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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. In fairness, it's probably the best yodeling rock jam song ever.
  2. Going through the main story in Watch_Dogs 2, which is to say, I'm doing a bunch of side quests, since the main story at this point is to gain more followers, which is achieved by doing side quests. Also, doing side quests and activities gets me money which I'm using to buy up an array of vehicles for the Car on Demand app. Sure, I can just steal any vehicle any time with ease, but I feel dirty doing that. Heck, I don't even feel right syphoning money out of people's accounts (you don't get much anyway), so I stopped doing that too. I'm supposed to be trying to help people, so I'm doing my best to not be a murderer and thief. It helps me feel good about myself and my group of hacker pals.
  3. They didn't call Ken Stabler "The Snake" for nothin'.
  4. I got $20, how large a share will that get me of the team? The Panthers aren't my team, but I do live in Charlotte... I guess I can chip in $50. Also, if we need graphics for our crowdfunding campaign, I have basic, but solid GIMP skills.
  5. TLJ was definitely better than TFA. TFA was decidedly mediocre while TLJ was decent. I just wish SW could finally buck the protagonists survive seemingly impossible situation through an astonishing string of good luck trend. I know that's a trope of adventure movies, but SW takes it several levels further than most and it's quite frankly rather tiresome at this point.
  6. I watched The Last Jedi. It was... okay, I guess. Since my own inner Star Wars fanboy died a long time ago in a galaxy far away (thanks, Episode 2), I can watch the movies without getting giddy every time they sneak in some callback or fan service. I feel like The Force is the ultimate Deus Ex Machina and also a crutch too often leaned on that makes for sloppy storytelling. So much of what happens in Star Wars movies, and this goes all the way back to the original trilogy, relies on incredible coincidences and flat out ludicrous luck. All of this can easily be hand waved away because The Force. It's weaksauce storytelling.
  7. He also does travel videos for sex tourists looking for asian love. Assuming all parties are willing, that sounds like a noble service.
  8. The rule regarding fumbling a ball into the endzone and out of bounds has been the subject of much scrutiny, including from NFL officials, some of whom hate the rule too. The problem is that there's no easy answer as to what you replace it with, else it would already have been replaced. If you make it work like fumbles out of bounds work on any other part of the field, that's much too lenient, in my opinion. The endzone is the most critical part of the field, all mistakes are magnified there (e.g. an offense committing a penalty while the ball is in their own endzone results in a safety). However, I think the rule, as it stands, is much too harsh a penalty toward the offense. We need something in the middle ground. The best solution I can think of is to let the offense retain the ball* but spot the ball on the 20. The down counts and the sticks remain where they were. 99.9% of the time, a fumble that will go into the endzone and then out of bounds will occur within the 5 yard line, so you're looking at losing at least 15 yards of field position, the equivalent of a personal foul penalty. Most of the time, it will put the offense in a long distance down (e.g. 3rd and goal from the 20, 4th and 17, etc.) and will likely ultimately lead to a FG attempt. Even if the play does result in a first down (it was at the end of a big yardage gain play where the 20 yard line is still enough to move the sticks) you're still losing a big chunk of yardage. * If the play occurred on a 4th down play and the 20 yard line is not enough to move the sticks then the ball is turned over on downs and the defense gets the ball on the 20, like it does now.
  9. I watched the game, but with the sound off (I like to play MMOs while watching football--no thought required to do either). Are you talking about the fumble out the back of the endzone? I thought that was a good call, personally. I'm talking about Derek Carr fumbling the ball while trying to stretch out for the goal line and fumbling the ball into the endzone and out of bounds. The call was correct, it's the rule that's stupid.
  10. I've watched a lot of dumb and inexplicable things happen in Cowboy games over the last decade or so, overwhelmingly they've usually gone against us. For once, something completely ridiculous happened and it worked out in our favor and kept our season alive. Granted, our chances of making the playoffs are still quite slim, but I'll take that gift.
  11. Holy ****! Muh Boys just won and kept their postseason hopes alive on the dumbest rule in football. Edit: Go Bucs!
  12. Muh Boys got some help from the Panthers, eliminating the Packers from playoff contention, now we need to take care of business (win out) and get more help.
  13. Or Fallout: New Vegas. New Vegas is the the best Fallout game. Yes, better than 1 and 2.
  14. Monkey Island also barely missed my list, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, to be specific.
  15. From my favorite Mike Patton (the man is a GOLDEN GOD) album, featuring one of my favorite electronica artists, Amon Tobin: I know that ***holes grow on trees, but I'm here to trim the leaves. /kisses finger tips
  16. After seeing some other people's lists I've pondered my own choices and... I'm not changing anything. Seriously, though, Deus Ex seems like the biggest snub on my list, followed by Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, but I can't bring myself to take any games off. I regret nothing! Edit: Speaking of snubs, I must be hallucinating, but it seems I'm the only one with Super Metroid on my list. How is that possible?
  17. I'm curious how they'll handle button mapping in Titan Quest for controllers. With certain builds you can definitely fill up both mouse buttons and the 1 thru 0 keys with abilities that you use fairly regularly, how the heck do you map that to a controller? I'm cringing at the idea of time slowing down and a radial menu popping up every time you want to use an ability outside of the 4 mapped to the face buttons.
  18. Dillinger Escape Plan, which is a great weird band even without Mike Patton, with Mike Patton, who is a so weird that Faith No More (a band that's pretty weird) is the least weird band he's known for, doing a cover of an Aphex Twin, one of the most infamously weird electronica artists, song, is like 3 levels deep of weirdness. I LOVE IT!
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