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Everything posted by turboprop

  1. Very good and historically reasoned idea. Known in european medieval history common practice of ransom over nobility prisoners. Imagine fight where sometimes your rivals consider further resistance futile and try to surrender. You may continue and fight them or you can take them into captivity and hold them in prison while negotiating over ransom with their representatives. It would demand additional resources spared to development of related game mechanics in order to make AI that able to take such decisions, and may require development of mechanics for feodalic society with NPC strongholds (btw good targets to loot) all over the game (or at least scenario for such negotiations). Of course it may be fine without all ransoms; just old good tortures, for better mood.
  2. I think would be interesting to see, if game would have had collected statistics of % of players who actually saved this npc. If i ask myself: what i'd understand after reading words "earth destroyed"? It may be hard question to answer, even though i remember that i'm playing medieval RPG.
  3. Do you really think blind nuclear physicist (you don't even know he is) will be useful, don't you? - such a cruel medieval world...
  4. Imagine, travelling through highland (possibly rocky montane area) around the rocky corner of the road you hear some not so distant sound of blast and rockfall on the way ahead (possibly down the pass or on the other side of linn/combe/ravine). Later you see that way (road) was blocked by rockfall you've heard and, when approached the site, you see dead bodies in white torn robes and body parts scattered among the rocks all around the place. Searching around you discover one laying male person that moving his limbs like still alive. Man, middle aged, wear white bloody robe above strange suit, with blood on his face flowing from empty orbits, presumably suffering from internal bleeding and damage or fractures, apparently in state of delirium with symptoms of terminal state. Man raving some words on unknown language and then losing his conscious. you and companions managed to heal him a bit and he's still alive; but not for long, and you need to decide: whether to take a stranger to nearby village by sending one of companions (who will try to keep man alive up to transferring this man to local medicaster) and possibly save man's life, or (considering weak chances for man's survival and assuming apparent uselessness of that man to campaign) to leave him and continue quest with so needed companion. All words you managed to catch, before man fall unconscious - "parallel dimension", "black hole", "collapse", "earth destroyed" - you failed to understand. Patch on man's robe pictured two circles and hieroglyphs formed "CERN" pattern.
  5. OK. I thought about bringing new topic with my idea of another possible candidate for special story, but at second thought i searched for similar topics and decided to raise entire theme by addition of my story. First of all i voted for: 1) Would you like another Continent/ Island and haw BIG ? - Yes, but tiny island 1/8 size of known world or less 2) What type of extras would you like with it ? (multi answer) - New Quest (small) New Quests (Big also affecting storyline) Other (say what please ) 3) If this type of dream will sucseed haw it should be added "IN YOUR OPINION" ? - Stretch Goal or in this project. And that's why: My idea may abstractly be summarised as floating island. Imagine that long long ago was an island/part of shore/whatever with thick/dense/rich/deep vegetation which piled up on each other for millennia and place periodically have been populated and abandoned, so, with the lapse of time, no one realy payed particular attention to or remembered that place. Then, "suddenly" (during volcanic activity/hurricane/global disaster/era of bad weather), something happened to place/world (island drowned/during/part of shore torn away from a coast/whatever) and traces of place were lost. Then, again with the lapse of time, what happened came to end and people forgot about it. Recent events (of known or unknown nature), which took place at time just before our PC arrives, have changed the nature of world and gave food to many rumours and local legends, one of which was that sometimes (apparently in particular periods from different places) people (or other intelligent population representatives) saw fata morgana of large green land appearing on horizon and disappearing in fog. This would be the story of (apparently) long lost part of shore which was so densely vegetated that remained afloat travelling driven by powerful ancient underwater current (like Gulfstream being able to move huge icebergs) and mighty cyclones (like Katrina) back and forth for who knows how long; which are just by last events, just before our PC arrives, changed their natural way and approach the island to mainland. Again, with the lapse of time, coastal population learned (or will learn apparently with or without help of PC) that island remained populated for all its history by mysterious race/intelligent species of some kind/souls/whatever and learned (or will learn apparently with or without help of PC) to deal with it by trading/fighting/praying/whatever by learning periods and places it may (will) appear. For hard options places may be randomized between known locations along different seasons. Another possible landmark may be the reappearing oasis in the middle of nowhere (desert) which seasonally changes location (following the underground water currents for example); in other words basically works on the principals similar to the above. It's up to developers to explain how and if it will be populated. Developers may throw some quest to gain the favor of floating island inhabitants by solving problem caused by evil (or not so) forces (like fixing current flow or finding disappeared cyclone which were disturbed and threatening to stop the island or even bring it back to shore) or whatever. And then inhabitants will give PC access to their island to learn their mysterious nature/deeply hidden secret powers/loot some items/join the dark side. And of course such landmark (by its nature) can't be shown no map exactly, or wont appear on map at all. People are welcomed to share their opinion if interested in subject. Developers are welcomed to consider involvement of story of this kind in main plot, if ever.
