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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. X: Rebirth - It lives, it's still in development, it will come out... some day... I hope.
  2. The Order looks sort of like Bioshock Infinite minus the floating city part.
  3. I love it when these suits try to make the funny. It's so endearingly pathetic.
  4. "All our Sony entertainment content will be tailored specifically toward what the gamer wants." Mountain Dew: The Movie?
  5. It's kind of hard to take anything away from the Dragon Age 3 trailer since it had nothing but cinematics. I liked Dragon Age: Origins, then Dragon Age 2 came up and punched me in the **** and left me writhing on the ground saying "What the ****!? Why would you do that to me?" This trailer does nothing to remove that bad taste from my mouth because there's nothing indicating which direction the game is going other than Morrigan's back.
  6. I'm willing to bet the chance of getting those 2x rare profession resources is about 1 or 2%, but yeah it's cool how Leadership makes its own resources, What sucks is there are no high exp jobs so it takes a long time to level up. I can tell you at level 18 mailsmithing needs like a bajillion exp to advance to 19, but at least I can crank out scale pants at 500 exp each at 50 min or so a pop.
  7. The Witcher 3 had actual gameplay and bearded Geralt, therefore it wins. Note that I am an unabashed CD Projekt Red fan and supporter, so take that with a grain of salt.
  8. It did look cool... but that UPlay logo in the upper left corner was a big turn off.
  9. That's cool, but you need those resources. The armor is no problem, but the blue resource I'm betting is harder to get. Still, I can't wait to get Leadership to lev 13 so I can take advantage of this. I wish I had figured out earlier that I can sell horses for 7-8k AD a pop in AH. Since I have no other use for gold, other than keeping 2 or 3 gold pieces in case I need potions, I'm buying up horses and selling them to make AD. @sorophx - I didn't mind Mt. Hotenow, I actually kind of liked it. I really hated Icespire, though.
  10. So far the only things that have gotten me really excited are Mirror's Edge 2 and Raymand Legends.
  11. Hopefully PC gets a non-**** port this time around.
  12. After Dragon Age 2 punched me in the ****, I'm in the don't care about Dragon Age 3 until after it has come out and others have played it and commented on it camp.
  13. I played as Spinal, though I was never particularly good (I suck at fighting games in general). I was lucky to get even a 12 hit combo. It was still super fun even when I was getting my ass handed to me, which was more often than not. C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker!
  14. I've never gotten a drop higher than rank 4, not even in an endgame dungeon. Haven't done a tier 2 endgame dungeon yet, though.
  15. Remember when they made awesome games like Killer Instinct, GoldenEye, and Banjo Kazooie for Big N? That seems so long ago. /cries
  16. I would argue that it never really lived at all. It's entire lifetime has been a steady diet of getting outsold 4 to 1, 5 to 1, sometimes 7 to 1 by the 3DS. So far this has been satisfactorily hilarious.
  17. How about Better Than Gorth or BetterThanGorth or Better_Than_Gorth? (not sure if they let you use spaces)
  18. GRID 2. I'm into season 3 and starting to get some pretty fast vehicles. At first I got scared when season 3 started because it was initially centered around Asia, so I figured they'd make me do drifting races, which I am not a fan of. I was extremely pleased to find out that they wanted me to do Touge races instead. I love me some Touge. Not only is it NOT drifting, it's only me and one other driver going mono a mono which has the added bonus of removing all but one of the 8 or 9 other drivers I have to go through to get to the front normally (it wouldn't be such a problem if the races weren't so short, but they are which means I don't have time to pick and choose my passing areas). I'm sure they'll make me do some drifting somewhere in there, but at least I now know that won't be the whole season. Hopefully I get to use the sweet Nismo R34 GTR Z-Tune I scooped up at the beginning of the season for most, or better yet all, races.
  19. Well done oby, this troll thread has managed to go on for 13 pages and there is still heated discussion. I haven't been here long enough to know if this is a record for one of your threads, but it's an impressive achievement either way. /pats oby on the back
  20. I'm guessing the 1.5 GB download was a pre-download for either the upcoming balance update or, more likely, the live launch including the Gauntlgrym content as nothing really changed in-game, plus the patching happened after I left the game rather than upon launching, like it usually does. In other news, I got my mailsmith up to level 18. 2 more levels and 2 dragon eggs and I'll be able to make a purple scale shirt and purple pants for myself. Also, I now have 4 rank 6 dark enchantments, but I'm going to look to get some preservation wards on the cheap to make sure I don't waste any trying to fuse to rank 7. Rank 6s are expensive and/or time consuming enough to acquire that I'm not leaving things up to chance. At 40% success rate of fusion, the odds aren't in my favor anyway. I also got a couple shard types up to 4 each, so I can fuse them into lesser enchantments, but I need coalescent wards for that. Gah, so many hoops to jump through.
  21. Yeah, on the mobile front, Haswell seems to be truly a big step forward.
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