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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I try to pretend that it's the Math Gran Prix that drives the price up in that bundle
  2. Some of the character quotes in that game are priceless as well. "And all that without using Linux" being a great one form the Temple Guardian. Though the best must be the seraphim pondering about deleting her inventory if you are afk for too long..
  3. Went to the gym. Decided to try out their 30 minute power abs group thingie. Was a bit strange being the only man among eight or so rather young women I do wonder though how showing up at the gym in a tennis skirt seemed like a good idea to one of them.
  4. Eehh, some of the things I saw do seem like glitches: The same siege event triggering 4 times in a row if on a loop. Read: I press the ok button at the bottom and the event pops right back up again and again. As no time passed at all between them, it seems like a glitch/bug and not just character skill and a dose of bad luck. A child gets events growing up to determine its traits. These are random. Fine so far. But when an event triggers and closing it imediatly triggers the opposit event, that looks like a glitch where the game had determined that an event of category X would appear, but glitched on determining which one. It has nothing to do with not understanding. Not understanding comes into effect with my extreme dislike of how diplomacy and war work out: The kingdom I am in is at war with the neighbouring kingdom over who should own one of their provinces. We are at war with them over their land, but I cannot invade, because I personally have no Casus Beli and no claim. To assist my King/Queen further than the odd levy they raised, seems impossible. Helping people seems to not affect anything. For example 3/4 of Scottland are in open revolt. It seems to me like a classic gambit: join the rebellion and be one of many, sit it out, or be the one person who stays loyal and, should the king win, be his most trusted vassal. Right? I couldn't figure out how to join the rebellion, as the faction disbands upon presenting their ultimatum and there seemed to be no option to say "Hai guyz? Can I haz rebeljoon?" Sitting out wasn't really an option since they'd probably decide to attack me anyway. So I muster my levies, hire some mercenaries and kick them pretty much all the way to Norway. Having martial and intrigue both over 30, being specialized on difficult terrain and a leader of infantry on top of being the most technologically advanced in military matters in the kingdom - all that helped of course. You'd think that my dynasty, being the loyal subjects who beat back the rebellion and kept the king in power would be rewarded. My reward? The king created a new dutchy, gave it to his son and transfered me form crown vassal to vassal of the new duke. As a result I was out of kingdom politics, could no longer see factions in the kingdom, but had to mess around with politics within the duchy. Then the king started a plot to assassinate me. From my 10 horus in-game I learned: don't be on the winning side and don't help anyone. Only if they hate you will the AI try to make friends. After all, when I, as an experiment, reloaded an old savegame to see what would happen if I rebelled as a third faction, instead of all that, the King offered me the position as chancelor at the royal court... What just annoys me as game design is that when I try to buy the release of a prisoner, the game states the gold you would pay and whether the other person will accept or not. You can't adjust the gold. I would have been willing to quadruple the stated number. That is not possible. I understand that the game in reality just says you whether the other side is willing to release the prisoner at all, and it doesn't actually care about the amound, but it feels wrong to me. And thats all from me, I think its better I'll leave the thread to the people who actually like the game
  5. Events are dependant on Attacker-Defender skills. So if your attacker have Intrigue of 20+ then expect to see treacheries, same goes for Martial. So, don't expect poor commanders to fare well against skilled opponent. The only thing I expect is the rules to apply to the computer and a certain bit of reason to be behind things and not a complete and utter random mess to everything. Which is what I experienced.
  6. If I could I'd give you my copy We play to have fun. If there is no fun, people should stop playing, right? The "mature" thing to do and all that
  7. Nah, started at no moral whatsoever while the defender started at full. It filled up at first and then started going down. You kow those little events about raiders, sallies etc? Not a single one of them happppened in over a year. The moment I was the defender, four treacheries happened in four days.
  8. Started a new world in Skyward Collapse in anticipation of the next patch and the goodies it brings.
  9. Giving up. 1200 attacker besiege 1100 defenders. I am the defender. Outcome: within 3 months we are at 770 attackers vs 650 defenders. Another month and I have lost. 4150 attackers besiege 1300 defenders. I am the attacker. Outcome after 1.5 years attacker morale is so low I have to give up. Every 6 months my neighbour could raise about 2000 fresh troops. That is after he had been weakened in a war with a third party and I had gone in to mop up the stragglers.... yeah right...
  10. Well, I died. One of the earls tried to overthrow our duke, whose regent I was, to replace him with the duke's older cousin, my chancelor. As regent I called the levies. I hired some mercenaries to be certain of victory and laid siege to the rebel stronghold. Where I promptly died of camp fever. My 4 year old daughter has taken over now, quickly subdued the revolt with three quick, decisive victories... now she is betrothed to the duke's twin brother (9 years old). It's a matrimonal betrothal so I hope to get a good claim out of it.
  11. Haven't played any wargame since Tom Clancy's EndWar. Which was very much fun shouting commands into the mic - when the voice recognition understood what I was saying. Before that I played a bit of S.W.I.N.E.
