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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. A lesson was learned. Oerwinde thought he could take decisions in these matters and learned his wife gets the last word
  2. Been playing a lot of Armello multiplayer. Damn some players are slow. Probably could play twice as many games in that time if they didn't take so long. On the Mordheim front my Sisters took another shot at the story missions. This time with a save-scum backup. Good thing too as the mission bugged out and couldn't be completed. A few attempts later I figured out what caused the bug (standing on the spot that becomes the interaction spot when an event is triggered prevents the player from "discovering" it). So I tried again, being careful not to glitch it. Several light wounds and only one out of action later, the girls returned to camp victorious. My Augur, made a Full Recovery. A good day for the Sisters of Sigmar. While the others recovered from their wounds, part of the warband went scavenging. Bolstered by their success, they went beyond what they were called to do, completing the optional objective, but also doing everything else that could have been an optional objective in other mission types (took out the target of the manhunt, looted the majority of wyrdstone, stole the enemy idol and secured it in our wagon). To top it off, they left not a single enemy standing. But one of the Sisters had to be carried back. At least the sawbones say that given enough rest she'll pull through without lasting damage.
  3. Hope you guys don't get the idiot sitting next to you that I had
  4. Remember people that it is Christmas. Why not give Shady a gift? The gift of letting him offload one of those games onto you!
  5. Merc with hunting rifle thought he was safe up there Skaven preparing to get the living wyrdstone beat out of him Where I come from? We hang people like that. We hang them high. Snipers of Sigmar
  6. Part of the warband had split off to gather wyrdstone while the others cleaned up the remaining Possessed. One of their mutants though, the bone of his left arm shaped into a wicked blade proved far more dangerous than we had expected. Novice Elyris had charged him to keep the scavenging team free to do their job. He turned around and took her leg lean off at the knee. On a brighter note, I can now inscribe masterwork runes of Reach. Enchanted a helmet right away, giving my Purifier another 6m of spell range. Add that to her bonus from the mastered skill, she now can throw her Comets of Sigmar at 46m instead of the original 30. If she can see it, she can burn it.
  7. Went and watched Star Wars. Why is it, every time I go to the movies, I get to sit next to the person spending the whole time on their phone? After checking facebook yet again, guy looks up, sees three characters on snow-covered ground, looking at their destination. He turns to the girl sitting on his other side: "What are they doing?" Two replies wrestled in my head, wanting to be the one to pass my lips and assist this poor lost soul. 1) "Why not ask on facebook?" ~Too snarky. 2) "Well, after they barely escaped the Cylon attack on Babylon 5, with the help of Malcolm Reynolds - who had hijacked a Goa'uld mothership - they acquired a Delorean, and used that to travel back to Alderaan, where they hope to rescue a young Ripley, who was abducted by a T-2000 so she would not give birth to Alex J. Murphy. If they succeed, together they will commandeer an Atlas Mech. The Atlas you see is the only thing with enough fire power to breach the Fortress of Solitude, where they can find the plaid Kryptonite necessary to destroy the One Ring and Voldemort's control of the Spice and through it the Tardis. Then they will be able to sit back and live long and prosper ever after." ~Better, but then I'd have missed the movie saying all that. Next time I'll just bring a taser.
  8. Finished my card for the year. Was fun finding an excuse to sketch a bit.
  9. It seems they learned quite a bit from the previous game's mistakes. But they are sticking to the engine, so some things will get carried over even if they wanted to improve them.
  10. I found beaglerush's Let's Plays to be the best ones I have seen so far. He actually shows some neat tactics instead of blindly stumbling around. And the videos are well edited. Part1: Part2:
  11. From now on, when people ask why I don't have a Christmas tree, I'll say "I have a guy who owns a Christmas Tree Farm. So I get my trees from him. Problem is, the farm is in Idaho and shipping costs to Greece for Christmas Trees are through the roof. And don't get me started on import taxes..." And they'll reply "So why don't you just get a tree from someplace else?" And I'll look at them aghast and say "Are you serious? Get a tree from a stranger when I know a guy?"
