from the domain of God. The joos, who have been in a cold war with the reptilliods since they destroyed Atlantis, are attempting to evolve themselves into a singular being using the Jewish Instrumentality Project to become God as prescribed in the Shadow Torah, and as such are hoarding the vaccines to undercut the reptilliod plot. I suggest watching Iron Sky: The Coming Race so you can see the clues hidden in plain sight. Probably not, as RFKJR was immediately on board backing Israel unconditionally. You can sieg heil in public and still not get yelled at these days because support for Israel is more important than support Jewish lives in certain circles.
  21. Many people are saying it's the greatest first week in the history of our country. Maybe even the history of the world. Never been anything like it.
  22. https://abc13.com/post/andrew-taake-pardoned-alleged-role-jan-6-2021-riots-faces-online-solicitation-charge-minor-records-show/15839204/ What's the opposite of a shocked Pikachu?
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