  6. Not more, but a bit different. Imagine hardened in battles NPC ranger who offers a companionship to "tough" adventurer like you and compare to same NPC who wont bother to look in your direction (no matter how high your skills are). Same story, same environment, different gaming experience. But since that idea left without support of audience, i wont try to justify whatsoever. Last time i merely supported someone's opinion regarding possible optional meaningless decorative scenes (i rephrased it with Easter eggs term that's it).
  7. That's right. All the differences may be reduced to finite collection of Easter eggs, if not to glorify, then just to decorate a real hardcore effort.
  8. In science, sometimes, subject of statement or thesis worth research & study, just to show that it was wrong. I think poll and written opinions answered all questions proposed by subject of topic.
  9. Hey kid, we have different stories about it. What do you think about building storyline mechanics with respect to different difficulty options? I mean that gameplay would vary not only in difficulty, but in storyline or amount of quests that player receive. It may look like developer have to build handful unique stories and will demand double of money and HR. My idea is to build one complete main plot and set of side stories/quests, and until certain difficulty modes (suppose those 3 special most difficult goals) player wont get all side quests (developers may even randomize offered set) and may be restricted to go through some predefined shortcuts of main story. Another possibility (along with hiding some secondary quests) will just end main plot and propose to continue (or even restart) on full difficulty to see extension of story. P.S.: I know that this may require additional funds, however perhaps not as many compared to the interest shown by players. Many games struggle to attend audience more than once. Such feature may add motivation, and different gaming experience. Instead of single pass, players will become interested to go through the game again. And of course, adding more arbitrariness of gameplay will reduce significance of pass-through "manuals" which will inevitably rise over the internet with time.
  10. Having NPC companions with own attitude is fine and can colorify game experience, if it within capability of developers (budget, difficulty etc.). Concerning annoying stuff-swapping, it can be assumed as non on-the-fly operation, while you still can drop one item or another to your companion without stopping, or open inventory/ies and drag-n-drop swap. Developers of game mechanics may take historical assumption that major exchange demands a full stop of entire party. Consequently, developers may think about sort of stay or camping mode, which will bring an abstract pile of all items in form of window interface. (For example see attached pic.) In such or similar way this annoying swapping may become as simple as marking items; where mark instruct NPC to whether wear, or put into backpack, or drop, or whatever. Taking into account possible companion's attitude, interface may display/text NPC's reactions or even block some items from switching/displaying in camp mode. (BTW, historically, travellers were particularly vulnerable during their camping and game may take it into account when entering a combat mode during a stay; Like learning a lesson: not to change clothes if you may encounter a threat.)
  11. Mounts are nice, but you're never needed their advantage to win. You & your companions are fearsome warriors, don't you? - With this exception: Ever since animals became tamed enslaved friends of more intelligent forms of life, they have been used for cargo. If blood of latent merchant flows through your nobleman's veins, and your world full of NPC merchants and grandees, you may hit the road with a cart attached to your fellow mount. This quest is not for hot-blooded romanticists, your soul have to obey your mind and to be attached to your wallet, pal. - Personally i won't mind if developers will include hippodromes, where nobility will squander their last "coins of account" (such a brilliant term from wikipedia). Or even participate in jousting tournament (after a glass or two of 21+).
  12. - This may indeed enliven a gameplay for many people. Just keep in mind small tip: when you think about remove, try to rephrase it with toggle. For example, my thoughts towards interface include these basics: Maps or any other visual guidance may incorporate various methods based on layers which can be toggled on-off like Google-maps etc. Developers may take a use of diary style interface where some phrases act like hyperlinks which popup additional info, or offer action options. Some xml based tag interface for custom story extensions or whatever it will be intended for in future.
  13. Fine handwritten art would be great as well and will be appreciated. And definitely will drive as much attention and inspire people to use imagination more (what plays key part in enjoying RPGS).
  14. Speaking about more bakers. Throwing such bone on their forums may give enough.
  15. Yes. It would be great. And good quality models may become a great addition to "library" of common recognizable templates of characters in RPG modelling IRL, what would be appreciated by attenders in RPGs IRL.
  16. - You raised good ideas and points of view in things you wrote and in overall discussion. And personally i'd agree with you in preference of meaningful lies over decorative ones. There are some points i'd like emphasize in that matter: Developers have to decide whether AI of NPC's lie will affect only side-quests or anything (and most important main storyline in that matter). In last case simple independent randomization will do the job, while in other case developers must think about some more sophisticated algorithms. As flows from point above. In case of lies that affect (explicitly or implicitly e.g. karma etc.) main storyline, developers have to think how or whether player will be able to continue the quest. If player can ruin the main quest or fail to follow the main storyline i see only two variants which game can offer: Player can continue the quest and developers have to provide a possibility of winning such as brute force straight way to the some explicit ending point. Player can drive himself to narrative dead-end and game (if not forced to stop) will continue without any meaningful plot. As flows from point above. In case of game continued without main plot, developers may face a need to think about way to notify player about so called dead-end, or/and to develop special algorithm to "predict" (count) all turning-points and give player interface of getting back to last/any.
