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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. W00t! Interception by "Professor" Xavier Woods. Edit: TD Boys! Edit 2: Also on right now, The Giants vs the 49ers in Dumpsterfirebowl 2017!
  2. Vikings beat the Skins dropping them to 4-5 and essentially eliminating Washington from realistic playoff contention. Now my Boys need to take care of business against the Falcons, sans Zeke.
  3. I waxed the Mazda today, something a lot of people neglect, then they wonder why their paint looks like crap a few years later. An hour and a half 2 or 3 times a year can help keep your car looking showroom for years to come.
  4. I beat the first mission in the bonus campaign, silent assassin, of course. Both kills were rather plain, though. I do want to go back and have them die in more spectacular fashion. Oybek setting himself on fire would be most unfortunate... and hilarious, and I'm fairly certain I know how to make that happen.
  5. I'm playing the first mission of the bonus campaign in HITMAN. Finding the targets is easy enough, but they both tend to stay in areas with tons of potential witnesses. I need to figure out how to lure them to a more secluded area. I guess I should try pulling the fire alarm first.
  6. Starting out the first mission of the new HITMAN bonus campaign. I don't have much time to play tonight, but I will later this week and this weekend. I'll spend a couple hours just scouting the location and familiarizing myself with the patterns of important individuals before I even start making a plan. IO Interactive saw fit to give me this most excellent coin to use in the game. Granted, it doesn't work any better or worse than the regular coin, but it's prettier and a symbol of recognition that I am an awesome assassin. Extra stylish Cowboy 47 on the job.
  7. The GotY Edition of HITMAN released today, including the bonus campaign, new outfits and weapons, and access to any elusive target people might have missed if they didn't buy episode 1 immediately when it first released (you don't get to redo failed or completed elusive targets, though). In even better news, IO Interactive CEO Hakan Abrak let it slip that a new Hitman game is indeed being worked on.
  8. Perfect World also run the Chinese DotA 2 servers and they are well known in the eSports community for hosting the DotA 2 Shanghai Major, widely regarded as one of the most disastrously poorly run major eSports events of the last few years. It was so bad that, ever since then, whenever there are technical problems during a DotA 2 tourney people either joke that we are on Perfect World servers or that we got Shanghai'd. So, yeah, Perfect World don't exactly have a sterling reputation, for a variety of reasons.
  9. Does it have proper flightstick support? It better.
  10. This happens to me more and more often as I get older. Naps are the greatest.
  11. It's sad. The Torchlight games aren't the best loot em ups I've ever played, but they are solid, fun experiences. Hopefully the Runic devs find a home somewhere else, there is talent at that studio. I'll have to give Torchlight 2 another playthrough sometime in the near future.
  12. Our What's For Dinner Thread has seemed to have gone missing, so here's a new one. Keyrock's Deluxe Rice & Beans w/ Chicken Nothing too fancy: Sauteed green bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, and kidney beans with rice boiled in chicken broth and lemon herb chicken breast along with some garlic salt (I didn't have any garlic cloves on hand), paprika, wasabi powder, and some dill weed. The one thing I am missing is some peas. I opened up the cupboard looking to add some peas to the dish for a bit of sweetness and found none. Oh well, it's still delicious.
  13. Big time win for mah Boys against the Chiefs. Dak was spectacular today. At 5-3 we're in decent shape for a wild card spot, but there's a long way to go and we have a really tough schedule ahead of us. Next up is a visit to Atlanta, then a crucial game against the hated Iggles that will determine if we have any chance to take the division. In celebration of the win, here's Jerry having someone else clean his glasses for him:
  14. Make sure to allot another 5 hours to assemble the stuff you bought.
  15. Happy Birthday LadyCrimson! This year for Halloween I'm going as a pizza delivery driver. Because I'm a method actor and committed to my art, I'm going to actually deliver pizzas for maximum realism.
  16. Spelunky 2 announced For PS4 (and presumably every other platform, like the first game).
  17. THQ Nordic have announced a remaster of Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This was a PS2 game originally, and while I did own a PS2, I never got to play this game. A shame, since the game seems like it would be right up my alley, being basically Zelda but with more platforming.
  18. I have to work Tuesday night, so I have an excuse for not buying a bunch of candy and handing it out to kids. Last year I gave out some $30 worth of candy.
  19. Big divisional win for my Boys against a decimated Washington squad. With super crappy conditions, TDs were at a premium and we won on the legs of Zeke, the foot of Mike "Great White Buffalo" Nugent (filling in for the injured Dan Bailey), and a bunch of Washington turnovers.
  20. ^ You can always count on some good ol' wang puns. I wonder big the total pool of wang jokes is? Just how deep does the wang go?
  21. Giannis is a freaking MONSTER. He might just become the best player in the NBA in about 3 years or so. If I was building a team for the future, I'm not concerned about winning a championship this year, I'm concerned about winning multiple championships in a few years, and I had to pick one player to build around, I can't think of anyone better than Giannis.
  22. There's no way to convey what it's like being jacked into someone in >observer_ with screencaps, it's an INTENSE experience. Still, here are some screenies anyway.
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