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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. When you hit level 15 you unlock the foundry. The foundry is like many mod tool kits, it allows you to make full adventures. It includes many, if not all, of the assets from the game. You can script conversations, encounters, etc. Then the adventures are made available to the public via the in-game job boards. I don't know what the approval process for adventures is like, if there is one, since I'm yet to finish making an adventure. It's a really cool feature, and, frankly, all games should do it.
  2. Woot! Level 30, I'm now a paragon hero. Unfortunately, there is only one paragon path available right now, so there's no choice in the matter, I'm a swordmaster now. Still, the feat tree gives me a lot more choices to work with and I unlocked another profession job slot, so I can now run 3 tasks at once.
  3. Maybe this will help? It lists Cleric's solo difficulty as "Easy", so it should be no problem. In other news, the Lich's Lament quest in the graveyard is fantastic. Sure, it's just a dressed up go to this location then go to this location then go to this location quest, but it's absolutely hilarious. Bravo, Cryptic, bravo. Edit: Also, try the B key, it gets rid of the UI and lets you zoom in and look around. Is that what you're looking for?
  4. I don't remember it doing that. I think the prompts tell me to use the Alt button for a lot of things, lol. I'll try it again later tho. Oh and I've seen people talking about the voice acting...it is pretty bad, especially that narrator/tutor helper. That's the worst. Since I'm not sure I like the fighter ... has anyone made a Cleric? Would they be ok in solo combat or are they not the best for that, if you know what I mean? Some games they are, some not. Not into paladin types and not sure the thief type appeals. So mage/fighter/cleric seem to be my options to try. Guess I should find a wiki or something and do some reading. I don't like going into MMO's "cold." Well, if you make a cleric on Mindflayer shard I can still make armor for you, since mailsmithing makes both great weapon fighter and devoted cleric armor. I haven't played a cleric yet, but I can tell you that I'm a big fan of my cleric companion.
  5. The monk wound system sounds cool, but great care will have to be taken to balance it. That system could easily turn monks into ridiculously overpowered characters, and throw the game balance all out of whack. There needs to be significant risk/reward for the monk taking wounds, a threshold they could cross where no amount of special attack use can keep up with the damage they are taking. The closer you get to that threshold, the more powerful they become, but go over that edge, even slightly, and it's certain death. I trust Tim & Josh will make sure to tweak the balance just right to ensure monks don't become out of control overpowered. The different cultural outfits are straight up awesome.
  6. I hope they'll still have the Russian accent voice as a choice for a female character. Something about playing a female Murican President with a thick Russian accent makes me feel all tingly on the inside. Edit: Also, this fictitious female Murican President may or may not wind up running around town butt nekkid punching people dudes in the ****.
  7. @LadyCrimson - There is nothing to really choose early on, as far as character progression goes, but that changes after level 5. Since you're also playing a great weapon fighter, I can make you some armor. Add me (@keyrock42) to your friend list and send me a tell if we're on at the same time, and I'll see what I can make for you. I'm level 29 now, at level 30 I get to choose a paragon path to follow, I think. I'm pretty excited.
  8. As far as races go, there are 7 at the moment, that's more than many MMOs that have been around for years, much less still in beta. They will be adding at least 1 more. As far as classes go, yeah they're limited at the moment. They will add more in the future. I don't know how many more, but I imagine at the very least some kind of archer and another mage type.
  9. Hive mind, my friend, hive mind. I thought that feature came standard on all clones? Hmm, maybe just in my neck of the woods?
  10. Easy. Clone yourself. Clone yourself again... and again... and again... and again. Play all the games concurrently. Problem solved. You're welcome.
  11. Awesome, awesome, awesome, count me in. Also, Tim Schafer is the greatest. That guy is just amazing. I'm still praying that Psychonauts 2 gets made some day. Psychonauts, even more so than Beyond Good & Evil, is the most egregious case of a massive rift between the quality of a game (freakin' awesome) and how it sold (criminally poorly). The milkman conspiracy level is one of the most amazing things ever put in a video game.
  12. So far I haven't seen a big need for microtransactions. They can help you get some flashy fashion clothing or some rare crafting items or gear, but you can get all the necessary stuff just from playing, albeit slower.
  13. To the best of my knowledge, you can only buy those keys using Zen, Perfect World's microtransaction currency. You can earn free Zen by doing some offers and survey too. I managed to earn enough for a couple of keys so far doing just that. I just make sure to only do offers that don't ask for a credit card number, and if they ask for an email address (they pretty much always do), I have a secondary email account set up for just those occasions (they can go ahead and spam that email address to their heart's content).
  14. The romances could involve a lot of awkward hugging and dry humping cutscenes. Come to think of it, Bioware seems to have some experience with that...
  15. Never change, Saints Row, never change. I'll even forgive the liberal use of wub wub in an attempt to appease the unquenchable thirst for dubstep of the Trailer Gods, because of the lunacy, the glorious lunacy. I'm already looking forward to once again punching people in the ****. Murica, **** yeah!
  16. That actually sounds pertty awesome XD Well, part of the reason why I prefer Dawn of War 2: Retribution to either the base DoW2 or Chaos Rising, despite the fact that Chaos Rising clearly has the best story and campaign, is because you can play the campaign as orks (or whatever race), and the banter that goes on between the orks is amazingly hilarious. It's a million times better than the heroic for the emperor stuff you get to listen to when playing Space Marines.
  17. An example of an ork conversation wheel: We's gonna stomp dem 'umies proppa, boss. We need more dakka. WAAAGH!
  18. Instead of paragon and renegade, they'll likely go with pure and corrupted. Maybe the red option should be "Khorne demands their blood"?
  19. My friend list shows GftedUn. Maybe there is both a GftedUn and a Gfted1? What are the chances?
  20. There is no "Nights", it's just "Neverwinter". That said, great idea melkathi. This will make it much easier to get everyone playing together and easier to keep a discussion about the game going. Gfted1 is @GftedUn, at least that's the global handle that accepted my friend request yesterday. I'm going to go ahead and add everyone I haven't already as a friend. Here's my complete info, as of right now: @keyrock42 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Murzush Gro Ruhm, Female Half-Orc Great Weapon Fighter, Mindflayer Shard.
  21. @Cultist - I choose renegade, let the orks come! In the end, it should have exactly zero bearing a major impact on which of the 3 different color background completely different Abaddon the Despoiler cutscenes I get at the end.
  22. Leadership gives you exp and you earn astral diamonds and supply crates that may include rare items, particularly for higher level jobs. I'm lev 4 leadership and on the cusp of hitting lev 7 mailsmithing. Everything else lev 1. @Serrano - Which shard are you on and what is your @global so I can add you to my friend list?
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