  12. Gathering all the wyrdstone on the map and stashing it in the wagon before the enemy warband can get anywhere near it
  13. I could play some of those old MtGs as well. I find Borderlands 2 booooring and doubt I'd reinstall 1.
  14. I have swapped all my Novices and Sisters. Both my novices are currently wearing cloth. One has a blue quality Mace of Expertise and a free Off-Hand. The free hand and cloth have her with an unmodified dodge Chance of 80%. The mace has a high To-Hit chance making it more likely she'll get at least one hit in and trigger her innate dodge bonus. I'll give her Sidestep for an additional Dodge per turn. My other novice has a Skull Fracture and is affected by Stupidity. She has a purple quality Great Flail. it means 20 less Dodge than the mace wielding novice, but I want her to make up for lost damage for the times she just stands and stares at the moons. I have not yet decided exactly how I want to spec my Sisters. Making a wyrdstone collector with cloth for high mobility does sound tempting. Shipments are based on Warband Rank. So they should cap out at rank 10. Compared to my Novices, my Augur just reached Dodge 100 and is in line to train mastered Sidestep for three dodge attempts per turn.
  15. I'll be multiplayering Armello over the holidays to unlock the winter multiplayer dice. I'm also available for Dungeon of the Endless, Dungeon Defenders (the first one, not 2), Sentinels of the Multiverse, Small World 2.
  16. The coach is one of those bizarre things you run across in Mordheim.
  17. My Sisters beat up some Possessed to take it easy after the ambush. I was tired, didn't pay as much attention as I should and made silly mistakes I normally do not. When I did notice, I did manage to bring out my A-game so to speak (and did some nifty maneuvering around enemy control zones). But the mission that was supposed to be a walk in the park after the brutal ambush actually ended up more painful. Got lucky that the enemy routed when they did. A quarter of my warband only had slivers of health left. One Light Wound from a crit with a Greatsword. It happens. But the fight should not have been allowed to get this close. Setting my sisters to Parry Stance when engaged with enemies that ignore Parry Stance. Real newbie mistake So, I went and beat up some Skaven and took their stuff and wyrdstone. If this had gone badly, I would not have been surprised. The deployment was in Strike Teams, which is one of the most hated among the community. And against Skaven it can mean defeat within a few rounds, as their high initiative allows them to decimate small groups. As it were, part of my warband is really fast, so they out-initiatived the rats and turned the tables on them. And I got lucky. My smallest strike team, which also was the furthest away from the rest, ended up away from the bulk of the skaven warband. In the resulting 2 vs 2 they had the upper hand - though I kept worrying that I had miss-counted and some rats would show up out of nowhere and pounce on my Purifier. After returning I took stock of my Wyrdstone stash: 301 units. Then the shipment request came in. Bertha wanted wyrdstone shipped back to the rock. ASAP. And in large quantities. To be precise, the monastery demanded 301 units...
  18. My Sisters went on another expedition into the ruins of the city. It was quiet. Too quiet. Suddenly, just as they were passing through a small square, there was movement ahead. And to the left. And to the right, They were surrounded. Boxed in. Caught between wyrdstone and an Ogre. The melee was bloody. It was brutal (well ok, easy descriptor as I was playing a Brutal Dificulty mission). Searing light blinded the Sisters, as a warlock gathered the winds of magic around him. The cracking of Flintlocks sounded over the din of steel on steel. The mercenary Ogre charged one of my novices and cut her down with a few swift strokes of his greataxe. Then he turned his attention to the rest. The other novice was nimbler. She danced around the axe, keeping the Ogre busy. Exhausted, barely able to stand, the Matriarch saw an opening. She dashed to the enemy wagon, tore down their banner. The act of defiance was too much for the mercenaries. They broke and ran. Brutal difficulty. Ambushed and only one out of action - and she was a Full Recovery. Even though the enemy Impressive did enter the fight on round 1 (and took out one of mine on round 1). Very happy.
  19. Great atmosphere. It can get a tad repetitive after a while. But a very good game nonetheless.
  20. Indy Developer Flippfly ( Race the Sun) is doing a Prototype Showdown. They'll be matching up their prototypes of game ideas for people to play and vote on. Read here: http://us4.campaign-archive2.com/?u=bd1c57b05496b11a3b12e8eaa&id=fd1799221f&e=3ebb79c3a9
  21. Been a while and I have hardly posted any mercenary screenshots. So remedying both:
  22. One of m,y Brethren, Telork just reached max level. He reached max level without ever getting injured. Which is quite a feat in Mordheim, especially as he was one of my initial line-up and not someone I recruited at high level and babysitted to get the achievement. It is quite possible that he never got hit at all. Except for that terrible fight with the bloodletter. Then again, he was one of two people still standing when the Purple Toe ran away that day (bravely ran away). If I didn't need him at henchman level, I'd promote him to hero - he'd deserve it.
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