  12. Soylent Green is people!
  13. I now know how Stannis must have felt. As I mentioned, when Duke Moray rebelled against the crown, I spend the whole rebellion holding out in my keep, under siege. Now I'm not going to start a discussion on how realistic it is that 1400 attackers laying siege to 1300 defenders have only 100 casualties while the defenders are decimated... But the rebellion was put down. Of all the king's vassals, I was the one who suffered the most from the rebellion. What does the git do? A few years later he starts a plot to assassinate me... Serves him right that he was then overthrown by the Duchess Moray... First thing that happens after? The old king's son, now Duke of Albany, appoints me his chancelor and upon his death I am appointed regent for his son. Now to figure out what I can do as Regent. I now feel like Tyrion btw...
  14. Started a game. Shorty McLeod, Earl of Artholl. Shortly after the game began, the Duke of Moray, my direct neighbour, created a faction in favour of eclectic monarchy and before hardly anyone had time to join, presented an ultimatum and declared war on the king of Scottland. The king called the levies and went to subjugate Ross, while the Duke of Moray let his army south to lay siege to me. the earl of Fife created a faction in support of Moray and declared war on Scotland, but as Moray had already rebelled and wasn't part of Scotland, the Casus Beli was invalidated right away so Fife could revolt - for no lack of trying - he declared war 5 times, each invalidated right away. Meanwhile I was under siege. I couldn't actually do anything. I couldn't join the rebelion as I couldn't swear allegiance to Moray, being a de jure vassal of someone else. I could also not try a counter-attack, as I had no Casus Beli - being under siege by a rebel army during a civil war not being reason for hostilities apparently. This whole situation produced a realistic response in my character and he became "stressed". I seriously don't see how this game can be getting so much praise.
  15. It wasn't on sale when I checked. :/
  16. At uni we had students quite often show up during lectures to ask if they could hand out their survey in the last 5 minutes. Can't remember how many I filled in
  17. Happy birthday
  18. That's Telltale: they grabbed all the IPs people just love and thus can creat average games and still get praise Though Sam and Max does have some great humour and I am looking forward to Fables.
  19. Got carried away playing the final mission in the monthly in Anno 2070. When I finally beat it it was 7AM. Good thing its Sunday. Got a real shock watching my stats for the mission. 16 hours 47 minutes play time.... seeing how I played from around midnight to 7AM that kinda seemed odd. Game calculates how long it would have taken if it had been played at normal speed. Since I played a lot on fast forward, my actual 2 hours during the day and 7 hours at night were turned into over 16 hours in-game time Silly silly
  20. I think you just called BruceVC fat. I mean, refering to him as "a bunch" ? Uncalled for. Really uncalled for
  21. I started with a duchy (Saxony). I'd prefer to start as tiny as possible to truly manage to rise to power from humble-ish beginnings. Though at the moment I am more inclined to just start a new dynasty in The Guild. At least that game I understand what is going on
  22. I'm sure you understood what he meant though. It's the internet. Understanding is like facts: manipulated to suit the poster's view
  23. See, if that happened to me, I'd have three women not talking to me Though they may form a political party adn run in the next election with the slogan "Nothing is wrong. We aren't angry. But the thing that isn't wrong and the anger we are so not feeling are all Melkathi's fault". Decided to draw some teddy bears. For some reason all the pencils on my drawing table are wierd types: two 3Hs, two 3Bs, a 4H, a 6B and two Fs. What happened to the good ol' HB?
  24. First impression of the game isn't all that positive. The ridiculous tutorial that states: "These are the additions since the previous game" does not help to improve my mood. Making a tutorial and then aim it at the people who already know the series It took a couple of minutes for me to break the tutorial; take it and run it against a wall, causing it such severe blunt trauma that it had to be taken to hospital with a severe concussion. After it got patched up (alt ctrl delete) I was nice to it and decided to avoid breaking it again. Not that it did much more than saying "Hi! This button here is called that" yay. Those tooltips I can get during the normal game... The game started and I was greeted by message spam: 30 messages on who supports who as heir to the Holy Roman Empire. Then armies started to move all over the place. Of course there were no messages about what my direct neighbours were up to. One province bordering to mine turned red. I would assume that meant we were at war, but who knows. At the same time, an army moved towards the province of a vassal of mine. I decided to raise my levies and send them there. My brother in law apparently did the same and we slaughtered the invaders. The provinces that army came from turned red as well with a note "holy war". Yay! I said to myself and send my armies on. One to aid a neighbouring province that was under siege by the pagans and one for a counterattack. My armies just stood there. Apparently I too had to declare war, it wasn't enough that they had attacked me. I tried to declare war but could not. The reason? I was not allowed to declare war while having raised my levies. So if I get attacked, I must raise my armies to defend, but to then press the enemy back I have to disband my armies to declare war? Errrrrrr.... this sounds as if something went seriously wrong with the game. I'll leave it for now and will give it another go at a later point.
  25. DLCs too? Everything except the last one with them pagans
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