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Everything posted by Seari

  1. Hmm, was working before. edit: Is it working now? Seems to work for me. edit2: Used a different site to upload the jpg, I think it should work now.
  2. Here's the final EE version: Peace out
  3. You don't really lose much space with the second version, I'm kind of starting to prefer it. edit: Using the sides of the screen for the UI is practical, since everyone has widescreen monitors.
  4. I would just have to increase the space between portraits, right? edit: higher resolution
  5. Here's probably the final version with some minor adjustments: Here's a Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition version with less wasted space. Personally not a fan.
  6. I think that rest icon should be right above the clock. Overall it's great. Even if Obsidian doesn't want to consider BG-like HUD option, I see how it could be a popular mod. Yeah I really hope someone that's well versed in modding(I'm not ) will do something like this. Here's with the camp supplies above the clock.
  7. Changed the solid hud pattern to a more wood-like one. Replaced portraits and made them bigger as requested. Can't decide if I like camping supplies on the right side.
  8. @Sensuki Like this?
  9. Got bored and decided to try and replicate the Baldur's Gate UI using PoE elements. Copied various things from the posted screens, hopefully noone minds. So what do you guys think?
  10. Yeah I guess most people click on portraits for selection. At least that's what I'm guessing the reasoning behind it is.
  11. I want the UI with the vertical portraits so badly. Obsidian pls
  12. Action meter on portraits is a beyond horrible idea.
  13. Second video isn't working, but I'm guessing you're reuploading it. How can you play the IE games at 40 fps? Drives me nuts every time I see it. Completely offtopic: Just remembered this after seeing your evil party. Has anyone ever tried using chaotic neutral Anomen in an evil party? I do hate the guy, but I've never tried failing his knighthood.
  14. Yeah, those blue circles look horrible. I never really appreciated how good the light blue circles looked in the IE games until now.
  15. To preserve my sanity and to prevent myself the agony of reading this kind of nonsensical bull**** again, I've decided to ignore erregal.
  17. Nice flaming swords bruh, very dragon age. Any idea if it will be possible to mod spell FX?
  18. What? They already renamed stamina to endurance...
  19. Just remove endurance if there's a way to heal health, what's the point FFS.
  20. I don't understand the reason for there not being kill xp, nor do I understand the people that are against kill xp. At first I thought Obsidian didn't implement it due to time constraints. What are the reasons for being against it? No such thing as grinding in an cRPG where your purpose is to explore and kill stuff. Are people actually against it because they're hippies or something?
  21. Divinity: Original Sin also had/has a lot of problems with 32-bit systems.
  22. Looks like it's NwN2 all over again. Hopefully mods will fix it, but it's a shame that they don't learn from past **** ups.
  23. Was another thread really needed, cmon...
  24. This would be ideal. I have a feeling Obsidian have a hard time letting go of ****ty mechanics/ideas, but let us hope.
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