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Everything posted by Seari

  1. You racist, why can't giants have bigger souls. Check your privilege.
  2. How does it not mean physical strength when it is what dictates all damage type strengths? I understand ya you won't have a lot of HP if you don't pick Con that's not what I'm talking about if this was sort of aimed at me. I'm not trying to argue I'm trying to come to a revelation. You must open your mind, and abandon the grognard ways. Sorry, I can't help myself
  3. How does one measure physical strength then? I'm just curious.
  4. Eh, that video doesn't really answer my question. He talks about extremes(dexterous character that isn't good at dodging), but I'm talking about an archetype, a physically weak wizard that has incredible power. But that character can't exist in this attribute system. Wait... the dexterous character that's bad at dodging can't either... I understand that attributes are tricky to design, and you can't appease everyone, but this is just eh... questionable. But whatever, I don't mind anymore. I'm over it. I'm just gonna go about it(roleplay) like this is DBZ, I'm not being sarcastic. I'm more worried about combat, and if they make it acceptable, then I won't care about the rest. As story+dialogue will most likely be good. I was expecting a BG2-clone with improvements where they were needed, but I'll just keep an open mind about this. Not like I have a choice. EDIT: PHYSICALLY WEAK WIZARD
  5. Might is the strength/power of your soul. It seems that having a strong soul=physically strong body. So all people in Eora are born with either a physically weak or strong body. This is from the wiki, no idea how accurate it is: "Might represents a character's physical and spiritual strength." So if a single attribute represents the strength of your soul and physical strength, then you can't have a character with a strong soul and a physically weak body. That's how I understand it, it's ****ing confusing, please explain.
  6. "My **** tastes better than your ****!". No it still tastes like ****. DnD attributes were/are very flawed, but this is not any better, actually it's worse. Maybe if dnd attributes are ****, then this is diarrhea. They both taste the same, but this one looks worse. LOL
  7. When I first saw Sawyer's attribute system I was naive like you. "Change might! It doesn't make any sense!" I said. But in time you will abandon your grognard ways and accept Sawyer as your Lord and Savior. Join Sawyerism, the only religion that matters. From the holy scrolls of Sawyerism: ~Balance in all things, fun is a not needed emotion, it only stops you from fully achieving a complete Single-player cRPG experience.~
  9. LOL how adorable.
  10. The Iron Throne is at it again boys, they sure are persistent.
  11. Why can't you just say: "Shut the **** up you ****ing crybabies, there's still not enough info to criticize the current system.". Well maybe not to that extent, but being passive aggressive is the ****ing worst.
  12. That's realistic, I like it.
  13. Couldn't have said it better myself. /salute I think obsidian have been a bit overoptimistic again. Making a whole game in this short of a time frame is doable. Designing a whole new system and IP from scratch, while making a game. Yeah I don't think so.
  14. No idea, but I hope so.
  15. Yeah I agree with most of your points, esp. the emptiness part. They will add voice overs for companions and player pc. Unless you mean fully voiced lines for all dialogue, that most certainly won't happen. Edit: Also remember that this is a beta, lots of things still missing.
  16. No wonder some of my fights took several minutes. I had two fighter tanks, a cipher that mixed melee with a few cipher abilities, and those BB guys. The only one that really used a ranged weapon at times was my BB fighter and his arbalest, and I had the rogue try out a bow the last half an hour, down in the ruins. I played the game wrong. I should have played it like beach volleyball instead, the net being replaced with a tinman.
  17. Hahaha, cleary you're not Gromnir, you have a sense of humor. You misunderstood IndiraLightfoot I think, he was talking about IWD2 and not PoE. I understand what you're trying to say, PoE is missing the atmosphere, combat isn't the only/main problem.
  18. How can you know? We could play only small part of game without piece of main story. I cant say anything about Baldurs Gate from plaing local quest in Ulgoth's Beard (without tower) with random premade companions. Non interctive demo of BG has terrible atmosphere. And combat is not what missing there. Come again? I'm afraid, I don't get your point. ...Gromnir is that you? Doesn't Gromnir roleplay an orc or whatever.
  19. I guess I'm a bit biased, because I hate 3.5 ed and what they did to multiclassing. And I'm not saying 2nd ed is better or whatever, I like feats and all those good things.
  20. Well that's a shame, IWD2 is a mediocre sack of ****. edit. Ok, that's a bit harsh, they did have limited development time.
  21. I'd recommend coming into it from NwN2.
  22. We're taking the best aspects of each game. PS:T=story+dialogue. If we're talking about combat, then it's only logical that we talk about BG2 and IWD2(a sack of ****), the IE games that had the best combat. Don't know why I'm even responding to this, your statement is annoying or maybe it's the Jan Jansen avatar.
  23. How about lockpicking. I think people don't understand why obsidian decided to only have quest xp. It's easier to control the party level and whatever. Adding more ways, any way and not just combat, to gain xp makes it harder to control the experience level. So my point is that combat xp wasn't removed because of the hassle of implementing it, but the hassle of controlling xp, character scaling. It takes a long time to balance it. If there were to be any other xp gain, it would have to be marginal, and that's why I said it's pointless. My eyes are barely open, so hopefully something makes sense. Edit: IE games were about fun, the xp gained from combat/lockpicking/disarming/quests wasn't balanced that well. And that bring us back to the main problem with the mentality behind designing this game. Because apparently some people can't live with "exploits" or whatever, and balance precedes everything. Hahaha I hit the topic stop on, without even reading what it was about, a different view on the whole xp controversy, indeed!
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