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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Hmm, you may want to start using an imagehosting site at some point so as not to use forum resources imgur seems to be working well for free users right now.
  2. Honestly, the re-use of maps was the least of the game's problems.
  3. Quests with deep, engaging plots: And meaningful choices:
  4. Sold my first Foil trading card for 1.09
  5. I'm glad my moments of weakness tend to be a lot less expensive than yours. In a moment of weakness, I pre-ordered a Samus amiibo. I almost wound up getting Peach and Donkey Kong too, but my willpower kicked in and held me to getting just the Samus amiibo... for now. Hopefully they make a Bayonetta amiibo in the future. Also, Mallo from Pushmo would be cool too. Heh, I got a Bubble Bobble plushy
  6. Starting a new attempt at beating the Shifting Passages in Desktop Dungeons. Aim is to also get the unstopable award by killing all high level monsters. Last attempt as an elven sorcerer went completly wrong when I decided to worship Taurog the god of war and traded all my spellcasting in for a full set of Taurog's armour and weapon and his death immunity. Would have been perfect if it wasn't for the "shifting" part of the Shifting Passages, which has the walls changing. Ended up stuck in a dead end, with a golem 2 levels above me blocking the way out and myself at 1 HP. This time I'll do better. Might have to start out with an altar of Binlor, so I'll be guaranteed to be able to tear down these walls that hold me inside...
  7. Well Raithe, the first step is to admit that you have a problem
  8. Been playing Desktop Dungeon. I am facing the harder maps and quests now and it is becoming a real challenge. Last night I went on a rampage through barbarian/berserker territory as a sorcerer while not allowed to cast any spells. Fun times.
  9. I'm backing Woolfe, a platformer with some combat, some nifty enviromental puzzles, great atmosphere and graphics and (I got to play a demo) sound controls/gameplay. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/45588301/woolfe-the-red-hood-diaries It is 94% funded and needs just the final boost. Nifty: backers will get to create their own custom tin soldier opponent for the final game. As a trick to get attention to the campaign they put up an early version of the tin soldier editor: http://army.woolfegame.com/ (you can change colour scheme and stats). For that, here is my referal code: 10199 (I am soldier 199 of the Woolfe army)
  10. Can't remember what Keyrock had already posted.
  11. Declare independence and use your Solomon Sardaukar orbital drop marines to take over the world?
  12. Tried a few minutes of Archeage. Yet another boring MMO...
  13. Sorry to hear that Hope you manage to fix it though as it is an amazing game.
  14. http://www.desktopdungeons.net/ In the process of gathering gold to unlock more stuff. Just not sure if I should unlock more classes or save up for the last remaining race unlock...
  15. Also, apropos BruceVC: Bought Desktop Dungeons and been having fun with that. Devs are from South Africa
  16. Hi Melk "waves " Where have you been? It seems like you haven't posted in ages? Was out of town for a couple of months. Didn't remember my password and didn't have the energy for a password-recovery
  17. Bought Child of Light in the UPlay summer sale. Enjoying it a lot.
  18. Of course the age groups also matter. PoE had people of all ages playing, including a lot of 30+ I guess. For the big titles I saw large bands of teenagers who don't have IE nostalgia.
  19. Also, me getting to play is proof of everything that is wrong with gaming: AssCreed etc 1.5 hours queues if people were lucky. Not that I'd try some of those games if there was no queue. I walked past Pillars of Eternity and there were only 4 people waiting to play. Got in line, had a nice chat with the guy in front of me and before you know it we were both sitting at a PC. And we got cool Pillar of Eternity flasks. But people were queuing for shooters and swarming Riot instead of grabbing cool flasks and relaxing with some BG...erm I mean Pillars
  20. The character promptly died in her first encounter with monsters
  21. Meh, taking a break: Tried the DLC for Van Helsing 2. Don't like it. Loved the game. Don't like the DLC. Walk onto bridge, aggro ranged mobs from offscreen, die trying to charge them. Rince repeat. Mobs spawncamp the portal into the zone. Tried doing some Van Helsing 2 scenarios to maybe become more powerfull. Shouldn't be necessary. If DLC is made for after finishing the campaign, thena character who breezes through the campaign should be able to do it without long farming of scenarios. Or at least they should note that it is only meant for the hardcore crowd. Loved the game. Seriously dislike the whole scenario thing. Bad enough, when you open the menu to select a scenario, you can't leave without finalizing the settings for the scenario. I just want to quit the game, not click stupid buttons... feth off. I hate bad UI design. Tried playing Echo Prime. Remembered that I have done everything and the last three echos I am missing are a minute random chance after killing thousands of enemies. Meh. Tried playing Dungeon of the Endless. Remembered that the update was seriously bugged. The hotfix only made the bugs it supposedly fixed worse. Meh Sunday I'm off out of town and may stay away for a month. Will only take my tiny notebook with me that has no games on it. Work all day, write all evening. And maybe monitor the steam sale just in case something I actually really want goes on sale.
  22. Nothing on sale yet that I am remotely interested in. The whole Team thing seems pretty stupid. The winning team is rewarded with extra cards, making it easier to craft more badges, granting more tokens that gives bonus score... those who get tem change tokens will use it to go to the winning team. Seems like a recipe for making a no contest. Meh. Steam had one fun summer sale and that was a few years ago when you actually had to achieve stuff in-game. Since then the "stuff to do" was just meh.
  23. Finished Faery - Legends of Avalon. Yes, I can understand the people who are furious about the abandoned plans for the rest of the trilogy. The game is great. I enjoyed it a lot. But just cutting the story off at the major decission and even prompting players to save their choices for the next game... argh. I spend 9 hours on it, though that includes getting lost...
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