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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. No movement penalty when carrying a downed teammate.
  2. Another year, another Beyond Good and Evil no show. I'm sure I can count on Nintendo to not give me a new Metroid nor a new F-Zero tomorrow.
  3. Doom, I guess, so far for me, by default. Honestly, nothing has given me even a medium chub so far.
  4. Common misconception. The first Halo did not, in fact, have regenerating health; it had regenerating shields, but not health.
  5. Serious Sam 2 Serious Sam 3 Quake 4 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadows of Chernobyl S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat Metro 2033 Metro Last Light Call of Juarez Half-Life 2: Episode 1 Half-Life 2: Episode 2 Bioshock Bioshock 2 Bioshock Infinite Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas Halo Borderlands Borderlands 2 Borderlands The Presequel I'm sure there are more
  6. The fact that you're celebrating the lack of regenerating health instead of just assuming that's how it would be in a game called "Doom" is alarming in and of itself. I guess this is how far the genre has fallen. As for the radial UI, I'm fine with it being there so long as I can still have a hotkey for every weapon and simply press 1-0 to switch between them. So long as I am not forced to use the consolized UI and can still take advantage of the fact that I have an input device with more than 12 buttons, I have no problem with it being there for the dirty peasants and the crude tools they are forced to use. I will say the graphics looked freakin' great. I wish Bethesda had used idTech 6 instead of the Creation Engine for Fallout 4, as visually the two games looked to be an entire generation apart. Granted, it's easier to turn up the pretty when you're dealing with mostly enclosed areas instead of a big open world.
  7. 2.0? We already have Activision, EA, and Ubisoft.
  8. Sooooooooo... Battlecry https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=51&v=KQnrOlhU27Y Are we all in agreement that this looks terrible? When I watched the presentation my mind kept going "What's that stuttering? Is that framerate hitching?" It couldn't have been framerate hitching, right? Why would you show a trailer at E3 with visible framerate drops? That had to have been a stylistic choice. Who the heck thought that purposely making a game look like it's running at about 6 FPS was a good idea and how do they still have a job?
  9. Yeah, I'm not a fan of the scripted executions either. Outside of that, though, it thought looked badass.
  10. I think it's pretty obvious that LeBron and the Cavs are just simply out of gas at this point, that's the second game in a row now where you could visibly see the Cavs fade down the stretch. LeBron is incredible, but he's still human and he's going to wear down eventually. This was the game where they got the extra day of rest and it still wasn't enough, they're not getting an extra day off again this series. Obviously, it's not over until it;s over, but I'd definitely be surprised if this went 7.
  11. Bethesda's commitment to stiff as **** animations continues. That's true dedication.
  12. OMG I just imagined a female transformer as a food truck or a big Oven ;P A roach coach transformer.
  13. Clearly the answer is that there are plenty of female transformers, most of them are just at home, preferably in the kitchen, where they belong. /hides
  14. With the Shadow Warrior 2 announcement I was inspired to give my Wang some love again. So, I whipped out my Wang and I blew my load... into enemies... with a gun. Alright, that's enough lame Wang jokes (I couldn't help myself). Anyway, Shadow Warrior is so freakin' good. It's just a bunch of goofy, ridiculous fun. Besides that I did my daily Strife match, I'll might play again later today too. It was the single best team performance I've been a part of. Obviously, when solo queueing it's a crap shoot as to how your team will turn out, this particular team actually functioned like a well oiled machine. We communicated well, assisted each other, set up ganks, took objectives, just played really well together. We were all on the same page and it worked wonderfully. For my part, I played a smart and controlled game. I bullied my lane early on (I played mid this time, I usually play bottom) but was controlled enough to drop back and not overcommit and let bloodthirst take over and get myself into bad positions trying for early kills. It wasn't a perfect game, by any stretch, I did walk into a really bad gank once that I absolutely should have seen coming, but that was really the only time I completely needlessly fed the opposing team. After the early game I started roaming, doing a bit of jungle farming and helping with ganks in other lanes, in late game I was a sieging machine and contributed to all our Baldir and Cindara kills, I even soloed Baldir once while the rest of my team pushed the lanes. Stats don't tell the whole story, but I ended with 4 kills 10 assists and 4 deaths, that's a 3.5 K+A/D ratio, which is pretty good. Since I've switched to a less power-focused, but tankier and more mobile build I've been picking up less kills but more assists and having less deaths. I'm perfectly happy with that trade off. I'm getting pretty decent with Vermillion, I should start branching out to other heroes.
  15. Bloodstained set a new Kickstarter record for a video game project with a staggering $5,545,991 (plus however much from PayPal), that's more than 11 times their original funding goal. I guess a lot of people want a new Castlevania game from Iga?
