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melkathi last won the day on March 23

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About melkathi

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    Teddy Bear Adventurer of the Obsidian Order

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  1. I like that the exploit in itself is an easter egg. You <redacted>, so you find <redacted>. You can <redacted>. There you <redacted>. And that takes you directly to the ending. And it all makes sense.
  2. With the current craze of turning everything into an open world survival crafting game, it may be better if they don't remember some old games.
  3. Things to know about Arcanum: AoE works through walls. So the Jolt spell (if I remember the name) can clear most dungeons easily by walking along walls and killing the monsters on the other side. Generally magic is stronger than technology. The living one will be reborn on wings of fire. You can skip half the game by exploiting teleportation on the world map. You can't trust gnomes. Good and evil playthroughs are different enough to make a second playthrough worthwhile.
  4. I find it hilarious the country that changed the name of the Gulf of Mexico and wants to rename Greenland to Red and Blue Land is threatening to close their consulate in Johannesburg over the change of a street name
  5. I'm playing Wonder Boy The Dragon's Trap. Just defeated the Mummy Dragon and turned into a mouse. So I stopped dying as a fire-spitting lizard-man and started dying as a tiny acrobatic mouse-man.
  6. I think throughout history no promise made to the Kurds has ever been kept. So if someone says they'll be good for them, I do not trust that person and expect them to just need Kurdish cannon fodder for their own goals. Kurds are alongside Palestinians the world's punching bag
  7. Not really. The combat is the series strong point. So if you don't enjoy it, skip the games entirely. I mean, obviously you auto-resolve the sure fights that would just waste your time, but you should be playing the "fun" and "challenging" ones for the fun of it. I find myself auto-resolving more in AoW4.
  8. Meaning they also can't write a good story? Seriously, Triumph's writing got worse with each game. It peaked in badness with Planetfall though, so I think they are a bit embarrassed that AoW4 has returned to AoW3 levels of writing. AoW4 is shaping up to becoming a good game. It is a shame it needed so many DLC for it though. edit: The News: KCD2 releases on GOG on 28th March.
  9. On the way home yesterday I walked past the record shop. I now have "new" vinyl records: Toto Hydra, Toto Turn Back, Toto IV, Toto Isolation, Eddy Grant Killer on the rampage, and done KC & the Sunshine Band album...
  10. I tried the TMNT turnbased tactic game. It is pretty fun, but already the second mission got tiresome. Maybe the mission is simply too long and goes past that point where you realise that you are always just doing the same thing.
  11. Did anyone try the demo for the new Julian Gollop? https://youtu.be/VCdO-C0kpVM?si=7IxwAXsWRtOmZ8El
  12. I was out of town, so I have to be twice as fast downloading to catch up.
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