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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I have no reservations about killing wolves. I don't feel great about it, but it doesn't bother me either. Killing rats, on the other hand, always makes me nauseous, so I avoid it in games whenever possible, the rodent lover that I am.
  2. The Witcher 3's GLORIOUS wolf fur: Sweet baby Jesus, I'm going to need a second 780Ti to max this out, aren't I?
  3. Switzerland looking good to advance. They're pouring it on against Honduras.
  4. I think he's just teething. Would it be against FIFA regulations to let him carry one of these during matches?
  5. As many times as I've played AP, I've never gone with a martial arts build. I guess I wuss out whenever I think of the boss fights and think about having to take them on with hands and feet. I planned on using AR mainly (then ended up using MA more), so I had a backup for tougher bosses. The ones I used MA on worked pretty well (Marburg, Deng) even without Fury. Brayko and ranged bosses were a no-go though. Beating up Brayko with your bare hands is the best. It's very much doable, assuming you took care of his nose candy first.
  6. They went through that whole lockout semi-recently and after all that the NFL players wound up in arguably an even worse position than before. Well done, DeMaurice Smith. Anyway, given what we now know about Embiid's injuries, should Cleveland still take him #1?
  7. Torchlight is free on GOG for the next hour or so. Edit: I see babaganoosh beat me to it.
  8. Just 2 days away from the release of the 2014 Game of the Year
  9. Ryse was a very pretty and exceedingly shallow glorified tech demo.
  10. On the bright side, The Decision did deliver to us one of the funniest masturbation euphemisms ever (I still use it to this day). So, there was at least one positive to take away from that debacle.
  11. Holy ****, PK for Greece in added time to decide who moves on! Edit: And Greece score. What a stomach punch to Ivory Coast. What a horrible way to go out.
  12. Most people that bashed The Decision bashed the TV special itself rather than the move to Miami, I know that's how I felt, still do. I had no problem at all with LeBron fleeing Cleveland for tax-free pastures. The TV special itself, on the other hand, was disgraceful. That's the crux of the LeBron hate movement.
  13. Dis here Greece/Ivory Coast game don got gud.
  14. Video games would be so much better if they had pro wrestling play by play and commentary
  15. In fairness, an imaginary source has informed me that Chiellini has a habit of putting barbecue sauce on his shoulder.
  16. Well, it's not like you got ripped off at that price. It's not a completely horrible game, but it was a disappointment after the original Still Life, which was quite decent.
  17. Still Life 2 is free for the next couple hours on GOG, if anyone is in the market for a piss poor adventure game.
  18. Luis Suarez and Uruguay - Winning matches, one bite at a time.
  19. It's on daily today, if you're still interested.
  20. That's fair. Part of that might be perception. Melo, for whatever reason, exposure, I'm guessing, is still seen as a bigger star than Love, even though, in my opinion, Love is a better player (and younger to boot) at this stage in their respective careers.
  21. LeBron opting out doesn't necessarily mean he's leaving Miami, though it certainly could. I think he can see the handwriting on the wall. Wade is a shadow of his former self. He can still play at a very high level at times, but his body wears down very quickly. Bosh is now past the peak of his prime (though still in the tail end of his prime) and wearing down too, and, to be honest, he was never a superstar, a good player, but not a superstar. Unless all 3 of them restructure and take major pay cuts, Miami doesn't have the cap room to make major changes. It will be interesting to see how this shakes out. Could LeBron wind up on The Clippers?
  22. Looks like some former S.T.A.L.K.E.R. devs are about to launch a Kickstarter for a game called Areal. Their official site doesn't have much info yet, apart from some concept art. As someone who holds the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games in the highest of regards, I'll obviously be following this closely.
  23. Oranje vs. El Tri should make for a fun match in the knockout round.
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