  16. I'm not sure if a Warhammer 40K Space Marine is the wisest image to associate with Vivian James. I mean, I get it 40K members Warhammer 40K, also, on the surface, Space Marines are a cool thing that a lot of people like (I'm pro-Ork, so I'm not a big fan myself). However, unless I'm seriously misunderstanding Warhammer 40K lore, and I'm by no means an expert on the matter, there are more than a few parallels between the Imperium of Man and Nazi Germany.
  17. I feel your pain, folks. I still have nightmares about running Fallout 3. There came a point in the game where I would literally save every 10 seconds because the game was liable to CTD at any moment. Sometimes it would run fine for an hour, sometimes it would CTD 2 seconds after loading the game. And this was without any mods, and not the very first release version of the game, it was 1.4 or 1.5 or whatever (it was a long time ago, I don't remember exactly). That game was (and still is, from the sound of it) unbelievably buggy, it's crazy that Bethesda mostly got a free pass on it. Gamebryo still has bugs that date all the way back to Morrowind, they were never fixed, not by Gamebase, not by Bethesda. Now that it's mostly faded into obscurity I can happily say that I will not miss Gamebryo one bit.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHl6sDLX8tQ Dat Chris Squire bass tho.
  19. Source 2 DotA2, known as DotA 2 Reborn, set to go into public beta next week. It's the first game to utilize Valve's Source 2 engine. https://www.dota2.com/reborn/part1
  20. In fairness, neither of those titles is currently on a daily or flash sale, those are just the regular lesser discounts that last for the entire duration of the Summer Sale. Both titles are highly likely to get a deeper discount at some point during the sale.
  21. How does the DLC work? Once you start it, can you go back to the main game or does it "lock you in" to the DLC once you begin? Because if you can always go back to main game stuff, why not try starting the DLC and if it's too hard, go back to main game areas to grind? As for me, I just had the most fun match of Strife ever, holy smokes it was tense. Our teams were super evenly matched and the game went back and forth for an hour. They took most of our towers, we took most of their towers, the got Baldir 3 times and spawned Dharkwaves and took one of our generators, we got Cindara and pushed with Krytos and weakened one of their generators, then they got Cindara and pushed with Krytos but we managed to hold strong, then they pushed and took down another one of our generators but overcommited and we wiped them then immediately went and got Cindara and pushed carefully with Krytos not taking any generator down, but weakening it. Then the deciding moment as both teams had the same idea, we both headed for Baldir. They got there first, but we got there in time and attacked them and won a really close skirmish between teams then took Baldir and spawned Dharkwave and with the help of that we took down the 2 weakened generators and had just enough oomph to take down their crux and win. It was so close, had they won the skirmish near Baldir we would have surely lost, but we prevailed. I went with a tankier build for Vermillion and it paid off. I had noticed in previous games that I had gone too far down the all in on attack speed, power, and lifesteal road, so I sacrificed a bit of power and attack speed (still went full on lifesteal) in favor of more health and better armor and resistance. Even though Vermillion is not naturally a tank, I think it makes sense to make him at least somewhat tanky. Vermillion excels at long drawn out battles because he's not dependent on mana very much. Half his skills are passive and enhance his right-click damage, the other skills do use mana, but they're crowd control as much as they are damage skills (maybe more so). Some characters depend on their active, mana using abilities to do most of their damage while most of Vermillion's damage comes from his right-click auto-attack. He can't do burst damage, but what he does is sustained damage. When I went for my all in glass cannon builds I often got burst down before I could do enough damage to bring enemies down. With a tankier build I don't do quite as much damage, but I survive long enough for enemies to run out of gas (mana), then most of their damage is gone while I'm still doing moderately high sustained damage and healing off lifesteal. Good times.
  22. An excerpt from the latest update: Code wheel! SQUEE!
  23. Vermillion with the pirate captain skin:
  24. More Strife goodness, that's my jam at the moment. Lost my last match, which broke my streak of 5 wins in a row, but I'm more proud of my performance in that match than in any of those wins. Our team was off to a disadvantage almost immediately, as one player disconnected, so it was 4 v 5. I got a couple nice solo kills early and then held my lane pretty well 1 v 2. I did die a couple times later when another enemy rotated in and they ganked me 3 on 1, I did escape a couple 3 on 1 gank attempts too, though. Then another player from our team left, then another. The game has a system that shares gold among the remaining players if someone leaves to try to make up for a disadvantage like that, to some extent, but there's only so much you can do 2 v 5. Still, myself and the other remaining player who decided to stick it out to the end held our base for a shockingly long time. We were going to lose for sure, but we made them work for it. I had a blast desperately trying to hold the last of our defenses.
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