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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The US lucky to escape that half without conceding a goal. Their defense has been porous, to say the least.
  2. Argentina wins. They're through to the quarters, but they look quite vulnerable.
  3. The Swiss are coming apart at the seams. It looks like only a matter of time until the Argentinians put one in the back of the net.
  4. The Argentinian keeper was so lucky. He made a horrible mistake by staying halfway out instead of coming out to get to the ball first (as he should have) or going back to the goal, but the Swiss player got a terrible strike on it.
  5. Who drinks milk with pizza? That's unnatural.
  6. Predictions for today: Switzerland over Argentina USA over Belgium
  7. I am not allowed to play this game today because it's made by Belgians. Today, Belgians are my mortal enemies. I will fight them to the death. To the death, I tells ya!
  8. I'm playing Mario Kart 8, it's pretty awesome. Definitely the best entry in the series since at least Double Dash.
  9. Really gutsy performance from Algeria, just not enough against ze Germans.
  10. This has been a real exciting 90 minutes of football, and we're getting 30 more. And just like that ze Germans score in the 2nd minute of extra time.
  11. Algeria looked the superior side for 35 minutes, Germany stepped it up in the last 10 minutes of the 1st half. It's still scoreless and it feels a bit like Algeria missed their chance. You never know, though.
  12. Wow, ze Germans are looking really shaky at the start here. Algeria have clearly been the better side so far.
  13. Absolutely, they've been very impressive. However, assuming Germany wins later today as expected, that QF match is going to be a big time heavyweight bout.
  14. In general, I agree, but on the scoring play, in particular, he made a piss poor attempt at a clearance.
  15. Saved by the crossbar! France really putting the pressure on now. And Pogba scores. France 1-0.
  16. Let's hope it's not that serious. That was a really nasty looking challenge. I'm sure the French player wasn't trying to hurt him, but he got him studs first right on the ankle. Ouch!
  17. Really exciting back and forth match so far.
  18. It's fine on PC as long as you're using a gamepad. You'd have to be some kind of masochist to play Guacamelee! with m&kb. What sort of person would do that to themselves?
  19. You could, but you'd be missing the point. It's the same criticism that was leveled by some at Sleeping Dogs (a very different type of game, mind you). Sure, you could get through the game just mashing X (and Y to counter occasionally) and win the fights, but it's way more fun to pull off impressive looking combos utilizing all the different buttons. By the same token, you could win most fights in Bayonetta just mashing one or two buttons, on the easier difficulty levels, at least, but the whole point of these Devil May Cry types of brawlers is to pull off various cool looking combos to defeat your enemies as stylishly as possible. Bayonetta has a very robust combo system utilizing most of the buttons on a gamepad.
  20. Some Bayonetta 2 screenshots: /rubs hands together Oh yeah, October I'll be getting my sexy librarian witch on.
  21. But guess the actual score, that's much harder No thanks.
  22. I don't see any surprises tomorrow. France beats Nigeria Germany beats Algeria
  23. JadedWolf, you doubted the power of R. Kelly. What do you have to say for yourself now?
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