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Everything posted by Seari

  1. do you know why the call it xbox 360? cuz when you see it you turn 360° and walk away
  2. I'm probably one of the few people that actually didn't mind AoO in NwN2, after I turned off the party AI that is. It's the beyond horrible AI and pathfinding that made them annoying as they were. As I understand engagement has the same function as AoO - characters can't run away from attacking melee pursuers indefinitely and without any downside, and that attacking characters can't run past your "wall of defense". The second problem I definitely do see in BG2, playing with the SCS mod, and I could see why they would try to fix it.
  3. Please don't compare PoE to DA:I, seeing as the latter is clearly an aRPG+romance simulator.
  4. It's an improvement over the former, that I'm sure.
  5. I don't know why they were removed either, but if I were to guess it's because they couldn't make it look right and/or time constraints. The movement of bushes and grass in the video looks really awkward and buggy, and I'd rather have it removed than it to look like that.
  6. Didn't read thread, nor am I going to, but don't compare the IE games to the disgusting garbage that is DA:I. You should be ashamed FFS. edit: misread title, just seeing DA:I being praised sent me into rage
  7. I hate the weapon groupings, they don't make sense to me.
  8. No I don't mean spell sounds. I don't want over the top shinny NwN2 style spell particles/animations, that clutter the whole screen.
  9. My wish is that they don't go overboard with spell FX.
  10. They changed it because when the teaser first came out there were a LOT of complaints about the characters standing out too much from the background.
  11. Stumbled upon this beautiful portrait on deviantart, and decided to try a bit of photoshop magic(didn't ask for permission ). I might use it for my first playthrough.
  12. Does everything really need to award the same xp? Might as well not have xp then, and have level ups on certain points.
  13. Don't need scripts, just standard attack.
  14. I'm still watching it, but wow, you actually got voice+music right.
  15. The more different xp gains the better, I don't care where it comes from.
  16. That's because BG:EE is basically just an installation of BGTutu with a bunch of mods. IIRC, virtually all of its new technology is stuff that was developed on the major modding sites, with various more-or-less minor updates. And since Weimer's Icewind Gate flickered out in early development like a decade ago ... yeah. That's not true, the enhanced addition runs way smoother and I'm glad I bought it. The easily reconfigurable key bindings+improved inventory is a big plus as well.
  17. I would pay to see item sketches.
  18. Obsidian asked for feedback, and they(we) are giving it. I don't see your point.
  19. I hope they tone down creature size, those giant wolves look esp. silly.
  20. How significant is this chanter healing aura? @morhilane woodskin+nature's balm+moonwell+garden of life, sounds good to me. I don't like these AoE buffs in this game anyways.
  21. From what I've heard druids get a few healing spells and chanters don't have any? I was thinking of having a druid+paladin in the party to replace the healing of a priest. edit: typo
  22. I have to say that the classes need a lot of work. I really hate per encounter abilities, esp. interdiction. Paladin - the only class that feels right Fighter - not bad, but don't go overboard with the actives Cipher - a lot of potential Monk, Barbarian - could be good Rogue - too many actives, kind of a mess right now Wizard - a butchered class Priest - I really hate them right now, everything's AoE Ranger - meh No clue about Druids and Chanters. I might just make a druid PC, just so I don't have to take a priest.
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