  17. - You understand right. I'm not sure about mostly or entirely and I don't want to mislead anyone by lack of my own education. So let's conclude that topic demands further study with adequate scaled maps and competent specialist. I can just say that by writing almost i meant some northern parts of Golan Heights (and i may just be wrong and they are in African plate too).
  18. - Yep, it's all of European emigrants', who brought the PAL TV system to Israel in its beginning, fault that today we can't bring normal electronics from USA. If my education doesn't fail me isn't Isreal also geographically Asia? Probably not the best source but the fastest I found. http://www.worldatla...countrys/as.htm - It was common classical (by classical i mean academic) belief up until late 20th - beginning of 21th century, and yet not commonly known (not to speak about changing economical models or whatsoever demands investments of money and/or administrative resources), when last discoveries and studies revealed that Israel's eastern boundary (which stretches along Jordan river) actually stretches along African-Asian tectonic division and consequently almost entire Israel's area lays on African continent. Consequently, concerning your question: maybe (even if) your education does fail, it is obviously not your fault. Non the less you're right it saying that "Israel also geographically Asia" - it is in its small northern part (that is why i use word almost), but because it is small even in terms of tiny Israel i omitted its mention in first post (who thought that topic would require additional clarification). State of Israel is too small to catch attention of academical geographical mainstream. Additional sources are: http://en.wikipedia....d_Sea#Geography and http://en.wikipedia....d_Sea_Transform .
  19. Voted for 2nd but i want to specify it. I'd like it to be more of sort of directional mentorship (i see it as choosing a sector of abilities in kind of pie-diagram) and to give to NPC (or system if you like) a fine adjustment in given direction. Thus i hope to make each player's story unique and if not to avoid then to lower significance of future inevitable threads of "The best combination of skills for you team" sort.
  20. I'm from Ashkelon, Israel. Israel administratively considered to be part of Asia, but geographically it is part of Africa, while socially it is rather European state. I guess i vote for Antarctica.
  21. BTW, there is no "concept", at least it was not given with any particular meaning by me (intentionally). It may (if it ever will) be just another decoration in game.
  22. The complexity of possible AM's storyline and its deepness into the general story (if ever) is up to game designers. Try to remember at least one game which addressed this particular historical item. In any case, they asked for special stories - they got one. Good or bad - it's up to them.
  23. I created this thread to flash my 2 ideas, but if i'll have more I'll just pin them to the top post here. 1) My first suggestion is simple and shorter one. It addresses ergonomics of gameplay. Because my experience with RPG mainly consists of MMORPG UltimaOnline, I largely appreciate all kinds of keyboard shortcuts. So here, in Project Eternity, I'll expect to do the same as well. Therefore I'd like to avoid keyboards' nasty behavior (like overwhelming it with simultaneously pressed keys or in case of system events) and nasty ergonomics of shortcuts (like some [Ctrl+Alt+F5]). So, I'd guess that addition of ability to map every action in game to gaming pad will help players (in case someone will buy something like Logitech G13). Furthermore, you may consider making your own gaming pad, or a set of key stickers with pictograms of actions. 2) My second suggestion is about your suggestion of "special stories anyone?" I suggest you to pay tribute to unique historical phenomenon and use in Project Eternity the Antikythera mechanism (AM). AM is a storyline in its own right; it combines virtually everything: history, mathematics, astronomy, geography, and special dates/events. In game AM may be associated with its own quest & story which will unwind throughout the game alongside with being a useful tool. (I wont suggest any variants of storyline and let it surprise me too. Though I believe that making the plot is not difficult even after reading Wikipedia.) Considering possible use of AM as sort of tool. It has a huge potential from giving a character sorts of predictions of how "the planets" (aka game mechanics) will affect a storyline, (whether conversations, aka – not in right mood to talk, or rate of progress with in-game events like special dates, holydays etc., or at least character's luck) to acting as simple "planetary" pocket slot-machine (to challenge your & NPC's luck for some coins you missed to buy "so needed" heal potion from local healer). Again, I wont suggest how it will work, but I'll suggest that, even though the purpose and principals of mechanism's work are mainly understood, they are not fully known and offer some degrees of freedom in known directions, and even some possibility for additional axis of freedom (like long lost power gem that meant to be inserted into some place of AM to give it additional abilities). Anyway I wish good luck to team of developers.
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